Kibble and Biscuits - Greyhounds Queensland

Kibble and Biscuits - Greyhounds Queensland

Kibble and Biscuits - Greyhounds Queensland

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Eight-year-oldChristina McIlveenwith her dad Paul'ssmart Albion Parkgalloper CalifornianBabe.Corey Pearce pic.JOfficial Publication of theGreyhound Racing Authority of QldOSEPTEMBER 2007Volume 208Registered by Australia PostPublication No. QBP 3978URNSo You Want to be aGreyhoundTrainerJust $22at the GRAAL<strong>Kibble</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Biscuits</strong>Available now from your local stockistsThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 1

Plastic muzzle cleared for use in racesChair: Phil BennettMembers: Kerry WatsonChris WilliamsDavid StittMANAGEMENTGeneral Manager Darren Beavisdbeavis@graq.org.auChairman of Stewards Danny Ry<strong>and</strong>ryan@graq.org.auInvestigations Cameron McLunecmclune@graq.org.auGrading Panel Eddie Little,elittle@graq.org.auRegistrar Liz Murrayemurray@graq.org.auFinancial controller Abhendra Kumarakumar@graq.org.auHEAD OFFICEAlbion Park Raceway,Amy Street, Breakfast Creek(Office Hours Admin 8.30am to4.30pm Monday-Friday.Scratchings 7.30am)POSTAL ADDRESSPO Box 250, Albion, Q, 4010TELEPHONE(07) 3262 7800 (Office)(07) 3262 7809 (Fax)(07) 3862 4437 (Fax noms)1800 851155 (Phone Noms,Mon-Fri 7am-8.30am)Recorded Field Info 1900 95 7003Faxed Field Info 1902 26 1004E-mail address: graq@graq.org.auWeb address: www.graq.org.auEditor <strong>and</strong> AdvertisingDAVID BRASCHPO Box 93, NundahBrisbane, Qld, 4012.Ph: (07) 32666508E-mail: dbrasch@bigpond.net.auAdvertising RatesFull Page $583Half Page $302.50Quarter Page $170.50One-Eighth Page $99Classifieds $22/$44(All prices are GST inclusive)All casual adverts must bepaid for in advance.Advertisers Note: Notification ofcessation of advertising: The GRArequires one month prior notice, inwriting, if you wish to cease regularadvertising in the GRA’s BoardJournal. This is to be sent direct to theAuthority at PO Box 250, Albion,4010. Failure to provide this will resultin the advertiser being sent an accountfor advertisements which appear in allsubsequent Journals.THE GRA advises that fees may nowbe paid by EFTPOS, Bankcard, Visa<strong>and</strong> Mastercard. If you decide to payby Bankcard, Visa or Mastercard,you may do so by telephoning theAuthority on(07) 32627800.THE GRA has approved the use ofplastic muzzles in races in Queensl<strong>and</strong>from September 1.They are the Original AustralianNylon (Plastic) Greyhound Muzzle <strong>and</strong>can be purchased through AzpakMarketing in Victoria.The muzzles were tested <strong>and</strong> trialledat Albion Park through reserve trials withvery good results.Stewards chairman Danny Ryan said:“The muzzles are well constructed <strong>and</strong>in my opinion have good safety factorsBluedale theright tonicfor JuneJULY 2006 will not be remembered byKallangur couple Jim <strong>and</strong> June Loye asone of the favourite times of their lives.June suffered a stroke. But it has led tothe couple enjoying a recent first-upgreyhound victory at Albion Park with thebitch Bluedale (Lindale Blue-MontanaSky).It was their first runner for almost aquarter of a century.Jim <strong>and</strong> June were married in 2001.They had been long-time friends whenJune was married to the late RayFerrington. Jim’s sister Jean is married toastute Kallangur dog man Joe Menary ofTad Smarter fame.Jim, from County Down in Irel<strong>and</strong>, hasbeen in Australia for 40 years.“June was a very good greyhoundtrainer many years ago,” said Jim. “Shetrained Deagon Depot to win the PuppyStakes at Lawnton.“She also reckons she had the largest<strong>and</strong> the smallest greyhounds to ever winat the Gabba.”They were the 42kg monster Zero Jinxwho won a 420m at the Gabba at 33-1, <strong>and</strong>the 20.3kg midget Tax Stamp who was afine stayer at the track winning a numberof 704m races.Jim helped out with the Ferringtonkennel during those days <strong>and</strong> stayedfriends of the family when they gave thegame away many years ago.Ray died some years ago <strong>and</strong> June <strong>and</strong>4 dogs, 5 bitches. Whelped 23-6-07Sire:Dam:for racing greyhounds.“The muzzle is light <strong>and</strong> flexible <strong>and</strong>will reduce injuries caused by wire muzzlesJim married in 2001.“My brother Gerald has had a fewdogs, <strong>and</strong> we always kept an interest withJoe (Menary) <strong>and</strong> his dogs,” said Jim.But when June suffered thatdebilitating stroke last year, Jim decidedit was time to get some help.So he <strong>and</strong> Gerald went out <strong>and</strong> boughtBluedale, then a 10 month old which istrained by Gerald, who now lives with Jim<strong>and</strong> June.Her first-up victory at Albion Park latein July was a thrill to rival any they’d had.Gozo Farmer(World Title-Loving Miss)Shop A Docket(Valentine’s Boy-Shocking Pink)Gozo Farmer (53 starts, 39 wins, 7 2nds, 4 3rds, 4 trackrecords 380m-550m)Shop A Docket (1st litter is flying! Currently owned byMichael Hickmott)$1500 each (vaccinated, ready to go at 3 months)Contact: Mark, Judy Stevens 0427186664The (September, 2007) Journal Page 2which often jam in a greyhound’smouth.”The use of the plastic muzzles is notcompulsory <strong>and</strong> will be at the trainersdiscretion.The current wire muzzles are stillpermitted for use.For further inquiries in regards to themuzzles, contact stewards at the GRA.The muzzles can be purchased bycontacting Roger Clark at AzpakMarketing (03) 93064806 or 0403 025429or email at clarkr@primusonline.com.auJim <strong>and</strong> June Loye,June's gr<strong>and</strong>daughterGrace, <strong>and</strong> AlbionPark winner Bluedale.“We couldn’t control June,” said Jim.“She backed the dog <strong>and</strong> won over $100.“The entire family was at the track tosee her race.”While Bluedale is far from being achampion, Jim admits the greyhound helpskeep June going.“June comes with us when we gotrialling <strong>and</strong> enjoys every minute of thedog,” he said.Bluedale’s success has prompted theLoye to look at getting yet anothergreyhound.This time it will be from a BlackEnforcer-L<strong>and</strong>au Court litter bred byJim’s nephew Greg Lennon. The pups arejust born.John & GlendaDartContact either of usfor all your trainingrequirements.(02) 667253140432 252209

<strong>Kibble</strong> br<strong>and</strong> is in the Top DrawA QUIET achiever, but a big mover,among the ever-increasing world of drydog food providers is Top PetInternational.And Australia’s largest greyhoundbreeder Paul Wheeler has recently comeon board as a major user of the company’sproducts.Top Draw is the low fat (4%) <strong>and</strong> highprotein (17%) kibble produced by Top Pet,while the company has a new productcalled Rice Right which is Top Draw witha higher protein <strong>and</strong> higher fat content <strong>and</strong>enriched with rice.Wheeler uses both products at his NSWproperty.Doug Parsons is Top Pets manager <strong>and</strong>says the company has been producingfrom its Mulgrave (NSW) factory for thepast 12 years.“We keep our costs down <strong>and</strong> thus keepdown our prices,” said Doug. “But weproduce a quality product which thegreyhound world is embracing.”Big Dog Pet Foods at Lawnton havebeen distributing throughout Queensl<strong>and</strong>the Top Pet products, including TopKennel, Top Draw <strong>and</strong> now Rice Right, forthe past 18 months.“We have never advertised ourproducts, depending on word of mouth todo that for us <strong>and</strong> the fact there are a lotof big name trainers <strong>and</strong> breeders comingon board is testament to the quality of ourproduct,” said Doug.These include Banner Park, VIPKennels, Merle Clark at Gilg<strong>and</strong>ra, GaryStarr <strong>and</strong> of course Wheeler.“Our products are sold in a number ofcountry’s overseas <strong>and</strong> we areinvestigating sales into India <strong>and</strong> China atthe moment,” said Doug.Rice Right was developed in cooperationwith a number of trainers <strong>and</strong>the feedback they provided.“We were told by a number of trainersthey wanted a dry food for theirgreyhounds that was higher in protein,”said Doug.“We went with a rice based product,added garlic <strong>and</strong> kelp to the originalproduct <strong>and</strong> came up with Rice Right.“Top Draw is really taking off inQueensl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NSW.”Chris Essex (pictured) , chief at Big DogPet Foods, said he had seen a marked risein the use of the Top Pet lines in recentmonths. “As Doug says, word of mouth isgetting around that they produce excellentdry foods,” he said.On Time Daddy winsat Ipswich.RIGHT: Owner PeterRobertson <strong>and</strong> his dog.A COUPLE of years ago, PeterRobertson thought it would be a great idea toget another greyhound.Peter, who immigrated from Engl<strong>and</strong> toQueensl<strong>and</strong> in 1989, had raced a greyhoundor two around the flapping tracks in his homecountry <strong>and</strong> never really lost the thrill of thechase.Originally in real estate <strong>and</strong> now infinancial planning, Peter now in his 40s,happened to be listening to racing radio acouple of years back when he heard aninterview with the owner of a top classthoroughbred.“He mentioned that he also had somegreyhounds,” said Peter. “I was interested <strong>and</strong>out of the blue decided to buy one myself.“I contacted the horse owner <strong>and</strong> he putme onto Emin Aydemir (of Superman fame).”Eydemir had Sound The Alarm about towhelp to Big Daddy Cool so Peter put in anorder.“I left it entirely up to Emin,” said Peter.“He picked out a brindle dog pup <strong>and</strong> had itreared to about nine or 10 months of age.”Peter had already contacted Tony Brett totrain the dog.When the pup arrived in Queensl<strong>and</strong>,Brett organised for the rest of its rearing <strong>and</strong>its early education.“He broke in well at Postman’s Ridge, hada spell <strong>and</strong> Tony took him back for a trial therewhen he first put him into work.”That’s when the rot set in.“I went up to Postman’s Ridge to see thetrial,” said Peter. When the trial ended, thepup grabbed the arm which flipped him overbreaking his elbow. It was a rare injury <strong>and</strong>one that Richard Eaton-Wells at Qld VetSpecialists was concerned about.Xrays show the extent of the elbowinjury to On Time Daddy.“Tony rang me <strong>and</strong> said the news was notgood,” said Peter. The obvious option was toput the pup down.“But my wife Wendy would have none ofthat. We are real pet lovers, so the decisionwas made for the injury to be repaired. It was90 to 10 against him ever racing.”The road to recovery was to be long, ayear long in fact, <strong>and</strong> paved with bumps alongthe way.The injury had to have a metal plate <strong>and</strong>six screws inserted, as well as a figure of eightwire.The Brett network swung into operation.After a few months of recovery from theoperation <strong>and</strong> with the cast removed, the pupwas sent initially to Simon Adams for threemonths of walking exercise.Simon is a regular at Albion Park catchingprimarily for the Tony Zammit kennel, butfor anyone who needs help. He already had acouple of retired greyhounds so the BigDaddy Cool pup fitted right in.Timely victorycame after a yearof setbacksAfter those three months, the dog was thensent to George Zammits for several monthsof galloping in paddocks to get him using theelbow again.Brett got him back <strong>and</strong> now beautifullynamed as On Time Daddy (Big Daddy Cool-Sound The Alarm) he headed toward aracetrack debut.But, as we said, it was never going to beeasy.“The first trial Tony gave him back atPostman’s Ridge he ran 18.17 which wasexactly the time he ran in the trial when heflipped over <strong>and</strong> broke his elbow,” said Peter.He ran 25.50 over 431m at Ipswich butdropped a pin muscle.Back he work, he dropped the other pinmuscle.Back in work again, he was galloping upthe straight one morning. “He hit his tail onthe fence <strong>and</strong> chopped part of his tail off,”said Peter.While they were all minor hiccups, by thetime On Time Daddy made his race debut itwas a year almost to the day after he hadbroken his elbow.And at his second race start he won a431m Maiden at Ipswich.“Given everything that has happened, I’mjust happy to have won a race with him,” saidPeter. “Obviously we are keeping our fingerscrossed from week to week that he stays sound<strong>and</strong> continues to race.”Peter was there when On Time Daddy wonat Ipswich <strong>and</strong> the gleam on his face hid thedisaster of the previous year.Now Peter is contemplating the futurewith his dog. Maybe even a win at AlbionPark. A year ago none of that would have beenthought possible.Greyhound DataGreyhound breeders should be aware ofthe value of the fantastic websiteproduced by Gunnar von Boehn inStuttgart, Germany.The site can be accessed viawww.greyhound-data.comIt's well worth a look for theinformation available.The best of its kind.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 5

