HealthyBlue 2.0/HealthyBlue Advantage Member ... - CareFirst

HealthyBlue 2.0/HealthyBlue Advantage Member ... - CareFirst

HealthyBlue 2.0/HealthyBlue Advantage Member ... - CareFirst


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All health plans and providers mustprovide information to membersand patients regarding how theirinformation is protected. You willreceive a notice of privacy practicesfrom <strong>CareFirst</strong> BlueChoice or yourHealth Plan, and from your providersas well, when you visit their office.<strong>CareFirst</strong> BlueChoice has policies andprocedures in place to protect theconfidentiality of member information.Your confidential information includesProtected Health Information (PHI) andother nonpublic financial information.Because we are responsible for yourinsurance coverage, making sure yourclaims are paid, and you can obtainany important services related toyour health care, we are permittedto use and disclose (give out) yourinformation. Sometimes we are evenrequired by law to disclose yourinformation in certain situations. Youalso have certain rights to your ownprotected health information, and thereare some requirements you will have tofollow to allow other people to obtainyour information on your behalf.<strong>HealthyBlue</strong> <strong>Member</strong> Handbook29

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