Outlook for Global Wholesale and Investment Banking - BlackRock ...

Outlook for Global Wholesale and Investment Banking - BlackRock ...

Outlook for Global Wholesale and Investment Banking - BlackRock ...


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March 16, 2010Banks9) Compensation – a key lever to raise returns <strong>and</strong> align risk to rewardThe industry has taken significant steps in 2009 to movetowards aligning to the FSB’s compensation principles;however, there is further to go in transmitting the cost of risk<strong>and</strong> funding to the practitioners. In some areas, regulators<strong>and</strong> shareholders can do more to help the industry break thecycle of compensation inflation.Net headcount has fallen since the onset of the crisis as theindustry has gone through a relatively painful downsizingprocess, particularly in the US. As a result, headcountproductivity has improved, <strong>and</strong> absolute compensation levelshave been maintained within closer bounds. Compensationper unit of revenue dropped heavily from the historicalaverage of 45% to 31% in 2009, though if revenues areadjusted <strong>for</strong> the gains in rates that figure rises to 35%Exhibit 31Industry compensation, 2004-09Cost/revenues(ex write downs, CVAs)75%Average compOliver Wyman is conducting an update of the IIF <strong>and</strong> FSBsurveys of industry compensation practices. Early findingsreveal the industry now largely aligns to (<strong>and</strong> is uni<strong>for</strong>mly atleast moving towards) the compensation principles set out bythe FSB in 2009. However, implementation is proving difficult,particularly in the area of pushing risk-adjustment ofcompensation down to the desk or individual level.We see important structural shifts still to come that arecritical to the long-term health of the industry. Theindustry has yet to fully pass on (or be <strong>for</strong>ced to pass on)either the cost of additional capitalisation (proxy <strong>for</strong> risktaking)or cost of liquidity risk (proxied by funding costs) to thepractitioners. Once done, we think this will lead tocompensation levels stabilising at ~35% of revenues over thecoming three years, a necessary precondition to offsetting thelikely capital/funding drag on returns.58%50%46% 45% 45%42%31%35%25%0%2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 adjComp / revenues (LHS)Average comp. (RHS)e: Oliver Wyman estimates; Source: company report; Oliver Wyman analysis; Sample banks:GS, MS, BoA-ML, JPM, CS, DB, UBS, Barcap <strong>and</strong> NomuraNote: 2009 adjusted excludes extraordinary growth coming from abnormal market conditions27

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