What Lull?From the time a stud dog'sfirst progeny reach 12 to 14months of age, he almostalways undergoes a LULL inthe number of matings hereceives. The breeders arewaiting to see just how goodhis first progeny break in.With BLACKENFORCER there hasbeen no such lull.In fact, the matings, frozensemen sales <strong>and</strong> inquirieshave not dropped off at all.You all know about theRAVE REVIEWS his pupsare receiving at breaking in.Lull? WHAT LULL?BlackJust some of his recent matings ...TIARTASA Oaks winner, 13 wins, 11 atAlbion Park (sub 30secs)NICE PORTRAIT8 wins, 5 at Albion ParkSPARKELLE BURN13 wins, 5 at Albion ParkGEM CUTTER15 wins, 12 at Albion Park. Damof top Alb Pk sprinter Johnny<strong>and</strong> LapermoSUPER ANN7 wins, 3 at Albion Park (30.22),finalist Ipswich CupSLOWOOD13 wins, 6 at Albion ParkFEE $1650Black Dog, June 2003, 36.5kgToken Prince-Miss Corleoneby Head HonchoEnforcerFrozen Semen available for: Bobniak, Awesome McLaren,Scottish Express, Ben's Fury, Reggemite, Deep North.Check out our website www.the-a-team.com.auThe A pap Team(07) 54621201St<strong>and</strong>ing: Just The Best $5500, Surf Lorian $3300,Black Enforcer $1650, Lindale Blue $880.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 6

Better thanAll the RestSURF LORIAN's first year with progeny to race (2007) has beenstaggering. Even we could not have hoped for such Group racesuccess in his very first year. But he has exceeded our everyhope. Just look at how he compares with some of Australia'sgreat est sires of recent times in their first year.First Crop Sire Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 TotalSURF LORIAN 4 4 1 9Brett Lee 3 3 2 8Awesome Assassin 0 4 2 6Token Prince 0 2 3 5Light Of Fire 2 1 1 4Just The Best 1 2 1 4Black Shiraz 1 1 2 4Go Wild Teddy 0 2 2 4Head Honcho 0 3 0 3Credibility 0 0 2 2Blue Brindle Dog, April 2002, 33.3kgs.Just The Best-Barrio Fiesta by West Cape.19 starts, 15 wins, 1 2nd, 1 3rd.Surf LorianSet or equalled four track records.The Apap Team (07) 54621201St<strong>and</strong>ing: Just The Best $5500, Surf Lorian $3300, Black Enforcer $1650, Lindale Blue $880.Frozen Semen available for: Bobniak, Awesome McLaren, Scottish Express, Ben's Fury, Reggemite, Deep North.Check out our website www.the-a-team.com.auThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 7

Paul puts hisstar on showPaul McIlveen was allsmiles after Sam won thedog pup (6-12 months)award at the RNA. He iswith Board Deputy ChairKerry Watson <strong>and</strong> judgeDennis McGreevie.An electrolyte replacer that:Prevents electrolyte deficienciesCounters the stress of training, racing<strong>and</strong> travellingAssists in buffering muscle acidosis <strong>and</strong> containsglucose for energySpecifically formulated for greyhoundsDAILY ELECTROLYTE SUPPLEMENT FOR GREYHOUNDSBeta-Cel is a daily electrolyte supplement specifically designed for greyhounds.Training, travelling <strong>and</strong> panting deplete electrolytes each day, particularly during thehotter months. Electrolyte deficiencies may lead to dehydration, cramping, poorperformance <strong>and</strong> nervousness.WHAT IS BETA-CEL?PAUL McIlveen went for just a bit offun <strong>and</strong> cleaned up, Di O’Donnell wentto defend her title <strong>and</strong> did just that.It was the greyhound section at theRNA <strong>and</strong> Paul <strong>and</strong> Di were just two fromthe industry happy to showcase theirquality looking greyhounds.For McIlveen it was his first taste ofthe hectic life that is the show ring <strong>and</strong>he loved it.“My 10-month-old Surf Lorian-BETA-CEL ®Available in 350g, 1kg <strong>and</strong> 2kg tubsCoonowrin Red dog pup got the blueribbon plus a nice little trophy, not tomention the $250 cash,” he said.“One can only hope he runs as fast ashis looks would indicate. I found itamazing more people don’t show theirdogs. Most classes only had four or six inthe field.“I have found from speaking to manypeople in the greyhound industry, thereare many owners who keep their dogs aspets, <strong>and</strong> I feel they would get a realbuzz out of showing their dogs as I did.“I found the whole experience to be afun day out, you do that when you win Isuppose, but for a $12 nomination fee forthe dog you get a pass for entry into theshow (normally $22).“The whole thing takes about 30minutes <strong>and</strong> there are people who willshow the dog for you, if you don’t feelyou want to do it.“I believe the greyhound industrygets a positive response from the publicwhen they see how placid the dogs are<strong>and</strong> in particular when members of thepublic got to pat my dog, found how soft<strong>and</strong> cuddly he was, many saying theywanted one as a pet,” he said.Di O’Donnell is a regular at the RNA<strong>and</strong> her nine-year-old bitch Vanilla(Polar Princess) was defending her titlein the broodbitch class.Vanilla won taking her record tothree wins in the past five years at theRNA.There are few more dedicatedgreyhound people than Di <strong>and</strong> her sonRick.Results:Broodbitches: Rick <strong>and</strong> DiO’Donnell’s Polar Princess (AwesomeMcLaren-Golden Lilly)Dogs 12 months or older: S Holzigal’sLater Gater (Deep North-Nearly Neery)Bitches 12 months or older: BrookeLiddle’s Celtic Goddess (Aw4esomeMcLaren-Blue Ridge Lady)Dogs 6-12 months: Paul McIlveen’sSam (Surf Lorian-Coonowrin Red)Bitches 6-12 months: AnthonyGurowski’s Chloe (Go Wild Teddy-Capishe’s Figlia)S80-2915WHY CHOOSE BETA-CEL?Prevents electrolyte deficiencies that may lead todehydration, cramping, poor performance <strong>and</strong>nervousnessCommon greyhound diets may not contain sufficientelectrolytes (body salts) to meet the needs of racinggreyhounds. Training, travelling <strong>and</strong> panting depleteelectrolytes each day, particularly during hottermonths. BETA-CEL added to food can preventelectrolyte deficiencies.BETA-CEL contains a range of different saltsincluding chloride, magnesium <strong>and</strong> potassium in theoptimal amounts to meet the needs of the workingdog. BETA-CEL also contains glucose to aid in theabsorption of salts from the gut, plus lactate <strong>and</strong>citrate salts which help buffer muscle acidosis.WHEN TO USE BETA-CELBETA-CEL is recommended as the base electrolytesupplement in the greyhound's diet, to which otherelectrolyte formulations such as Beta-K ® , Neutradex ®or Recharge can be added to meet specific needsor aid in recovery from travelling or racing.Routine daily dosage is 3g (1 level teaspoonmeasure) in the morning or evening meal.For more information visit www.vetsearch.com.au or contact Customer Support on FREECALL 1800 009 847 ABN 77 003 268 871H<strong>and</strong>ler Nicole McKinstey with PolarPrincess on her way to another RNAbroodbitch award.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 8

Troy, Michelle <strong>and</strong> AnthonyBunney with their firstwinner Awesome Gordon.Awesome winbrings downstress levelsBy DAVID BRASCHIN May 2006 Anthony Bunney decidedit was time to get into greyhound racing …he needed something to take the stress out ofhis life.Bunney certainly was due for some stressrelief.He had almost been killed when a cherrypicker he was working in 30 metres aboveground malfunctioned <strong>and</strong> tried to tip him out.The bucket at the top of the cherry pickertipped on a 30 degree angle. Anthony heldon for his life. He held on for two <strong>and</strong> a halfhours.Finally a crane was brought in with abasket at the top <strong>and</strong> Anthony had to jumpfrom the cherry picker’s bucket into thebasket.He did not work for more than a year.“There was no way I could go back upinto the cherry picker,” he said.He has only just gone back to work, inthe more sedate confines of a BunningsWarehouse.But in the meantime, to help him get overthat near-death experience, Anthony decidedhe wanted to get back into greyhound racing.It wasn’t as though it was something newfor him. His dad Greg <strong>and</strong> mum Yvonne hadbeen highly successful in the sport for manydecades in Queensl<strong>and</strong>.The youngest of six kids, Anthonyproduced his first winner when AwesomeGordon won a maiden at Ipswich recently <strong>and</strong>it was the thrill of a lifetime for he <strong>and</strong> wifeMichelle <strong>and</strong> seven-year-old son Troy.But the regret for Anthony was that hisdad had died in October last year <strong>and</strong> his mumfollowed just five months later.“Dad was always giving me advice abouttraining dogs. I just wish I had listened tohim,” he said. “It’s all coming back nowthough.”Greg Bunney was a most astute greyhoundman.He prepared Evergreen Lass to win a timehonouredQueensl<strong>and</strong> Cup at Beenleigh whenthe race was one of the best in the l<strong>and</strong>.“He also took Rain Top to Harold Parkfor an interstate final, <strong>and</strong> won lots of raceswith dogs like Cheerful Chief <strong>and</strong> MisterMint,” said Anthony.“Dad was part of the white shoe brigadeof the day. He had hundreds of winners but Iwas too young to remember many of them.”Anthony says his dad even swam his dogstied to the Moggill Ferry. “You can imaginethe ferry allowing that to happen today,” hesaid.“He was a great man with a greyhound<strong>and</strong> learned his trade from great old dogmenlike Vince Bol<strong>and</strong>.”Greg Bunney was secretary <strong>and</strong>groundsman at Capalaba many years ago.Anthony paid $500 for Awesome Gordon(Most Awesome-Golden Irish) from RobertWall <strong>and</strong> got a giveaway called Serious Electfrom him as well.“I bought Awesome Gordon as a 17-month-old broken in,” he said. “He hasimproved out of sight in recent months.”The Ipswich victory was one celebratedby all the family.“We did not take our son Troy because itwas mid-week <strong>and</strong> we didn’t want him to havea late night during the week,” said Anthonyof the night Awesome Gordon won.“But by the time I got home, Michelle saidthere was no way Troy was going to sleep hewas that excited about the dog winning.”Anthony reckons his biggest hope in theindustry will be with Gregevon a son of SurfLorian-Model Adele.“He’s 14 months old <strong>and</strong> I bought himLeaders forthe past 16years in theCollection,Storage <strong>and</strong>Inseminationof FrozenSemen totheGreyhoundRacingIndustryManly Road VetPhone(07) 33969733from Lorain Grant with some of the moneymum <strong>and</strong> dad left us in their will,” saidAnthony. “I’ve joined dad <strong>and</strong> mum’s namestogether to name this dog.”condition <strong>and</strong> that anyone who racedtheir dog on the track had no respect Lismore for 30.17their greyhound.A local TV station picked up on it <strong>and</strong>2KY stood St<strong>and</strong>ing Paul down at for ... a week for hisoutburst.Paul now works in more modernbroadcasting boxes at Wentworth Parkwhich are carpeted, air-conditioned <strong>and</strong>even has a fridge <strong>and</strong> kitchen Lot facilities. 35 Smith Rd, Park RidgePA is also a family man.His wife Pat (Paul has forgotten howlong they have been married) is alwaysNew ServicesNow OfferedFREE RETURN ** Phone for DetailsNON SURGICALINSEMINATION(TCI - no anaesthetic)Wild Voodoo(Go Wild Teddy x Voodoo Princess)17 wins, his first 8 straight. Sensational early paceBest Times: Albion Park 30.17, Ipswich 25.17 & 30.85,Fee: $440 (Pup basis considered for city winning bitches)H ospitalThe stress certainly has gone fromAnthony Bunney’s life at the moment.Gregevon could make it even less stressful inthe future.Park Ridge Greyhound Complex* Whelping * Rearing * Spelling * TrainingPh (07) 32000172. Mike 0411 326605. Rachel 0401 085757Frozen SemenPackageincludes*All progesterone testing* Surgical implant* Boarding* Regular client updates$545Contact Kelly Irving on(07) 39066917Christine Kidd (Veterinarian) - Kelly Irving (Reproduction Technician)219 ManlyRdManlyWestBrisbaneThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 9

