4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

4 wall - 32 counts - intermediate

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Line dance…JakartastyleThe Happy Dancing International Line DanceWorkshop and Competition Indonesia 2013, anevent only in its second year, was undoubtedly agreat success. Here’s the event report written byZan Tan, Principal of Joy Club Academy.Held on 23rd February 2013 it hadsecured the presence of two specialguests from the West. They wereCrystal Boot Award Winner, Ria Vosfrom The Netherlands and popularchoreographer and instructor from theUSA, Julia Wetzel. Besides the specialguests, Line dance DJ and People’sAssociation trainer from Singapore, AllenKoh and Zan Tan, from Malaysia JoanneWong and local instructors, BambangSatiyawan and Risma Yolana wereamong the invited adjudicators too.The celebration began with a full dayworkshop come social at Grand SahidHotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. From as earlyas seven on Saturday morning, theprincipal of Happy Dancing Club, MdmTuti HD led her team into an Indonesiantraditional opening ceremony. Prayers,speeches, singing and dancing fi lledthe ballroom with laughter and cheers.Soon after, about 120 participants fromIndonesia, Malaysia, Australia, TheNetherlands, China and Singaporearrived at the ballroom awaiting Ria andJulia who taught three of their danceseach, specially choreographed for thisevent. Although there were languagebarriers, Ria and Julia’s teaching wasexcellent. Besides learning thosesix new dances from the guests, theparticipants had a long list of dancesto do throughout the whole workshop.By the end of it, all were exhausted butwere happy and excited for the next dayevent, the Happy Dancing InternationalLine Dance Competition and GalaDinner.The next day, more than 200 competitorswere assembled. Some came from asfar as Australia, Malaysia and manywere from different areas of Indonesia.The competition comprised of bothIndividual and Team categories. Amongthe six divisions (Newcomer, Beginner,Novice, Intermediate, Advance andGold), Newcomer divisions attractedthe most participation. Indeed,many in this region were new to Linedancing, needless to say taking part incompetition. Though they may be newkids on the block their technique andstyle was awesome. There were tengroups in the Team category. All thegroups did incredibly well especially theyoungest team. They kept the spectatorscheering and clapping throughout theirperformance. The competition wassplendid and impressive, complimented50 • May 2013 www.linedancermagazine.com

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