Bulletin, Issue 4, 2013 - Mount Carmel College

Bulletin, Issue 4, 2013 - Mount Carmel College

Bulletin, Issue 4, 2013 - Mount Carmel College


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time. Culinary thanks go to Mrs Tania Saville for coordinating the food with expertise and aplomb. To Mr MarkLoveluck we extend our appreciation for assisting with the money side of things, along with our Office Staff. At9.30 pm when everything had been tidied up and stowed and the counting was complete, we had raisedapproximately $17,772 minus expenses, all of which will be used on projects to benefit the most importantpeople in all of these proceedings – the students! This was a mighty effort.iPad Information EveningI remind you of the iPad Information Evening which takes place on Monday, 25 th March at 7.30 pm in the<strong>College</strong> Drama Room. Hosted by the Parents and Friends Association, this session replaces the March Parentsand Friends Meeting. The main facilitator will be Dr Simon James, IT coordinator at the <strong>College</strong>, with guestspeaker Ms Glynis Tully, Education Officer/ ICT, from the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office.This is a parent session, rather than a student plus parent session. It is important that parents and carers bringalong their daughters’ iPads so that they can have a look at some of the programmes we are using. After all, theiPad should be a public document. As we have said so many times, the device has been purchased atconsiderable expense primarily as an educational tool, not as a social medium.Your daughters should have brought home a document generated into their Asdeq document folder extendingan invitation to all parents/carers to the Information Evening. A response is requested as to the number ofadults attending; the students can convey this information to their Home Room Teachers. This will assist in oursetup for the evening.CongratulationsSome time ago Mrs Michelle Wall and Mrs Giovanna Padas were asked by ACARA (Australian CurriculumAssessment and Reporting Authority), to be part of a nation-wide writing team. Their brief was to create worksamples to be published online with the Australian Curriculum to illustrate the Standards in Grade 2Mathematics and Year 7 English respectively.Two Mathematics Units and a Unit of Year 7 Poetry are now available on the Australian Curriculum website – atestament to the expertise and creativity of Michelle and Giovanna. Congratulations to both these staff memberson their fine efforts.Relay for LifeUnder cold and wintry conditions, twenty-two Year Ten students and two staff members, Miss Angela Greenand Mrs Maureen Fasnacht participated for the first time as a <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Carmel</strong> Team in the Cancer Council’s Relayfor Life on Saturday and Sunday last weekend.The team was joined at the Domain Athletics Centre by a number of staff and parents whose support andsupervision during the night were much appreciated. The event attracted 112 teams comprising 2400 teammembers. It is anticipated that over $320 000 will be raised overall.Thank you to the staff and students who were involved – the girls taking part were certainly fine ambassadors forthe <strong>College</strong>.Swimming TeamsTwo Swimming Carnivals this week provide an opportunity for our Secondary and Primary Swimming Teams toput their training to the test in the SATIS and STCPSSA competitions on Tuesday and Thursday respectively.The teams are to be congratulated on their commitment and their whole-hearted representation of the <strong>College</strong>.Thank you to Miss Angela Green and Mr Philip Hyatt for their organisation and to Miss Melanie Sluyters andMiss Ruby Marshall for their assistance.CondolencesWe offer sincere condolences to Miss Elizabeth Archer and her family on the death of Elizabeth’s father, MrBrian Archer. Miss Archer taught at <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Carmel</strong> for many years and we extend our prayerful support.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the families of Mrs Sue Chen and Mr Markus Bucher on the recent deathof their father Mr Charles Bucher. Mrs Chen is Principal of Marist Regional <strong>College</strong> in Burnie and has a longassociation with <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Carmel</strong>, having attended the <strong>College</strong>; her brother, Markus, has also been much involvedin Catholic education. Sue tells the story of the many years her mum and dad would bake for the <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Carmel</strong><strong>College</strong> Fair after the children had gone to bed! We offer our deepest sympathy at this sad and difficult time.We wish all members of our <strong>College</strong> Community a happy and holy Easter. In the words of Joyce Rupp “It is myhope for you this Easter season that you will trust the resurrection of your spirit, believe that joy and new life willcome for you, even though it may not be there for you now. If you are one of the fortunate ones whose soulsings with happy alleluias this Easter, may you turn often to those who are still awaiting their greening and walkhopefully with them.”

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