WHEN greyhound men sit around these days <strong>and</strong> talk about great trainers, Darren McDonald is always among their list of the best. Darren, 38, isthe Devon Meadows (Victoria) trainer who always has a high class greyhound in his kennel. Brett Lee was one, Pure Octane another. In betweenthose is an endless list of quality dogs. Darren admits he gets chased regularly to train dogs <strong>and</strong> has his pick of some ready-made stars.But he, likeeveryone, has had to do it tough over the years, cutting his teeth on slow dogs, gradually getting better quality, right up to today when he has hischoice of the best.Darren agreed to talk to Journal Editor DAVID BRASCH about his training methods.He’s meticulous, dedicated <strong>and</strong> deservesevery winner he gets. This is his story.DARREN McDonald has been traininggreyhounds since he was 16 when living withhis parents at Warrnambool. He moved toMelbourne when he was 20 with an ambitionto make a living out of greyhound racing.That he’s done <strong>and</strong> more.Today he trains out of a two <strong>and</strong> a halfacre property at Devon Meadows just a stonesthrow to Cranbourne. He is married to Joanne<strong>and</strong> they have three children, Dylan, Ned <strong>and</strong>Ruby.His training complex comprises 25kennels, set in two kennel blocks, onecontaining his five stud dogs <strong>and</strong> 10 of thecream of racing dogs. The other kennel blockhouses 10 young pups in various stages oftheir early education. There are empty outyards for everyday use.He has a 100 metre long by 20 metre widegalloping paddock.Darren <strong>and</strong> his neighbour Paul Westerveldshare a 300 metre straight track.There are 20 greyhounds in training onthe McDonald property every day of everyweek of every year.FEEDINGMcDonald says he feeds simply.Each dog gets a 4x2 biscuit for breakfast.In the cold of Victoria there is no need to feedfluids to the dogs in the morning, he says,unless the dog has trialled or galloped up thestraight.The evening meal is just as simple.“We feed Hills Science Diet as our dryfood <strong>and</strong> have been using it for the past 10 or12 years,” he said.Bitches receive 5 ounces of Hills, dogsget either 7 or 8 ounces.Each bitch on the property gets 1.5lbs ofmeat, the dogs get between 1.5lbs <strong>and</strong> 2lbsdepending on how well they do, their weight,the temperature etc.“Each dog is an individual on my property<strong>and</strong> we feed, train <strong>and</strong> race them as such,” hesaid.McDonald never uses vitamins.“Hills Science Diet is the total package,”he said. “I was put onto it by my long timevet (the late) Alex Hauler when it first cameout about 10 to 12 years ago. Alec had done afair bit of research into the product <strong>and</strong> foundTrainingThe Darren McDonald Wayit perfect.“One of the first dogs I used it on wasAshigga <strong>and</strong> he won the Shepparton Cup onit a few weeks later.“I’ve been using it ever since. I reckon Iwas one of the first to use the product.“It conditions the dogs well <strong>and</strong> the fatcontent is a bit higher. But when I get a newdog <strong>and</strong> it goes onto Hills Science Diet, youcan see the change in the appearance of theircoat.“In Victoria dogs tend to burn up morefat, so we need a dry product that containsmore fat to replace that.”Just before the dogs’ dinners are fed, one<strong>and</strong> a half cups of warm water is mixed intothe feed.The dinner is fed to the dogs immediately.Darren weighs his dogs only once a week,but keeps careful watch on every dog on theproperty.WORMING<strong>Greyhounds</strong> on the McDonald propertyare wormed every two months, <strong>and</strong> each timeit is done with a different wormer.“We don’t have any preference, just thatwe are regular with our worming <strong>and</strong> wechange regularly,” he said.Each dog is given a bone for their teethevery two weeks. “We put them out in a yard(weather permitting) by themselves to chewon the bone,” he said.DAILY ROUTINEMcDonald knows that greyhounds are abreed best suited by routine <strong>and</strong> that certainlyis the case on his property.He starts his dogs at 7am (in winter 7amis generally daylight in Victoria). Every dogis let out of their kennel into a small emptyoutyard. Two or three dogs are let into theseyards together.Once the first eight dogs have emptied,they are put onto the eight-dog rotary walker,a bit like a huge clothes line, for 40 minutes.Every dog on the property gets his/her 40minutes on the walker.In the meantime, the kennels <strong>and</strong> yardsare cleaned, the next lot put out etc.McDonald says he was the most avid pupilof the late, great Ned Bryant. “I learnt so muchfrom Ned. He was a genius,” said Darren.“He said it was a great guide to watch adog walking first thing in the morning.Problems could be identified quickly at thistime, <strong>and</strong> I’ve been doing that every day eversince.”Once the eight dogs have been on thewalker for 40 minutes, Darren himself takesthem two or three at a time for a free gallopinto his 100mx20m paddock.Flying Scott - Now ProvenAwesome Assassin x Highl<strong>and</strong> Bride (Irish damline)A seriously fast greyhound.Short listed 2003 Topgun.Free progesterone testingAlbion Park 30.05Stud fee $880Ipswich 30.58 (track record)Wenty Pk 30.16, best 30.11Pat Hennessy: 0266725183S<strong>and</strong>own 29.76Meadows 29.88Producing fast pups winning at City & TAB venuesfrom only 5 litters racing, a second to none strike rate.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 10“If they want to gallop, we let them,” hesaid. “If they want to walk by my side, that’sfine too. Depending on what the dog has beendoing, racing, trialling etc, some will work inthe paddock, some will not.”McDonald says he is finished by 10ameach day.“Most of our work is done in themornings,” he said.The dogs are again let out aroundlunchtime for 10 to 15 minutes, again togetherin two or three in the same yard.At 3.30 the evening meal is prepared <strong>and</strong>each dog is fed.“We always feed the evening meal at3.30pm <strong>and</strong> then we let them out,” he said.“They stay out while we are washing thefeed bowls, cleaning the kennels etc. Wevacuum the kennels twice a day.“It takes us two hours to do the dogs inthe afternoon.”WEEKLY ROUTINE“All dogs are individuals <strong>and</strong> we train <strong>and</strong>race them as that,” he said.McDonald does not gallop his dog muchbetween races.“They might have one gallop if we thinkthey need it, generally we don’t,” he said. “Weprefer the daily 40-minute walk <strong>and</strong> the freegallop in the paddock.”McDonald remains to this day in awe ofthe genius of Ned Bryant. “Ned died about15 years ago, but before he did, he wouldcome around every day <strong>and</strong> we would talkdogs,” said Darren.“He said a greyhound has just 100 goodruns in it, <strong>and</strong> that includes gallops up thestraight behind a lure, a trial on a track <strong>and</strong> arace,” he said. “And I reckon that is so true.”McDonald says he never plans more thanone race ahead.“We all know so much can happen to adog,” he said. “While it might be great to lookahead at Group races in the coming months,you should really only seriously look at onerace ahead.“And remember, every trial is one lessrace you are going to win. I would rather wina race than a trial.”PUPSThe McDonald kennel always has 10 dogsin full work <strong>and</strong> another 10 on their waythrough.“You have always got to have young dogscoming through to fill the kennel when dogs

TRAINING ... The Darren McDonald Waybreak down, retire etc etc,” he said.“I get a lot of dogs from different people.It depends on who gives me the dog whateducation needs to be done.”McDonald only ever has two or three pupsbeing reared on his property at any one time,preferring someone else to do that side of thebusiness <strong>and</strong> specially because his is a racingkennel <strong>and</strong> not really set up for rearing.“I never send my pups away to be brokenin before they are 14 months old,” he said. “Ilike to hold them back because I do not spellthem after breaking in.”He will bring the pups into the kennelblock for a few weeks of h<strong>and</strong>ling to get usedto the kennel block routine, being h<strong>and</strong>led etcbefore they are educated.He does not gallop the pups up a straighttrack prior to breaking in, but they do go intohis 100mx20m galloping paddock each day.EDUCATIONOnce a dog is broken in, McDonaldNEVER returns the dog to a trial track unlessthere is an issue with the dog’s chasinginstincts.“I keep going with the dog after it comeshome from breaking in,” he said.“I like to keep a young dog coming out ofthe boxes <strong>and</strong> I will trial the dog on eight or10 different tracks before we put them into arace.”He usually heads to Geelong for two 347mtrials, then to Warragul for two 424m trials.“I insist on educating our pups very well <strong>and</strong>on a lot of tracks. We have the luxury ofhaving a lot of different tracks within a shortdrive from our kennels,” he said.All these early trials are solo.“My pups will have six to eight solo trials,which means two runs on four different tracks,before I get ready to put them into field trials,”he said.Being Darren McDonald causes problemsas well.“I find it really hard to get trainers to goin against my young dogs in half field trials,”he said.“But trials are held after race meetings atBallarat, Bendigo, Shepparton, Geelong <strong>and</strong>Warragul <strong>and</strong> we will take the pups there forhalf field trials."You have to go into these trials to get arun after the race meeting.“This is where we educate our pups evenfurther.“We go twice to every track for a half fieldtrial.”WORDS OF WISDOMMcDonald says the grading system inVictoria often forces dogs into city racesbefore they are ready.“But Axe H<strong>and</strong>le had 25 starts onprovincial tracks before he had his first startin town,” he said. “But Pure Octane never hada race on a provincial track.”Ned Bryant told McDonald many, manywords of wisdom, but the one piece of advicehe instilled into him was to always make surea dog trialled on a racetrack before having arace there.“I have done this religiously,” he said. “Ialways make the effort even if we are racingin Brisbane, Sydney or Perth.“It gives me peace of mind <strong>and</strong> does thesame for the dog. I train for a lot of people<strong>and</strong> I am sure they would want every thingpossibly done to win the race. Trialling onthe track is one of those things.”GETTING A STARTDarren was lucky to begin with. His unclewas Brian Lenahan one of Victoria’s mostsuccessful breeders.Darren McDonald <strong>and</strong>one of his latter daysprint stars Axe H<strong>and</strong>leon their way to the startof the recent GoldCoast Cup.“I spent a lot of time working on myuncle’s property feeding pups <strong>and</strong> generallyworking with the dogs, getting to knoweverything about them,” he said.“He had the Sydney Gem line <strong>and</strong> NedBryant trained Sydney Dingaan to win theMelbourne Cup.”One of the first dogs Darren got to trainwas Sydney Dingaan. She’d had a litter ofpups <strong>and</strong> was brought back to racing for ashort campaign of seven starts. Darren wonfour <strong>and</strong> was placed second three times withher.He says Brett Lee is easily the best doghe has trained.“He has changed the face of greyhoundracing in Australia,” said Darren. “We paid$100,000 for him but now owners thinknothing of pay $250,000 for a half share in apotential stud dog.”He says Brett Lee knew he was a superstar.“He pranced around like he owned theplace. He knew he was good,” said Darren.“Look at what he has done. He’s taken servicefees to a new level, dog prices to a new level,<strong>and</strong> pup prices to a new level, all because ofhim.”But Brett Lee isn’t the only star to haveemerged from Devon Meadows.Darren has guided such dogs as PureOctane, Hallucinate, Collide, Wild Pirate,Black Pirate, Sheedy, Magnificent Love,Ashigga, Carlton Bale, Hades Rocket <strong>and</strong>now Axe H<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong> even Texas Gold at theend of his career.Cool Effort is a current day star <strong>and</strong> hehad great success with Ace Hi Rumble <strong>and</strong>Hot To Rumble recently.INDIVIDUALSMcDonald is insistent that greyhoundtraining is not the army.“We treat each dog as an individual,” hesaid.“And we don’t really give a dog a spellmainly because injuries are such a factor ingreyhound racing that they get time off witheach injury, especially fast dogs.”He only ever races his dogs at most oncea week. “That’s just the way I train,” he said.“I’m not saying that you can’t race two ofthree times a week, but it’s just not my style.“But there is no right or wrong way totraining, just a system that suits eachindividual dog.”He’s not one to consider the close inbreedingof today’s greyhounds.“You might get a faster dog but bybreeding so close we tend to get moreinjuries,” he warned.INJURIESHe has spent so much time <strong>and</strong> learnt somuch from that great man of muscle checking,Ned Bryant, Darren says he checks his dogsover himself after every gallop, trial or race.But he also gets local vet Barry Haywardto check over every racing dog as well afterevery race start.“Barry worked for so many years withAlex Hauler <strong>and</strong> he is just around the cornerfrom my kennels, so we use him all the time,”he said.“You have always got to have a secondopinion. Ned taught me that himself. Hewould always check over his own dogs, butalways get a second opinion. You need amentor.”He has all the necessary equipment likean ultrasound <strong>and</strong> laser but has become a hugefan of the hyperbaric chamber.“I had never used it before until justrecently <strong>and</strong> got unbelievable results from it,”he said.FUTUREDarren McDonald sees himself doing inthe future exactly what he is doing today.“Prizemoney is good, the racing is good.I know we don’t have the perfect world ingreyhound racing, but show me where theperfect world is,” he said.He agrees that to stay at the top you needthe best stock. “But getting the best out ofthem is something you have to do,” he said.“But anyone who dedicates himself orherself to this industry will do well.”He says John Finn <strong>and</strong> Steve Kavanaghare two greyhound men he admires. “Theyare the complete package, breeding, rearing,<strong>and</strong> training their dogs to great success,” hesaid. “There is a lot of satisfaction <strong>and</strong>achievement in doing that.”His great mate Tony Lockett continues tosend him star gallopers. “Tony <strong>and</strong> I havebeen friends for many years. He’s got himselfsome great damlines now <strong>and</strong> we are allreaping the benefit.”That’s for sure.White Rose Boarding KennelsWalloon, IpswichRearing - Spelling - WhelpingQuality fresh food, lots of h<strong>and</strong>ling & socializing.Lead Training.70mtr grassed long runs. Large exercise areas.Very high st<strong>and</strong>ard kenneling.Hydro bath facilities.Supporters of the Greyhound Adoption ProgramLicensed/Registered & Approved by:-QGRA, Qld state government, Ipswich City Council.Good Rearing doesn't cost ... it paysPh. Peter & Marion Furbank. (07) 54645422E.Mail whiterosekennels@bigpond.comThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 11

