4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

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the fun of a boot campMaureen and Grrowler’s Boot Camp events arelegendary in the UK and it is not too diffi cult tounderstand why. Fun of course and plenty of itbut also fantastic guests and workshops makethis event one not to be missed by many dancefans. Here is John’s report.Our most recent BootCamp was held at the CairnHotel in North Yorkshire atthe beginning of March.We always try to havemagic names invited asguests and this year wasno different with AdrianChurm, Ryan King andlegendary Rob Fowler.These guys really madethe difference and taughtamazingly good dances. Ihave to say that normally Icome away from an eventonly wanting to teach acouple from the selectionon offer, but this year alll thedances taught are worthy ofa place in the dance charts. Iknow I sound biased as it wasmy own event but those whoknow me well know I am, ifanything, an honest guy.Maureen and I support theLine Dance Foundation aswe believe it to be a greatcause and it was great tosee Cathy Hodgson, whowas also in attendance onthe Friday evening, prior togoing to the LDF event inManchester the followingday. She taught the dancewritten for the Line Dance Foundation -“LDF (Let’s Dance Forever)” by Alisonand Peter, and it went down very well.As is the “norm” for our Boot Campweekends, Friday evening is PyjamaNight. Saturday evening’s theme was“Professions” and our workshops areCombat Fatigues. I realise it soundsas though we don’t like wearingproper clothes but it does make fora really fun-tastic event and thoughfancy dress is purely optional, thelarge majority of attendees take partwhole heartedly.We always have a great parade onSaturday evening and this year, thejudges were our guest choreographers.The winners were Dave and NicoleStamp - dressed as a US motorcyclepoliceman and a female offi cer, withsecond prize going to Dawn Garsides -dressed as a french maid.On Saturday we had a surprise visitfrom Johnny 2 Step – I have to reportthat he is still as crazy as ever. Thisfact really came to light during ourchoreographers’ special performanceof “It’s A Beast” a spectacle thoroughlyenjoyed by the crowd. HoweverAdrian’s “Dancing Duck” is an imagethat I will carry with me for a long timeto come. You had to be there, thoughsome probably would argue with me.28 • May 2013 www.linedancermagazine.com

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