S tu d er V ista 5 - AVC

S tu d er V ista 5 - AVC

S tu d er V ista 5 - AVC


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The System – Seamless integration and easy se<strong>tu</strong>pThe S<strong>tu</strong>d<strong>er</strong> V<strong>ista</strong> 5 is optimised for a high degree ofportability. Setting up for a live event, be it a LiveP<strong>er</strong>formance or an outside Broadcast was nev<strong>er</strong> this easy.The V<strong>ista</strong> 5 provides seamless integration with oth<strong>er</strong>equipment, for example via Harman’s HiQnet or 3 rd partyprotocol for ext<strong>er</strong>nal rout<strong>er</strong> control.An optional flight case provides protection during relocationof the desk. Within minutes the only two cables betweenthe desk and the DSP rack can be connected. The presenceof a remote Stagebox providing additional I/O to theone in the DSP rack is automatically detected by thesystem. All monitoring outputs are brought to the deskvia CAT 5 cable and XLR connectors can be found on th<strong>er</strong>ear of the console. If digital monitoring loudspeak<strong>er</strong>s arein use they may be connected directly to the consolesAES/EBU monitoring output, providing an unint<strong>er</strong>rupted digitalsignal path from the console inputs all the way up tothe loudspeak<strong>er</strong>. In addition, direct outputs are available forpurposes such as connecting ext<strong>er</strong>nal third party met<strong>er</strong>s.The console also allows encod<strong>er</strong>s/decod<strong>er</strong>s to be ins<strong>er</strong>tedinto its monitoring path. Talkback re<strong>tu</strong>rns from s<strong>tu</strong>dios aswell as a produc<strong>er</strong> input are also provided. Wh<strong>er</strong>e th<strong>er</strong>e isa need to control ext<strong>er</strong>nal equipment from within the console,th<strong>er</strong>e are 9 buttons associated with GPIOs directlywithin the desk. This is useful for controlling music playoutsystems, telephone hybrids etc.While the I/O and DSP pow<strong>er</strong> of the console is defined ona custom<strong>er</strong>-by-custom<strong>er</strong> basis, it can be furth<strong>er</strong> expandedat any time. This allows the creation of extensive systemswith well ov<strong>er</strong> 200 DSP channels and up to 1700 inputsand outputs (see page 11).The extensive routing matrix within the DSP Core eliminatesthe need for an outboard patch bay or front-endrout<strong>er</strong>. In an OB truck, the integrated routing matrix canbe used as the audio distribution backbone thus makingexpensive and large ext<strong>er</strong>nal solutions obsolete.The console patch points may also be ext<strong>er</strong>nally controlledvia a 3 rd party Rout<strong>er</strong> with the possibility to importsource labels. An optional patch selector panel with 32freely programmable push buttons is available to set patchpoints from any location within a facility. This allows flexibl<strong>er</strong>outing control as well as monitoring feeds to be realizedfor a specific installation.GPIO cards may be fitted into any I/O rack, making itpossible to realize even complex “Audio Follows Video”installations in TV environnements, wh<strong>er</strong>e the consolemust automatically open and close fad<strong>er</strong>s upon cam<strong>er</strong>aswitching.The V<strong>ista</strong> 5 can create Cue Lists from console snapshotsand MIDI events which can recall console settings and controlext<strong>er</strong>nal equipment. With the Integration of Harman Pro’sHiQnet communications protocol, HiQnet Venue Recall commandsmay also be added to a Cue List, which can thenbe used to trigg<strong>er</strong> changes in amplifi<strong>er</strong> levels, loudspeak<strong>er</strong>processing EQ and routing across an entire HiQnet system.The V<strong>ista</strong> 5 also allows the control of ext<strong>er</strong>nal MIDI devicesas well having its cue list slaved to an ext<strong>er</strong>nal show controlsystem (“MIDI Show Control”).Cue ListSystem Ov<strong>er</strong>viewMonitoringExt. Patch SelectorGPIORout<strong>er</strong> ControlMiDiHiQnetRemote I/OAudio I/OGPIOAudio and ControlCAT5 (Control)CAT5 (Audio)SyncAudio I/OGPIOSCore Live with local I/ODesk

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