Logan's bidfor greyhoundracingByDAVID BRASCHLOGAN City wants greyhound racing<strong>and</strong> it has the backing of the council thethird largest in Queensl<strong>and</strong>.Development <strong>and</strong> environmentcommittee chairman Russell Lutton isbehind the moves to look at theestablishment of a new greyhound race clubor the relocation of the Brisbane Club to thearea.Already a number of prime sites havebeen spotlighted as possible greyhoundracetracks.Lutton, 55, has been a greyhound ownerfor many years <strong>and</strong> a member of theCouncil for 20 years.He said he had already discussed agreyhound racing move to Logan City withhis fellow councillors <strong>and</strong> they indicatedtheir full support.Lutton said “four or five years ago” theBrisbane Club approached Logan Cityabout the possibility of relocating fromAlbion Park.“The club also looked at an area inRedl<strong>and</strong> Shire, but changes were made atAlbion Park regarding ownership so theclub was committed to stay there,” he said.Lutton is fully aware of the suggestedredevelopment of the Albion Park complex.“And I’m also fully aware that themajority of the greyhound racing industrywants out of there,” he said.Want a Good Tip?AirportCars794 Oxley Rd, CorindaContactDaryl & DeniseKavanagh0418 878880Logan Shire CouncillorRussell Lutton on one of anumber of sites he feelswould suit a greyhoundracing complex.Under the Local Government reform,Logan City will take in Beenleigh,including the Showgrounds wheregreyhound racing had been held fordecades.Lutton said he was not suggestinggreyhound racing should be re-opened atthe Beenleigh Showgrounds unless a newlydeveloped track <strong>and</strong> facilities were built.He said a large number of hobbytrainers <strong>and</strong> professionals either lived in orwere within a short drive of Logan City.“Some of the sites available forgreyhound racing are perfect,” he said.Lutton said he had held very informaltalks with the GRA regarding a possibleshift.“Logan is a very powerful council,” hesaid. “As I said, we are the third largest cityin the state.“In our Shire we have five statemembers in Government including aMinister. Under the Local GovernmentReform we will get another Minister underour exp<strong>and</strong>ed boundaries.”He sympathized with owners <strong>and</strong>Have the Right Info for YouNew or Used CarsServicing the GreyhoundIndustry for 25 yearsSpecial of the Month2001 VX Commodore Wagon145,000kms, Log Books$9750trainers <strong>and</strong> the nightmare they facedgetting to <strong>and</strong> from Albion Park under theever-increasing traffic burden that isBrisbane’s streets.“Albion Park is too hard to get to,” hesaid. “The traffic is difficult <strong>and</strong> publictransport to the site is impossible.“I believe we can get the crowds back togreyhound racing by establishing a newracetrack in Logan.”Lutton has already floated the idea witha front page story in a recent edition of theLogan <strong>and</strong> Albert News.“And the response to me personallysince that story ran has been huge,” headmitted.“The overwhelming response was to getgoing.”Lutton says a public meeting will becalled in the not too distant future <strong>and</strong> asteering committee formed to look at thepossible sites for a possible relocation.“Once the steering committee is formed,our task will be to get a preferred site, thenhave formal talks with the GRA Board, theBrisbane Club <strong>and</strong> the Racing Minister thenlobby the State Government,” he said.“We have to put together a very goodbusiness plan <strong>and</strong> we can do that.”Lutton says a greyhound racing move toLogan City would be a “win, win” situationfor Logan.“It will bring more infrastructure, morerecognition of our Shire, a national industryto our midst etc.”“We already are getting a lot of generalsupport for the proposal,” he said.Councillor Lutton can be contacted on(07) 34125392 or 0411 869099.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 12

Coonamble Greyhound Racing ClubOctoberLong Weekend CarnivalThe Biggest Betting CountryCarnival in AustraliaGet set for $?,000'sFeaturing The Rooty Hill R.S.L.Maiden Sweepstakes (301m)winner $7000websitewww.coonamble.org/greyhound_races.htmThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 13

Townsvilleiron dog isWalkabout SidHead HonchoFitzroy LassHero’s WalkPop GunHello PopNicole’s My NameSUPER FLIGHTRapid SupremeSuper TrendWell EndowedSuper RajanPop GunBlue Water GirlIdol EyesSuperByNATHAN GOODWINHE’S the iron dog of Townsville <strong>and</strong>he certainly has earned his reputation.He is Super Flight recent winner ofthe Flying Sprint (380m) during theTownsville Cup carnival.It is hard to imagine that after 131starts a dog can remain competitive intop grade races.But that is nothing new for the Rajankennel in Townsville <strong>and</strong> especially starperformer Super Flight.Super Flight (Hero’s Walk–SuperRajan) over the recent Townsvillecarnival saluted for his 27th win from131 starts.In his win in the prestigious FlyingSprint he downed some top qualityNorth Queensl<strong>and</strong> performers includingSaltwater Pete <strong>and</strong> Sir Grunter.Mata Rajan, son of trainer Mate,Mata Rajan accepts theFlying Sprint trophy afterSuper Flight's greatvictory.said: “He is such a tough dog <strong>and</strong> isracing as good now as he was two orthree years ago.“He is such a hard chaser <strong>and</strong> puts in100% every start.”The Hero’s Walk–Super Rajan litterwas born in July 2002 <strong>and</strong> those stillracing today are very competitive, withLittle Sharn also winning over thecarnival <strong>and</strong> littermate Go Kiki stillcompetitive.The litter has won many racesbetween them <strong>and</strong> they included PhaseOne, Blondie Girl, Bluewater Boy, FireFlight <strong>and</strong> Dwarf Star.After the Flying Sprint victory Matasaid: “The whole litter has been great<strong>and</strong> we try not to show muchfavouritism, but we do hold a soft spotfor Super Flight”.When asked about future plans, Matasaid: “We take it day by day.“They are a bit older now but whilethey are sound <strong>and</strong> still competitive theywill continue to race each week atTownsville.”Over the years the Rajans have beenable to breed tough <strong>and</strong> competitive dogsto race well past the age of four or five,even six, <strong>and</strong> race on a weekly basis.At the time of writing, Super Flighthad one further start to have awonderful record of 27 wins <strong>and</strong> 47placings from his 132 starts.He remains as one of the top linesprinters who have broken the magical22 second barrier for the 380mTownsville distance.This has only been accomplished by ah<strong>and</strong>ful of sprinters.ForSaleA VARIETY OFOPPORTUNITIESLate Late Show x Mysterious Lee(Brett Lee x Superbee)Dam’s first pup to race Borrocka Brew won on debut atAlbion 23.10 (10.73 early)Late Late Show still holds Trc Recs over 550m.Bloodlines proven in Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> here.Ready at 12 weeks great value at $2200 6 dogs <strong>and</strong>5 bitches.44Spiral Nikita x Rapid Cyclone(Rapid Journey x Cyclone Kelly)Proven dam. First litter produced Group 1 finalist MissEeftheria. Second litter to Big Daddy Cool 13months.This her 3rd litter. Both lines proven producers.Ready at 12 weeks 5 girls 3 boys. $4400 each.3 2Big Daddy Cool x Who Am I1 x Black Bitch 6 months old (dam is Pororoca’s Sister).Litter of 3, 2 bitches. Big Daddy Cool’s best offspring arefrom Malawi’s Prince bitches. Best offer!Whisky Assassin x Mary McWild1 x Bk bitch 12 months old, have three of them $3300.1 x Dog <strong>and</strong> Bitch NamedReady to race TAB Class …. worth a punt. $1100 each.3 x BroodbitchesGood quality, Sell or Lease.Further details … ring me!CONTACT TERRY 0418 729513The (September, 2007) Journal Page 14

