School of Economic Sciences - Washington State University

School of Economic Sciences - Washington State University

School of Economic Sciences - Washington State University

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<strong>of</strong> firms.The cost <strong>of</strong> delivering q units from i to j by a firm with productivity φ:⎧⎪⎨c ij (φ) =⎪⎩w i τ ijφ q ij(φ) + w i f ij : q ij (φ) > 00 : q ij (φ) = 0(3)and pr<strong>of</strong>its:π ij (φ) = p ij (φ)q ij (φ) − c ij (φ).Because costs, production, and pr<strong>of</strong>its depend on productivity and not the particular good, onemay switch between describing goods with ω, φ(ω), or φ as convenience dictates.Therefore,q j (ω) = q j (φ(ω)) = q ij (φ), l j (ω) = l j (φ(ω)) = l ij (φ), p j (ω) = p j (φ(ω)) = p ij (φ), andπ j (ω) = π j (φ(ω)) = π ij (φ). There is no need for a source subscript when the variety ω is knownbecause each variety is uniquely produced in the world.As in Chaney (2008), I only consider equilibria in which every country produces good 0 and themeasure <strong>of</strong> monopolistic competitors is proportionally fixed based on the labor force <strong>of</strong> the country.Good 0 is set to be the world wide numeraire. Its price is fixed to one in every country. Givenp(0) = 1 in every country, the labor productivity <strong>of</strong> producing good 0 in country j, w j , is the wagein country j, justifying (3).Because there is no free entry, monopolistic competitors may receive positive pr<strong>of</strong>its. The pr<strong>of</strong>itsfrom all firms in country j, Π j are redistributed to the consumer in country j. Thus the aggregateincome <strong>of</strong> country j is Y j = w j N j + Π j . The only substantive difference with this model and theChaney model is each country retains its own pr<strong>of</strong>its.I require each country to retain its ownpr<strong>of</strong>its so state government has something to maximize with trade missions.An equilibrium is the set <strong>of</strong> available goods in each country, {Ω ∗ j }J j=1 and the associated productivitythresholds for operating there, { ˆφ ∗ ij }J i=1 ; consumption in each country for all goods availablethere, {x ∗ j (0)}J j=1 and {x∗ j (ω)|ω ∈Ω∗ j }J j=1 ; prices for each variety in each country that are producedat a positive level, {p ∗ j (0)}J j=1 and {p∗ j (ω)|ω ∈ Ω∗ j }J j=1 ; the wage in each country, {w∗ j }J j=1 ; aggregatepr<strong>of</strong>its in each country {Π ∗ j }J j=1 ; and the production plans for each firm selling a positive amount ineach country, { ( qj ∗(0), l∗ j (0)) } J j=1 and {( qj ∗(ω), l∗ j (ω)) |ω ∈ Ω ∗ j }J j=1 ; such that the following conditions6

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