Layout 2 - Westmount Independent

Layout 2 - Westmount Independent

Layout 2 - Westmount Independent


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Chartered Real Estate Broker<strong>Independent</strong>ly Owned & Operated Franchise of Royal LePage8 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – March 2-3, 2010Is poverty a life sentence?Teen photographer seeks the answerBy Martin C. BarryAn exhibition of photographs at <strong>Westmount</strong>Park United Church on March 5 focusesthe spotlight on the work of a16-year-old high school student from<strong>Westmount</strong> who wanted to document thelifestyle of Montreal’s homeless population.“Poverty: A Life Sentence?” showcases15 high-contrast black and white imagesproduced by Villa Maria student KatherineBelisle. They were shot as part of a specialprogram of photography studies Belislestarted at Dawson College two-and-a-halfyears ago. She took them during a four-dayfestival for the homeless held in a publicsquare last summer near the Berri-UQAMMetro.While she learned the basics of photographyusing a relatively straightforwardpoint-and-shoot digital camera with just afew controls, by the time Belisle did her assignmenton the homeless, she had graduatedto a Nikon D60, which is anentry-level single-lens reflex digital camerathat is a little closer to what a professionalphotographer would use.JJ IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCETHAT BUNNY BERKE, ONE OFWESTMOUNT’S TOP AGENTS,HAS JOINED THE FIRM.BUNNY’S OUTSTANDINGSERVICE AND DEDICATION TOHER WORK WILL SERVE HERCLIENTS WELL, COMBINEDWITH THE ADDED LISTINGADVANTAGES OFJJ JACOBS REALTY.SHE MAY BE REACHED AT514. 933.8037“Because I learned with a point-andshoot,I kind of had to teach myself how touse an SLR,” she said in an interview. Still,just 18 months later the images in theshow demonstrate that Belisle eitherlearned very quickly, or has a natural aptitudefor photography.The centrepiece of the exhibition,which Belisle readily admits she is mostproud of is a medium-depth, high-contrastimage, in which a terrier’s head, in sharpfocus, dominates the left-hand foreground,while the master, a hardenedstreet-wise young man sitting on a bench,looms in soft focus in the background. Shetook the shot with a wide angle zoom lensset at 18mm, so that the depth-of-field wasenhanced.Traditionally, black and white has beenthe medium for photojournalism and candidstreet photography, and Belisle was determinedto use the style to achievemaximum impact. “I really wanted to capturethe dramatic kind of mood in the picture,”she said. “A lot of portraiture is inblack and white and I felt I could preservea lot of detail that way.”While clearly Belisle has a talent for tak-ing pictures, she hasn’t decided whetheror not to pursue photography as a career.“Photography has become very competitive,”she pointed out. “Everyone has a digitalcamera these days, a lot of people takepictures, and a lot of them are very good atit.”514 935.4205EdytheBermaneberman.awardspace.infoDOWNTOWNPORT ROYAL: Spacious Condo,den, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths,garage, extra storage. Fab. “View”from 26th floor, guest parking,doorman & 24Hr security.Asking $1,350,000.Katherine Belisle“Poverty: A Life Sentence?” will be takingplace from 4:30 to 7 pm on March 5.Prints will be available for sale and allproceeds will be going to Sac à Dos, amulti-service day centre for Montreal’shome less.WESTMOUNTElegant mini mansion featuring3+2 bedrooms and 2 dens. Spacious entertaining areas. Stunningarchitectural interest. Soaring ceilings. Elevator, 2 porches, dogrun, care free garden. $2,275,000WESTMOUNT: Beautiful elegant stone residence on top of <strong>Westmount</strong>’s mountain.Tucked away from traffic noise & pollution in a cul-de-sac. Large deck overlooking the city,superlative landscaped garden. Southern view. $3,250,000

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