WHAT does Boost juice, up-markets<strong>and</strong>wiches <strong>and</strong> greyhounds in Mackayhave in common?Not much unless you are Brett Frolleythe 33-year-old breeder of Australia’scurrent champion sprinter Slater <strong>and</strong> hismultiple Group winning brother Big Swell(Surf Lorian-Wipe Out).Frolley <strong>and</strong> his wife Kathy have movedto Mackay in the past few months with theidea of establishing a greyhound rearingcomplex for their own dogs.Along the way he <strong>and</strong> Kathy haveestablished a business called Jolt HealthSpa. “It’s like Boost Juice meets an upmarkets<strong>and</strong>wich shop,” said Brett.But he <strong>and</strong> Kathy, whose family live inthe area, have also bought a 40 acreproperty 30 minutes from Mackay wherethey plan to establish their greyhoundcomplex.“We’ve got nothing on the property atthe moment,” he said. ”It’s an old canefarm on which we will build a home <strong>and</strong>the necessary kennels <strong>and</strong> yards to havebroodbitches <strong>and</strong> rear their pups.”Mackay, which has been struggling tomake ends meet on the greyhound racingfront in recent times, might seem a uniquespot for Frolley to establish such a complex.“I have never had any desire to traindogs, although I have been going out to theMackay dogs most race nights,” he said.“I like to get involved <strong>and</strong> seegreyhounds race.”Frolley was born in Frankston inVictoria. He got his first greyhound in1993.His family moved to Queensl<strong>and</strong> forfive years in the 1990s <strong>and</strong> bought a sevenacre property at Tamborine from nowGRA steward Gail Thorsby <strong>and</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>Steve.“We bred a couple of litters each yearbut the move north was basically for alifestyle change,” he said. “We knew no onebut raced a couple of dogs.”One of those was North Surf who wastrained by David Keep with success atAlbion Park.Frolley is a TV cameraman.“I was working at the horses <strong>and</strong> dogsfilming race meetings,” he said.But eventually Brett moved back toVictoria to work for Sportscolour.He was running a few greyhounds outof a 20 acre property at Bendigo when heran into Robert Jackson who at the timewas a devoted harness racing man.“I worked with Robert covering racemeetings around country Victoria forSportscolour <strong>and</strong> eventually I swayed himMackaywelcomes theSlater dynastyDarren Murray <strong>and</strong> his champSlater with his biggest fans,breeder Brett Frolley <strong>and</strong> hismum Joy <strong>and</strong> wife Kathy.into greyhounds,” said Brett.“By this time I had moved back toFrankston <strong>and</strong> I moved all my dogs ontoRobert’s property.”The story of how Brett came to getWipe Out, dam of Slater <strong>and</strong> Big Swell,has been written many times after herGroup 1 winning sons were sweeping allbefore them.“I can’t afford to keep all the dogs webreed, so I kept a bitch from the SurfLorian litter which I named Beachley <strong>and</strong>we sent the rest to Jacko,” he said.Frolley’s dogs are still in Victoria.Beachley, who chased home Slater in aGroup 2 race in Victoria, broke down afterwinning at S<strong>and</strong>own in sensational time.Frolley decided to retire her <strong>and</strong> she hasbeen mated to Collision.Wipe Out’s litter to Hallucinate havebroken in well <strong>and</strong> the bitch has since beenrepeat mated to Surf Lorian in a bid formore Slaters or Big Swells.“I’ve also got a bitch called Angel Mintwho is a litter sister to Mint Magic <strong>and</strong> wehave been breeding with her,” he said.Everything is for sale at the right price<strong>and</strong> that will be Frolley’s motto on his newgreyhound property.“I want to keep the line going <strong>and</strong> that’swhy I decided to retire Beachley after shebroke down, to get pups out of her,” hesaid.In six months Brett hopes to have theMackay property completed <strong>and</strong> get all hisdogs settled on the property.“The business is going well <strong>and</strong> we arehappy to get to the warmer weather,” hesaid.Sounds like the perfect situation. Now,another Slater or two will put the icing onthe cake.ContactSTEVE or MARREEat TRIPLE CROWNLODGEWhiskyAWESOME ASSASSIN-PRINCESS WHISKYBK DOG JAN 02EARLY WINNERS COMING FROM A WIDE RANGE OF BLOODLINESTHROWING A COMBINANTION OF STRENGTH AND SPEEDPURE CONQUEST BKBitchDebuted at 21 months, 515m S<strong>and</strong>ownBlistering section of 5.02 Records 4.99Won by 8.5 lens in 29.99Now Heading to SA OaksADSUP BKW BitchDebuted at 25 months 600m DaptoPulled off a Massive Betting PlungeLed out, won by 12 lens 35.01 BODM/Final won by 12.5 lens 34.88 BODThese Dogs have had Most Starts, Being July '05 WhelpsMigrate 20 starts 8-5-3 $25,715 P/MoneyWait On Buddy 24 starts 10-2-4 $25,870 "02 45784400 or mob 0408 444445The (September, 2007) Journal Page 15

Chuck, Brook make Nationals HistoryNational Sprint QldFinal(520m) Albion Park1 BUCKINGHAMCHUCK $1.70(Token Prince-StargariHeiress)Owners: Laurie Meteyard,Trevor <strong>and</strong> Gary Taverner.Trainer: Greg Cannon.2 ULTRA SWIFT $15(Spiral Nikita-ValleyCowgirl)3 ANGEL FLIGHT $8(Bright Ebony-Sleek Model)Others: 4 Thatz Classic$7.50, 5 Control $6.50, 6Leica Ruby $6.50, 7 BerellaDiva $17, fell Postman's Mail$10. Time: 30.17.National DistanceQld Final(520m) Albion Park1 MISS BROOK$1.50(Ballistic Jet-Br<strong>and</strong>on Sky)Owner-trainer: Paul Felgate.2 ZOE SKY $8(Ballistic Jet-Br<strong>and</strong>on Sky)3 TOKEN NED $8(Token Prince-Deep Katie)Others: 4 Beaue Breeze $51,5 Wild Juvante $13, 6 RedRoire $26, 7 Technoman$3.50. Time: 41.82.TOP: Buckingham Chuck wins the statefinal of the National Sprint.ABOVE RIGHT: Chuck is off to hissecond successive Group 1 NationalSprint final.MalawiMalawi’s PrinceDuchess MarinaToken PrinceAmerigo ManTrue TemptationBay SupremeBUCKINGHAM CHUCKCredibilityJust The BestFlying AmyStargari HeiressBalligari*StargariBeaut VentureTOP: Miss Brook wins the state final ofthe National Distance by 13 lengths overher litter sister, the gallant Zoe Sky.ABOVE RIGHT: Brook is off to hersecond successive Group 1 NationalDistance final.Worth DoingCredibilityNo LiabilityBallistic JetAcacia AblazeMadame AcaciaAnother FoolMISS BROOKMalawi's PrinceAwesome McLarenTrue TemptationBr<strong>and</strong>on SkyBold Rabbit*Br<strong>and</strong>onessCity Smoke137JohnstonStreet,Casino,NSW2470Ph (02)66622162Fax (02)66625602Northern Rivers Veterinary ServiceScott Brown BVSc (Hons)Liz Brown BVSc (Hons)* Camelot Farms accredited* Reliable friendly service from an experienced team* Reliable weekly transport service by Renzo Park <strong>and</strong> PTS* Large semen storage bank* Excellent pregnancy rate <strong>and</strong> litter size* Stud dog semen collection, evaluation <strong>and</strong> storage* Air-conditioned kennels* In-house progesterone <strong>and</strong> T4 testing* Price (frozen semen insemination)$484 all inclusive (includes GRA registration)The (September, 2007) Journal Page 16Yesteryear's ChampsSAM BLADONAn Englishman, born in 1828, he cameto Australia in 1852 to try his luck on theVictorian goldfields but became one of thelegendary figures of Australian greyhoundracing.Between 1987 <strong>and</strong> 1909 he won 10Waterloo Cups.He also won three Waterloo Plates,three Waterloo Purses, six NSW Derbies,three NSW Oaks, four St Legers, sevenWoodstock Cups, six Champion Cups, twofederal Cups, a Sydney Cup etc.Bladon trained a bitch called Daisy towin many coursing stakes <strong>and</strong> waseventually given her when her owner MrCox died.Daisy would lay foundation to most ofthe famous Bladon kennel.A notable feature of Bladon’s successwas that he rarely ran more than one dogfrom each litter he bred.Bladon is noted for being able to pickthe best puppy from a litter when just afew days old.He was never known to be wrong.

ALWAYS A THRILLTHE late Sam Apap was mates withJohn Allison for many years.Allison, now 69 but a greyhound mansince he was 16, often did Sam a favour.In return each year Apap gave Allison hispick of a litter of pups he bred.“I’d go over <strong>and</strong> pick out a pup <strong>and</strong>Sam would rear it to 12 months,” saidJohn who with wife Maureen have longbeen among the most astute <strong>and</strong>successful of greyhound trainers.These days John <strong>and</strong> Maureen arecontent to let someone else do theirtraining, more often than not their longtimefriend Tom Noble.So when Sam Apap asked JohnAllison over to his Park Ridge propertya couple of years ago for his yearly pickof pups, Allison took an immediate likingto a long barrelled, hugely undershotblack bitch.She was one of two black bitches inthe Bright Ebony-Sleek Model litter.“She took my eye straight awaydespite the fact she is shockinglyundershot,” said Allison.Rick Fall broke her in, Tom Noble gother to train <strong>and</strong> Maureen named herAngel Flight in honour of the charity thatco-ordinates free non-emergency flightsfor financially <strong>and</strong> medically needypeople.Townsville Cup (498m)1 ANGEL FLIGHT $4(Bright Ebony-Sleek Model)Owner: Maureen AllisonTrainer: Tom Noble2 COOL BLACK $8(Carnage-Blues Alley)3 OWEY $3.50(Harvard Bale-Keen Express)Others:4 Eiswein $2.755 Illusion Star $86 Poke Along $67 Fury Express $118 Cruiser Moment $4Time: 29.00Cairns NewsWith the Cairns Cup now over, the Clubwill now continue its battle with the JockeyClub.The Club would like to thank DaleWidderick for all the help he gave our Clubwhile staying here. It certainly made lifeeasier for the few volunteers that continuallyoffer their assistance to keep our Club goingunder the strained conditions we have at themoment.The $75 rebate for transport has beengreatly received in Cairns. Remember onlynamed greyhounds that are ready to race areeligible.With the big Time Out Concert on August25 our club was forced to have ourAnniversary Cup night on August 27 with thefinal on September 1. Our QDog races havebeen set out for the year with 12 in all madeup of 8 x 5th grades <strong>and</strong> 4 x 4/5th grades.The Club would like to welcome RichardJackson <strong>and</strong> the Indi Confederacy membersto our Club.Richard has had greyhounds before <strong>and</strong>is now residing in Cairns. He bought agreyhound <strong>and</strong> she is going well at this stagefor them.Emma O’Connor (President)Maureen vowed to give a percentageof the bitch’s prizemoney to the AngelFlight Australia charity.And when Angel Flight, the greyhound,dashed clear in the straight <strong>and</strong> went onto win the 2007 running of the TownsvilleCup, Angel Flight, the charity, gave theloudest cheer.“Every month Maureen writes out acheque for the charity,” said John. “Thebitch has been such a prolific winner.”Angel Flight has indeed been thattaking her record to 27 wins with victoryin the Townsville Cup <strong>and</strong> her stakesearnings to almost $60,000.“She was good right from the momentTom started trialling her,” said John.The Allisons run a scrap metal yard <strong>and</strong>while their two sons Mark <strong>and</strong> Steve workfor the business, the Allisons have been flatout for years.So much so that John had to curtail hisgreyhound training. He’d had greatsuccess in the Gabba days with SamanthaQueen <strong>and</strong> more recently with Farmer’sDaughter.“These days we are happy just to watchthe dogs race on TV,” he said.On Townsville Cup night John ranglocal trainer Robert Olsen minutes beforethe start of the race <strong>and</strong> listened to the callon Olsen’s mobile.“It’s always a great thrill whenever thedogs win,” he said. “We get a great kickout of it.”John <strong>and</strong> Maureen have just bought aBombastic Shiraz pup <strong>and</strong> he has a litterof Collision pups out of Samantha’s World.“I’ve got Samantha’s World <strong>and</strong> theBombastic Shiraz pup at home <strong>and</strong> I takethem walking every morning for exercisefor both myself <strong>and</strong> the dogs,” said John.“If we ever sold the business I wouldprobably get a dog or two to train again.”While there have been nibbles to buythe scrap metal yard, it is not sold untilthe money is in the bank <strong>and</strong> John <strong>and</strong> hisfamily continue to work it today.Of Angel Flight, there is no doubt shehas plenty of racing left in her yet but sheRenzo Park ComplexNew!CoveringGrafton - CasinoAreastoGold CoastBrisbaneToowoombaOsti’s IdolElle’s Comm<strong>and</strong>oElle ShantyBright EbonyShining ChariotBright BannerFashion PlateANGEL FLIGHTBenjasonBonjaseBonnie TreaseSleek ModelAcacia AblazeAcacia KingdomFree Methodalready has a spot set aside for her atthe Allison’s home.“She will be a broodbitch for sure,”said John. “Maureen would never let hergo, she loves her.“Tom (Noble) says she haseverything to make her a goodbroodbitch, temperament, pedigree <strong>and</strong>she could sprint <strong>and</strong> get 600 metres.”John Allison started in greyhoundracing when he was 16 working for thelate <strong>and</strong> legendary Bob Doak.“I was there when he had dogs likeRocket Fire, Direct Fire <strong>and</strong> that famousbroodbitch Secretly,” said John. “Shewas a great straight track bitch, a biglong black bitch.”He’s been a dog man ever since <strong>and</strong>he <strong>and</strong> Maureen still get a huge thrillfrom every winner they get. TownsvilleCups are that extra special though.As an extension of Renzo Park Rearing <strong>and</strong> Spelling Complex, we are now offeringa transport service for your valuable animals.RenzoParkPET TRANSPORT SERVICE* Pick-up Grafton Saturday (appointment only)* Leaving Casino sunday (early AM)* Returning Casino Sunday PM* Pick-up <strong>and</strong> Drop off along the way* Other trips available by arrangementInquiries & Bookings: Peter & Helen SimpsonPh: (02) 66335115 Mob: Peter 0438 792348 Helen 0428 302725The (September, 2007) Journal Page 17

