Release Notes for Advantage CA-XCOM Data - SupportConnect

Release Notes for Advantage CA-XCOM Data - SupportConnect

Release Notes for Advantage CA-XCOM Data - SupportConnect


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checkpointing is in use. The <strong>XCOM</strong>PLEX is required to restart a transfer from acheckpoint when using VTAM GNAME services. This feature is optional.Related new Default Options Table Parameter:VTAMGNAM- Specifies the VTAM Generic Resource Name that the server attempts to open atinitialization time.Feature #4 Unicenter Network and Systems Management NetMasterInterface<strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 version 3.1 providesan interface with Unicenter Netmaster File Transfer management, version 5.0and higher.With this interface enabled, Unicenter Netmaster provides the following classesof resources to monitor and manage the application and transfers:• XCMGR-class managers to monitor and manage <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>for</strong> MVS filetransfer applications• XCMON-class monitors to monitor and manage <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> file transfers,consisting of the following:- Remote node monitor- Stalled transfer monitor- TCP/IP connections monitor- TCP/IP listener task monitor- Transfer request monitorsRelated new Default Options Table Parameters:NETMAST -RECVRID –Specifies whether Unicenter NetMaster support is enabled.Specifies the receiver ID <strong>for</strong> Unicenter NetMaster File TransferManagement.Feature #5 Add Support <strong>for</strong> LSR <strong>for</strong> the <strong>XCOM</strong>RRDS <strong>Data</strong> SetEach <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport server <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 uses aVSAM data set to keep track of the current transfer id number (TID) as well as allthe transfers in the queue. Each transfer must be updated at each state change(started, each checkpoint, etc). In case of a transfer failure, the RRDS record isused to determine the last checkpoint and restart accordingly.IBM's Local Shared Resources (LSR) facility allows the sharing of commoncontrol blocks such as I/O control blocks, buffers, and channel programs.<strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 version 3.1 supportsthe use of LSR <strong>for</strong> the <strong>XCOM</strong>RRDS. Using this facility <strong>for</strong> the <strong>XCOM</strong>RRDS willincrease per<strong>for</strong>mance when queuing and processing transfer requests. To usethe IBM LSR facility, the BLSR region has to be started and the <strong>XCOM</strong> serverJCL must be modified to include this support. This feature is optional.

Feature #6 Reduce the Number of NSA Control Blocks in UseWhen a transfer comes in <strong>for</strong> an SNA LU with parallel session support, <strong>XCOM</strong>must obtain a control block (NSA) <strong>for</strong> each actual transfer session, plus one <strong>for</strong>the SNA Service Manager, SNASVCMG. If there are 200 remote SNA partnerswith parallel sessions, there are 200 NSA’s <strong>for</strong> SNASVCMG sessions, which areused <strong>for</strong> establishing the parallel session, after which they are no longer used.With <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 version 3.1,these control blocks <strong>for</strong> SNASVCMG sessions are now freed and made available<strong>for</strong> reuse with DROPSESS=ALL.Related revised Default Options Table and Destination Parameter:DROPSESSIndicates whether <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong> -<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport drops an LU-LU sessionat the conclusion of a scheduled file transfer. DROPSESS has been enhancedwith an additional parameter value. Now, when used in the default options tableor in a destination member only, DROPSESS=ALL may be specified.ALL Indicates that <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport drops all sessions,including SNASVCMG, at the conclusion of a scheduled file transfer, if alltransfers <strong>for</strong> the particular LU in the request queue have finished.DROPSESS=ALL should only be used <strong>for</strong> infrequently used SNA partners toavoid potential problems with SNASVCMG sessions being dropped and possiblyestablished simultaneously with heavy volume of transfers. DROPSESS=ALL issimilar in function to DROPSESS=QEMPTY but drops the SNASVCMG sessionas well.Feature #7 Open Edition Extended Sockets<strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport now uses Open Edition Extended sockets<strong>for</strong> enhanced per<strong>for</strong>mance. The compression routines and TCP/IP interface(TXPI) have been converted from SAS/C to IBM/C.Related new Default Options Table Parameters:TCPSTACK- This parameter specifies the job name or started task name of the TCP/IP stackthat will be used by the <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport TCP/IP interface.TCPSRCVB-TCP/IP Socket option SO_RCVBUF. This parameter specifies the buffer size <strong>for</strong>receives.TCPSSNDB- TCP/IP Socket option SO_SNDBUF. This parameter specifies the buffer size <strong>for</strong>sends.Feature #8 New TCP/IP Tuning ParametersThe following new Default Options Table TCP/IP tuning parameters have beenadded to this version of <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport:TCPSOCKD- The TCP/IP Socket option TCP_NODELAY. This refers to the

Nagle algorithm <strong>for</strong> send coalescing. By default, small sends maybe delayed.TCPTBUF- This parameter specifies the internal buffer size <strong>for</strong> sends andreceives.TCPTCHKF- Indicates the frequency with which <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong>Transport checks to see if incoming error in<strong>for</strong>mation is availablewhen sending data.TCPTTIME- Maximum time to wait, in seconds, <strong>for</strong> a partner to terminateTCP/IP communications.Feature #8 New Manual FormatThe <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>for</strong> MVS Installation and Configuration Guide has been replacedby two manuals:1. <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 GettingStarted - This streamlined manual has an installation overview andinstallation steps to provide a quick and easy reference <strong>for</strong> those familiarwith the product.2. <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 AdministratorGuide - This manual includes in<strong>for</strong>mation in depth about installation andconfiguration and serves as a reference manual.Other manuals remain the same. Manuals <strong>for</strong> <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong>Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 are now supplied only in PDF <strong>for</strong>mat.

2 Enhancements & Changes toExisting FeaturesThe following modifications have been made to previously existing featuresof <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 <strong>for</strong> <strong>Release</strong> 3.1.1. Coax Support<strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS and OS/390 no longersupports COAX.2. Distribulink SupportWith version 3.1, <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS andOS/390 no longer supports <strong>CA</strong>-Distribulink <strong>for</strong> MVS.3. <strong>CA</strong>-ACTIVATOR InstallationWith version 3.1, <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>XCOM</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Transport <strong>for</strong> z/OS andOS/390 no longer supports installation with <strong>CA</strong>-ACTIVATOR.

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