techinical specification for 33/11kv onan power ... - Cescoorissa.com

techinical specification for 33/11kv onan power ... - Cescoorissa.com

techinical specification for 33/11kv onan power ... - Cescoorissa.com


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24. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF BIDS / RESPONSIVENESS:24.1 Purchaser will examine the Bids to determine whether they are <strong>com</strong>plete,whether any <strong>com</strong>putational error have been made , whether required suretieshave been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, andwhether the Bids are generally in order.24.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is adiscrepancy between the unit price and the total price per item that is obtainedby multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and thetotal price per item will be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the TotalAmount and the sum of the total price per item, the sum of the total price peritem shall prevail and the Total Amount will be corrected. In case of any columnin the price schedule left blank or nil , the same shall be treated as included inthe Unit Landing Price and the cost of the same shall be borne by thebidder(s).24.3 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to Clause-25, the Purchaser willdetermine the substantial responsiveness of each Bid to the BiddingDocuments including production capability and acceptable quality of the Goodsoffered, pursuant to Clause-13. Substantially responsive Bid is one, whichcon<strong>for</strong>ms to all the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents withoutmaterial deviation.24.4 A Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by thePurchaser and will not subsequently allowed to be made responsive by theBidder by correction of the non – con<strong>for</strong>mity.25 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS:25.1 The evaluation of Bids shall be done basing on the delivered cost<strong>com</strong>petitiveness basis <strong>for</strong> the total tendered item, as specified in clause-5 ofthe IFB <strong>for</strong> the destination stores of CESU.25.2 The evaluation of the Bids shall be a stage-wise procedure. The followingstages are identified <strong>for</strong> evaluation purposes:In the first stage, the Bids would be subjected to a responsiveness check asdetailed in the clause-24. The Technical Proposals and the Commercial terms& conditions of the Bidders would be evaluated and discussed as per Clause -6of this document.Subsequently, the Financial Proposals along with Supplementary FinancialProposals, if any, of Bidders with Techno-<strong>com</strong>mercially Acceptable Bids be<strong>for</strong>eopening of the price bid shall be considered <strong>for</strong> final evaluation.The supplementary financial proposal along with the original financial proposalshall be opened simultaneously. However, evaluation shall be made <strong>for</strong> thelowest price bid out of the above two proposals.25.3 The Purchaser’s evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bidprice, the following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in thisClause:16

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