A CHINESE aversion to white dogs isbehind Max <strong>and</strong> June Hay’s comeback to cityclass greyhound racing <strong>and</strong> provided themwith their first Albion Park winner.Max <strong>and</strong> June were long-time greyhounddevotees from the early 1970s until they cameto Oxenford to retire in 1991.It was only a few months ago that Max<strong>and</strong> June ventured back into training. Theracing bug, while dormant in Max for 15years, has bitten him again <strong>and</strong> bitten hard.He had at first been tempted to train a dogfor a couple of mates. “I got a bitch to trainfor these mates but at her first start for me atthe Tweed she fell <strong>and</strong> broke her back.”By this time Max, 66, was again feelingthe itch to train. “I’d got tempted to buy adog four months ago <strong>and</strong> paid $1500 forBell’s Pride from my old mate Paul Cauchi,”he said. Cauchi warned that Bell’s Pride couldnot run 520m but Max was looking moretowards the Tweed Galaxy.“I won three in a row with the dogincluding one by 15 lengths at the Tweed. Hewas then a reserve for the Capalaba Derbyfinal but dropped a hip support three weeksbefore the Galaxy,” said Max.“I still had that dog when I ventured overto Paul’s place one day to buy some meat.”Cauchi had a dog called Drago at the time.He had won just one race in 30 starts <strong>and</strong> wasbeing sold to Macau.“I was there at the time the guy turned upto buy him for sale to Macau,” said Max. “Butwhen he saw the dog was white, he wouldnot buy him. Apparently the Chinese do wantlike white dogs.“Paul was heading to Grafton that weekfor the carnival, <strong>and</strong> his wife Jeanette didn’treally like Drago. I liked the look of him <strong>and</strong>thought I could do something with him.”Max certainly did that, putting 3.5kgs ontothe dog <strong>and</strong> winning two races almostimmediately at Albion Park. He was back. The“bug” had bitten him well <strong>and</strong> truly.But Max Hay has been a greyhound mansince the early 1970s when he <strong>and</strong> Joan livedat Ann<strong>and</strong>ale in Sydney.“Kevin Grinan was a local butcher <strong>and</strong> amate of mine,” said Max. “I would go over<strong>and</strong> help him with his dogs, take them to theraces <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le them when Kevin could notget the time off work.”Kevin had some pretty h<strong>and</strong>y dogsincluding Dark Deceiver a multiple Harold<strong>and</strong> Wentworth Park winner, as well asKiapana Prince the “quinella dog of the year”in NSW. “He had 42 starts for the year butnever won a race <strong>and</strong> still earned the title ofquinella dog of the year,” said Max. “He ranplacings everywhere.”Max <strong>and</strong> Joan were given a bitch of theirown to learn the art of training. “She was nogood <strong>and</strong> I didn’t even put her in a race,” saidMax.ABOVEKim'sCollect theAppin TwoThous<strong>and</strong>winner.RIGHT:Max <strong>and</strong>Joan Haywith Dragotheir firstrunner atAlbionPark <strong>and</strong> awinner.By this time the couple had moved to MtDruitt. Their next door neighbour was JohnGrundeman who had raced an extra smartsprinting bitch called Miss Collect a regularTAB <strong>and</strong> country winner but restricted by herlack of stamina after 400 metres.“John had bred a litter of Fine Arama-MissCollect pups that were by them seven monthsold,” said Max. “Unfortunately one of themgot out one day <strong>and</strong> was hit by a car.“John put him in a kennel to recover <strong>and</strong>after a little while I asked about the pup. Johnoffered him to me.”Max <strong>and</strong> Joan had to force feed the dogfor three weeks on crushed chicken to get himto eat.Named Kim’s Collect he won 10 of hisfirst 12 starts all up the straight <strong>and</strong> gave Max<strong>and</strong> Joan a huge thrill when winning the 1981Appin Two Thous<strong>and</strong>.“I took him to Richmond after that for hisfirst circle run,” said Max. “From box one,he came out of the boxes, stood there <strong>and</strong>Coominya Lodge280 LARSENS RD, COOMINYAWHELPING - Heated whelping bays with experienced mid-wife on h<strong>and</strong>. Bitchesfed the best of everything .REARING - Pups reared on our property are pre-educated before breaking in. Plentyof room to run in our 90m puppy yards with shade <strong>and</strong> warm, snug kennels. Eukanubaalways available for snacking with fresh beef bones providing healthy teeth <strong>and</strong> gums. Wefollow a comprehensive worming program, pups get hydrobathed regularly <strong>and</strong> receiveplenty of h<strong>and</strong>ling.SPELLING - Tell us what you need! Recovering from injury? We have laser <strong>and</strong>ultrasound equipment <strong>and</strong> a “hospital” area where they can be kept quiet. Need a breakfrom racing ? We have two huge paddocks they can be let loose in once or twice a day withor without other dogs. They’ll be fed a racing diet if required <strong>and</strong> will be rugged in winter.Contact CATHY & RON JACKSON Ph 54264276 or 0428929228White dogssuit Max <strong>and</strong>Joan any daywatched the field race around the track. Henever went again, on a circle or up thestraight.”But that Appin Two Thous<strong>and</strong> victory hadwell <strong>and</strong> truly convinced Max <strong>and</strong> Joan thatgreyhound racing was fir them.“I built a double garage on our Mt Druithouseblock <strong>and</strong> put six kennels in it <strong>and</strong> hadthem full for the next decade,” he said.Good dogs started rolling in <strong>and</strong> Maxquickly built a reputation as a qualitygreyhound trainer.Sharob (named after the Hay kids Sharon<strong>and</strong> Robert) won 16 races.The Weapon, a desperate for the eight box<strong>and</strong> a 400m dog only, won 18 races.Aussie Alien “won when we needed himto”, while Beneficient was an outst<strong>and</strong>inggalloper.“I paid $6000 for Beneficient at theGrafton carnival <strong>and</strong> he won first up for us atAppin by 15 lengths. He went on to win atWentworth Park,” said Max.Not long after, Max’s mate Joe Agiusnegotiated to buy a Worth Doing pup for$1500 on Max’s recommendation.“Joe got home <strong>and</strong> rang me to say he hadnot bought the pup because he didn’t likehim,” said Max. “The pup was then sold tothe Newcastle Jockey Club as a prize in araffle.”Joe decided to buy $100 worth of ticketsin the raffle <strong>and</strong> won him.Racing as Worth Winning he was anoutst<strong>and</strong>ing galloper for the Hay kennel.“We were told he was no good at all whenhe was broken in, but one day at Cauchi’s trialtrack at Kellyville he went up the straight in16.3secs when 17 would normally pull himup,” said Max.“I put him straight in at Appin the nextweek <strong>and</strong> he won, then won again <strong>and</strong> again.“He then went to Bulli over 600 metres<strong>and</strong> won four straight but broke a toe. RegHoskins took the toe off <strong>and</strong> he came back towin three more over 600m at Bulli <strong>and</strong> anotherat Richmond.”By that time Joe had learned to like WorthWinning.Best Method was another top classgalloper prepared by Max.“I’d been watching the dog for a while<strong>and</strong> found out he was for sale,” he said. “Ibought him after a trial <strong>and</strong> he hurt his toe.Reg Hoskins took the toe off him <strong>and</strong> I sethim for the Penrith Distance Championshipsover 720 metres nine weeks later.”Best Method had a couple of slips to gethim fit, ran fourth in his heat <strong>and</strong> got into thefinal from the eight box. He led throughoutto beat a field that included Frosty Zulu,Flying Seagull <strong>and</strong> Noosa Seagull. “We got50-1 <strong>and</strong> backed him,” said Max.Double Tee ran second to Brave Gamblerin the Richmond Oaks for breeder <strong>and</strong> ownerTony Vella who often supplied Max with dogsto train.But by 1991, Max <strong>and</strong> Joan wanted toretire so they headed to the sunshine ofOxenford. “We were looking for a peacefullife but as soon as I got here I gave up smoking<strong>and</strong> almost immediately came down withathletic asthma, <strong>and</strong> angina,” he said.“I was always a big smoker but lost halfmy lung capacity. My doctor told me to goback to work.”He helped his son, motor mechanic Robertat the RACQ at first <strong>and</strong> then when Robertopened his own business.In the meantime he <strong>and</strong> Joan took little orno notice of racing. “I did go to the Tweedoccasionally, but not often,” he said.But it is strange how the world turns. TheHay’s gr<strong>and</strong>children Allana <strong>and</strong> Dean pickedup lawn bowls. Max plays himself. The kidswere so good they achieved rep status.“And because of this I met up with TrevorWilson again, a mate form Sydney who wastraining a couple of dogs,” said Max. Hestarted heading to a few race meetings whenTrevor had a dog in. That was early this year.The greyhound bug was working on Maxall the time <strong>and</strong> it wasn’t long after that a fewmates came to him to train the bitch that wouldeventually fall first-up at the Tweed.With the success he has had with, firstlyBell’s Pride <strong>and</strong> then twice Albion Parkwinner Drago, Max is back rolling ingreyhound racing.“I’m even getting calls from people totrain dogs for them,” he said. The night Dragowon was the first runner Max had had atAlbion Park.“I love training dogs,” he said. “I’m up at4am <strong>and</strong> walk for an hour <strong>and</strong> 10 minutesevery day. I try to swim them as well but it’sbeen a bit cold lately for that.”Joan is resigned to the fact her life ofretirement has been interrupted. “I used tohave a garage to put my car in,” she said.“Now I’ve got kennels where the car used togo.”Max wouldn’t have it any other way.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 18

Nosy Toucan aspretty as a pictureByDAVID BRASCHTOUCAN McGaw is not the prettiestgreyhound around with a Roman nosethat st<strong>and</strong>s out like a beacon.But brothers Mark <strong>and</strong> Peter Warethink he’s the best looking dog around.They especially like him now that hehas put his name in the record books upat Ipswich.The son of History Lesson-VoodooPrincess recently ran a blistering 25.04to break the Ipswich 4th grade classrecord over 431m <strong>and</strong> Mark <strong>and</strong> Peterwere gloating.Gloating because the boys have beentempted back into greyhound racing inthe past couple of years <strong>and</strong> are livingfor their new found zest for the industry.“We had a few dogs for 15 years backin the old Gabba days <strong>and</strong> won a fewraces around Lawnton, up atToowoomba, Beenleigh <strong>and</strong> had a lot offun,” said Mark.Mark was at the Gabba the night itclosed down in 1992 but drifted out oftown soon after <strong>and</strong> drifted out of theindustry.“I went bush, but came backeventually,” he said.In September 2005 he bought a pup.“I named him Ware’s Ability butunfortunately he got acidosis before heraced,” he said.“We got him back <strong>and</strong> he won a raceat Albion Park in 30.84 but he stoppedchasing <strong>and</strong> that was the end of that.”But Mark <strong>and</strong> Peter were not to bedenied their renewed interest in theYesteryear's ChampsTEMPIXOne of the fastest sprinters of histime, the red fawn son of Temlee-PixieDianne raced 73 times for 46 wins <strong>and</strong>19 placings <strong>and</strong> $45,000 in stakes.He was an Olympic Park specialistwinning 17 races <strong>and</strong> being placed 12times at that track.He won the Silver Chief, AmericanCup, Navy Trophy <strong>and</strong> the Victorianfinal of the National Sprint.He was second in the Australian Cupthere as well.Tempix also held the Warragul trackrecord <strong>and</strong> was unbeaten in 10 startsthere, <strong>and</strong> held records at Horsham,Wangaratta <strong>and</strong> Warrnambool.He won Cups at Geelong, Warragul,Horsham <strong>and</strong> Warrnambool. He won on10 different tracks.And the greatest feature of Tempix'scareer?He was one of the widest runnersanyone can remember.ABOVE: Mark <strong>and</strong> Peter Ware with Toucan McGaw the Ipswich Fourth Grade 431m record holder.TOP LEFT:Toucan McGaw runs a class record 25.04 to surprise the Ware boys.sport.“Mike Chapman had reared Ware’sAbility for us <strong>and</strong> he offered to lease us adog or two,” said Mark.Toucan McGaw had already wonthree races form Mike when he <strong>and</strong>Rachael Scott offered him to the Wareboys on lease.“He’s a really good sprinter but hecan’t get 520m at Albion Park,” saidMark.“We gave him 16 starts at the Creekfor six seconds <strong>and</strong> eight fourths.“When we gave up on the idea of hisrunning 520m <strong>and</strong> switched him back tothe sprint at Ipswich <strong>and</strong> the class recordwas a huge thrill. It shocked us a bit.”Greyhound racing is a realpartnership for the brothers. Mark, 47,is a meatworker <strong>and</strong> Peter, 45, a mowingIt’s back, Saturday night racing atIpswich. It may be only a one off at themoment but it is an opportunity to showwhat it was like in the past <strong>and</strong> what itcould be like in the future.The race meeting will be a 10-eventclass 3, non TAB with graded races overour three distances.Prizemoney will be paid to the firstthree placings <strong>and</strong> no unplaced moneyis payable.A bookmaker will be on course to beton the locals <strong>and</strong> the TAB will be openfor all off course meetings. Pupscatalogued for the Highl<strong>and</strong> SmashRepair Puppy Auction will be on displayfor inspection.The restaurant will be open <strong>and</strong>bookings are essential. Kidscontractor.Mark does all the morning work withthe dog, Peter takes over in theafternoons.“We love it,” said Mark. “The peoplein greyhound racing are great.”While Toucan McGaw has another 12months racing, the brothers are alreadymaking plans to continue their training.“We’ll look at getting a couple ofpups so they can be ready by the timethis bloke is finished,” said Mark.“Once greyhounds get into yourblood, you get another <strong>and</strong> another <strong>and</strong>it just rolls on.”While Mark <strong>and</strong> Peter just loveToucan McGaw, Roman nose <strong>and</strong> all,they might just want to look for a coupleof pups that are at least a little prettier… but as fast.Ipswich Newsentertainment, monster raffles, this will bea great night <strong>and</strong> remember it is on aSaturday night.The catalogue for the 2007 Highl<strong>and</strong>Smash Repair Puppy Auction is in theprocess of being completed. On SundayOctober 14, 277 pups will go under thehammer in Australia’s longest running <strong>and</strong>most successful puppy auction. Details willbe listed on our web site or can be obtainedby contacting the club.Following requests from a number ofpeople the club has programmed a lead inheat <strong>and</strong> final for dogs planning toparticipate in this year’s City of IpswichGold Cup. It will feature a $2000 to theEar-br<strong>and</strong>ing,marking upGraham Haswell is available at thefollowing times for the marking up ofgreyhounds for naming <strong>and</strong> the clearance ofthe greyhound's registration certificate forracing <strong>and</strong>/or other purposes. Proof ofvaccination may be presented at this time.Ear br<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> marking up of litters isby appointment only.Ipswich - Every Thursday Night 6-7.30pm(kennel block)Mango Hill Trial Track last Sunday ofmonth 8-9amPh 54796640or 0419 726773winner final <strong>and</strong> details can be found inthe race program in this Journal.Due to a number of programmingchanges trainers are asked to note thatthe September <strong>and</strong> October programspreviously advised have been changed.Our second Corporate $$$ night wasa huge success. It introduced newsponsors <strong>and</strong> people to our industry <strong>and</strong>showed them what a great night out canbe had at the Ipswich greyhounds.Thank you to all those thatsupported the night <strong>and</strong> to all our staff<strong>and</strong> volunteers who made it happen.Club members are advised that the2007 Annual General Meeting is setdown for Sunday September 30. Noticeswill soon be sent to members advisingthem of the agenda.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 19

The (September, 2007) Journal Page 20

Red proves toJulie that dreamsdo come trueByDAVID BRASCHMID-WAY through 2002, JulieBrodie received a call from her fatherJim Patton about a dog.It was a two <strong>and</strong> a half year old sonof Malawi’s Prince-Chersam Honcho,beautifully bred but unnamed. He hadbeen left at Jim’s property to spell.Repeated attempts to get him to chasehad proved fruitless.The dog had been advertised in theGreyhound Record for sale for $500. Noone wanted him, not even his owner atthe time.But Jim stepped in <strong>and</strong> asked hisdaughter Julie if she wanted to give thedog a try.“It took my husb<strong>and</strong> Paul <strong>and</strong> I sevenmonths to get him to chase,” said Julie.Now named Realon Boy, heproceeded to win his first three racestarts, all at Bulli.“He did a flexor tendon after that <strong>and</strong>we had to give him another seven monthsin the paddock,” said Julie.But Realon Boy came back to racing,winning two races at Wentworth Park<strong>and</strong> 12 in all before injuries finallycaught up with him <strong>and</strong> a dropped backmuscle stopped him in histracks.Julie <strong>and</strong> Paul werewrapped. Realon Boybecame a house pet at theBrodie’s Appin home butall the time Julie was tryingto convince herself shewanted a litter of pups bythe dog.“I’d had a bitch thatwas a half sister to TokenPrince <strong>and</strong> AwesomeMcLaren <strong>and</strong> she produceda really good litter for me,”said Julie.“I spoke to John Fosterin South Australia who had bred themfrom True Temptation <strong>and</strong> he sent me anold broodbitch of his called BessyMcLaren.”By Modern Express-TrueTemptation, she was ideal to be mated toa son of Malawi’s Prince to recreate themating that produced Token Prince <strong>and</strong>Awesome McLaren, <strong>and</strong> that’s just whathappened.Paul Brodie had to be convinced itwas a great idea. “Paul said we had toaccept that no one would want to buy thepups <strong>and</strong> I was happy to keep themourselves,” said Julie.And that too is what happened.Bessy McLaren whelped eight pups toher mating to Realon Boy <strong>and</strong> all eightstayed with the Brodies.A number fell by the wayside whentheir ability was realized, a coupleheading to Moree with success. But theBrodies kept two <strong>and</strong> named themRealon Melody <strong>and</strong> Shades of Red.The former is a multiple WentworthPark winner <strong>and</strong> already destined to bethe Brodies next broodbitch. The latterwas a recent Gold Coast Cup finalist <strong>and</strong>MalawiMalawi’s PrinceDuchess MarinaRealon RedHead HonchoChersam HonchoCartl<strong>and</strong>SHADES OF REDTangairnModern ExpressBlue LightningBessy McLarenAmerigo ManTrue TemptationBay SupremeJulie Brodie takesShades Of Red tothe start of the GoldCoast Cup.gave Julie the biggest thrill of her 22years in the industry.“I have always wanted to be in a bigrace like the Gold Coast Cup <strong>and</strong> get towear a suit in the parade to the start <strong>and</strong>that dream came true,” said Julie.Shades Of Red is a brilliant galloper,a specialist around Bulli already butunable to h<strong>and</strong>le the two turns of citytracks.Paul Brodie has been in greyhoundracing for 30 years. He <strong>and</strong> Julie make agreat combination.Shades of Red’s brilliant victory inhis heat of the Gold Coast Cup wascelebrated long <strong>and</strong> hard by the family.But it didn’t come without a fair amountof derision.“A lot of people said I was mad to useRealon Boy at stud,” said Julie. “Paulsaid I wouldn’t be able to sell any.”Now Julie is glad she didn’t.The Gold Coast Cup was a specialpart of her life. Realon Boy helped herdreams come true.Unit 5-6 3 Jacques Crt,Lawnton, Qld, 4501 (Off Paisley Drive)Phone 07 32857444BulkDicedVegiesIn 10mm cubes$2.30 per kg($23 per ctn)(carrots, silverbeet,celery, broccoli <strong>and</strong>capsicum)The Beef SpecialistBulk Beef $2.40kgSpecial(Fresh chilled, minced, 25kg bags)Beef Mix $2.00kgBox 14x2 <strong>Biscuits</strong>10kg$20(Minced, frozen, 20kg block)The (September, 2007) Journal Page 21Available <strong>Kibble</strong>s ...* Top Draw * Rice Right (used by Paul Wheeler) * Top Pets Delight* Enduro Racer (used by Tony Brett) * Hills Science Diet (used by Darren McDonald)* Max <strong>Biscuits</strong> * Box 1 <strong>Biscuits</strong>

Gold Coast CupHonour Roll1989 West Cape1990 Key Dancer1991 Wallowa Flash1992 Tickety Boo1993 Star Title1994 Flying Amy1995 Flying Amy1996 Sleepy Saint1997 Roanokee1998 Hotshot1999 Faithful Hawk2000 Ngarutao2001 Sydney Tiger2002 Mr Faithful2003 Elite State2004 Lethal Weapon2005 Magic Trance2006 Vapour Whirl2007 Buckingham ChuckChuck sodeserved hisbig race winPups For Sale40 acre property provides ...* Spacious galloping paddockswith dams <strong>and</strong> shade* Quality feeding <strong>and</strong> wormingprogram* Pups taught to lead at anearly age <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ledregularly* All pups kennelled beforebreaking in* Excellent facilities availablefor whelping littersZ ammit'sRearing <strong>and</strong>Spelling Farm'If you want yourpuppy to havegood nutrition,plenty ofgalloping <strong>and</strong>constant care,take advantage ofyears ofexperience withinthe industry <strong>and</strong>give it the beststart in life onour farm'GEORGEZAMMITFor any information, pedigrees, faxes, e-mails or photosContact George Zammit (07) 54266209ByDAVID BRASCHTHEY call him Harry, <strong>and</strong>they like to cheer for him.Harry is best known asBuckingham Chuck <strong>and</strong> thecheers rang loud when the sonof Token Prince-StargariHeiress dashed to the front atthe top of the back straight atParkl<strong>and</strong>s on his way to victoryin the recent Gold Coast Cup.For some months early inthe year the cheers had dieddown <strong>and</strong> it didn’t appear asthough Harry would even getback to the races.Harry had dropped a backmuscle <strong>and</strong> broke a hock.Trainer Greg Cannon <strong>and</strong>his owners Laurie Meteyard<strong>and</strong> the brothers Trevor <strong>and</strong>Gary Taverner would havebeen excused for giving up on Harry afterthose injuries which usually signify the endof a race career for most dogs.But the boys knew what they had <strong>and</strong> theyknew they had to get him back. There wassome unfinished business to take care of.Harry had already shown he could runwith some slick race times <strong>and</strong> proved hisclass when runner-up in the Group 1 NationalSprint in Launceston late in 2006.“Vapour Whirl dragged him down at thefirst turn in the (Gold Coast) Cup last year,”said Cannon. “We thought he should havewon.”So when Harry came up with his ideal boxdraw in this year’s Group 2 final, the boyswere supremely confident their time hadcome. It had.Cannon is no stranger to Group success.He had won the Group 2 Ipswich Gold Cupwith Scottish Express, ironically <strong>and</strong>significantly a litter brother to Stargari Heiressthe dam of Buckingham Chuck.Cannon would not compare ScottishMalawiMalawi’s PrinceDuchess MarinaToken PrinceAmerigo ManTrue TemptationBay SupremeBUCKINGHAM CHUCKCredibilityJust The BestFlying AmyStargari HeiressBalligari*StargariBeaut VentureThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 22

LEFT: BuckinghamChuck, or Harry as he isknown around thekennels, after winning theGold Coast Cup.RIGHT: Trainer GregCannon <strong>and</strong> ownersTrevor <strong>and</strong> Gary Taverner<strong>and</strong> Laurie Meteyard withCup winner BuckinghamChuck.Express <strong>and</strong> Buckingham Chuck.“Scottish Express kept falling out ofplanes,” said Greg.That was in reference to the fact ScottishExpress tipped over in a crate in transit on aflight to Sydney for the Potential Stakes someyears ago in which he was raging hotfavourite.Stargari heiress was no slouch on the trackmaking the finals of such prestige races asthe Ipswich Gold Cup (behind litter brotherScottish Express), the Casino Cup <strong>and</strong> theIpswich Auction … all of them Group races.Her first litter was to Awesome Assassinbut Cannon prefers to ignore the lack ofsuccess that litter had.Her second was to Token Prince <strong>and</strong> ithas been a beauty.Buckingham Chuck is the obviousst<strong>and</strong>out.But the litter also includes Thatz Classicthe black flyer who broke the track recordwhen winning the Rockhampton Cup a fewmonths ago, multiple Albion Park winner SpotRocks, Star Lady who was also a winner atheadquarters, the h<strong>and</strong>y North Queensl<strong>and</strong>galloper Poke Along <strong>and</strong> Token Heir who hasbeen a h<strong>and</strong>y Victorian sprinter.Cannon <strong>and</strong> Meteyard have been matessince school in the mid-1980s at MitcheltonHigh.Greg’s passion for greyhounds didn’t takelong to rub off on Laurie.They shared ownership of theToowoomba Shane Taylor Maiden winner AsDirected (Credibility-Stargari) who downedlittermate Count The Stars to win the final.Another littermate Beyond The Stars wasa multiple track record breaker who went toIrel<strong>and</strong> to forge a successful stud career.That litter could have been bought for afew hundred dollars each.Greg had to drag his mates into syndicatesto race them.Laurie was one of those mates.By the time Stargari Heiress came tobreeding, <strong>and</strong> produced that second litter toToken Prince, Greg’s mate Noel Noon whobreeds the litters <strong>and</strong> Greg had no troublegetting big dollars for the pups.Greg runs with the line these days that healways liked Buckingham Chuck (Harry) asa pup. That’s not entirely the case.It was Laurie Meteyard who wanted himfrom the first time he saw him soon afterwhelping. Greg has learnt to love Harry witha passion … Group winning ability will dothat to you.The Taverner boys have been harnessracing devotees for years.In fact, they had six horses before thatfateful day they got to drinking with Greg atthe Arana Leagues Club just a h<strong>and</strong>slip fromSharpe Racing KennelsWanted<strong>Greyhounds</strong>To TrainPerformed or MaidensWe have kennelsfor 24 dogsin training.Phone (07)54628819or 0427 623617Cannon’s Keperra home.The boys were easily tempted into thesyndicate with Laurie <strong>and</strong> the rest is history.Trevor <strong>and</strong> Gary’s beaming faces, alldecked out in pink shirts <strong>and</strong> pink ties (Harryhad box eight in the Cup final), were matchedonly by Laurie’s.Greg is entirely different when he wins abig race. The relief on his face is evident. Thejob’s over.At one stage, almost six months ago, itlooked as thought it was over for good.A Gold Coast Cup trophy has proved toGreg, Laurie, Trevor <strong>and</strong> Gary never to giveup … specially not when Harry is concerned.Breeder Noel Noon is the first to admithe’s become a Jonah when BuckinghamChuck is racing. So Noel promised never towatch the dog race again. He did that the nightof the Gold Coast Cup final.The rest is history.Group 2 Gold CoastCup (457m)1 BUCKINGHAM CHUCK $3.30(Token Prince-Stargari Heiress)Owners: Laurie Meteyard, Trevor <strong>and</strong> GaryTaverner.Trainer: Greg Cannon.2 DIRTY VEGAS $3.40(Where’s Pedro-Juney Reltub)3 BIG TONE BALE $4.60(Brett Lee-Suellen Bale)Others:4 Shades Of Red $355 Axe H<strong>and</strong>le $5.406 Cellarman Bob $487 Rumble Fire $458 Black Cobra $9.50Time: 25.87Troy Sharpe is branching out to fulltimetraining after a successful hobby career of 10 years. Weare a proven kennel having produced multiple AlbionPark, TAB <strong>and</strong> Provincial winners.Join us at the start of a great<strong>and</strong> rewarding new venture.Specialists also in Pre-trainingThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 23

Thirty five years ago a young b<strong>and</strong> ofhearty greyhound enthusiasts workeddiligently to have a registered greyhound trackbuilt in their far flung NSW country town.The initial application was turned downby the governing officialdom.However, 18 months down the track achange of heart saw another applicationreceive a more favourable response.The township is Coonamble <strong>and</strong> Octoberwill see the running of the 34th MaidenSweepstakes. The club made this event themajor race on their opening card <strong>and</strong> it hasstood the test of time.The October long weekend of greyhoundracing at Coonamble is the biggest bettingcountry carnival in Australia <strong>and</strong>Queensl<strong>and</strong>ers flock there.When the first application for a racinglicense was made, one reason it was refusedwas the lack of profitability of other countrytracks close to Sydney.This application made on behalf of theCoonamble steering committee was signed byBrian Fletcher now the manager of thesuccessful Hawkesbury Race Club.The next application was signed by KenMoody a local car dealer who only a fewmonths ago retired from his local dealership.Rowley Green, an original committeeman,is still president <strong>and</strong> his offsider Tony Finlayhas been associated with the club for “toomany years to remember”.“Shiner” Ryan, the original grader, died acouple of months ago. He graded for 20 years.Shiner was the original racecaller, a positionhe held until his recent death.It is doubtful any other race club with ahistory of more than 30 years has employedone only race broadcaster.The clubs success has revolved around thesame b<strong>and</strong> of original “hearty workers”.This year the Maiden sweepstakes will besponsoredby theRooty HillRSL, the16th year ofsponsorshipby the Sydneybased club. How many sponsorsthese days have a 16-year marriage with a raceclub.“The sponsorship came about because ofPaul Ambrosoli’s connection with Rooty HillRSL at the time,” said Green.“Every year we have enjoyed the companyGREYHOUND SCALESBuy Direct From ImporterThree NEWModels toChoose from ...Paradise for QldPuntersof the directors suchas Col Herman <strong>and</strong> until recently, thelate Barry Savage.”The October long weekend carnival is notabout prizemoney. It’s about “a beer, a bet,friends <strong>and</strong> when’s the next race”.The betting ring comprises 10bookmakers. When was the last time you sawa dog track with 10 bookies? When was thelast time you saw a dog track with 10 bookiesready to “let you on”?Well it happens at Coonamble <strong>and</strong> it’sbeen happening for many, many years.The betting ring is a few feet from theoutside running rail.This is not a place for the faint heartedpunter. Betting is what the carnival is allabout. Bookies turn over around $650,000 forthe three days of racing.There is no time for bracing the“champagne bar”.A quick beer <strong>and</strong> a roast beef roll is allthe time you have <strong>and</strong> then it’s back into theaction.It’s a trip back in time.The principal event is the maiden over 301metres. Heats are held on Saturday afternoon.All greyhounds nominated receive a draw.The fastest eight heat winners progress toMonday afternoon’s final.The winner receives $70000 plus a ninecaratgold necklace. Gold necklaces alsoMeat & Bones:Beef Mince, Roo Meat, Roo & Beef, Chicken Mince, Edge, Weaner, Breeder’sChoice, Chicken Necks, Roo Tail Bones, <strong>and</strong> Brisket Bones, plus more ...We stock these top quality dry foods:• ADVANCE Dog & Cat • BONNIE: Working Dog, Lite & Complete• Pro Plan • Whiskas • IAMS Dog & Cat • Pedigree Dry Foods• BOX 1 <strong>Biscuits</strong> & BOX 1 GOLD • Range of EUKANUBAWe also stock Royal Canin, Rex’s <strong>Kibble</strong>, Enduro <strong>Kibble</strong>s, 4 X 2 & 2 X 2 <strong>Biscuits</strong>, MAX <strong>Biscuits</strong>,Hammock Beds, Hessian & Shade Cloth Bed Covers, Leads, Collars, Snacks,FIDO’s Dog & Cat Shampoo, Worming Tablets, Tick Collars, Supplements <strong>and</strong> much more ...MEATph 4728 9981fax 4725 172040104 BRUCE HIGHWAY DEERAGUNaccompany second <strong>and</strong> third prizemoneycheques.There are races for ALL grades throughoutthe program. The club endevours to draw allgreyhounds. If excess noms are received thenthe club will conduct twilight racing.President Green said: “On Monday werace in the morning <strong>and</strong> afternoon. However,we did run a breakfast program on Mondaya few years back when the noms wereexcessive. The first race was 8.30am.“If it happens first, it happens atCoonamble,” Roley said.Racing kicks off on Friday night. Themain event over 530 metres is theCawbourne Kennels Trophy.The race is open to the best 16greyhounds with no more than fourwins. The first four from each go thefinal, while the beaten four from eachheat go to a consolation. The final isworth $2000 to the winner.The 530m for the Best 8 isworth $1000 to the winner.Heats of a “400” are held onFriday night for 16 fifth graders.The first four from each to thefinal <strong>and</strong> the next four to thecons. The final winner will takehome $1000.The top grade 400 is worth$1000 to the winner. There isalso a special 530m maiden on Friday night.It’s open to eight entries. First prize is $500.The sponsors put in a special clause. Theentries must have been unplaced at their pasttwo registered race starts prior to nominationOn Saturday afternoon the added highlightis the running of the Rocky Ridge Farm “GirlsGallop”. Cousin Sam Cauchi has been a longtime supporter of the carnival. This years raceis open to the Best 8 5th grade bitches over400m. The winner receives $500 plus a freeservice to Elite State worth $2750.For those trainers with 301m 5th gradersthere is a perfect race on Saturday morning.Heats of the Moneyshot Lodge Cup are runfor the best 16 fifth graders. Similar deal tothe other event. The first four go to the final<strong>and</strong> the next four go to a consolation. Thefinal winner receives $500 plus a cup.The box draw for the finals, with theexception of the main race, take place afterthe last on Saturday.The box draw for the Rooty Hill RSL finalhas always been a bit unique. The box drawtakes place immediately AFTER thePRECEEDING RACE. The bookmakers arepermitted THREE MINUTES of PRE BOXDRAW BETTING.At the conclusion of the three minutes arepresentative of each of the finalists isrequired in the betting ring where the boxdraw is held under strict steward supervision<strong>and</strong> within the bounds of the rules.Prior to the box draw each bookmakermakes a commitment to allow eachrepresentative of a finalist “first offer” at thenew odds on offer for a “pre box draw”stipulated amount.In other words after the pre box drawbetting has concluded the bookies go back toa clean board <strong>and</strong> as the boxes are drawn sothey put up the new market.Last year any runner could have beenbacked for $40,000 by the connections as thebox draw progressed.This is the only place it happens <strong>and</strong>people come from all parts of Australia tocompete.Yes, it is the biggest betting carnival ofits type in the country <strong>and</strong> its at a far flungwestern districts township in NSW calledCoonamble where there are no largesupermarkets or superstores but there sure issuper betting.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 24

Gary ClarkNew South WalesIt was about 25 years ago that thelocal trainers moved to develop astraight track at the existing horse track.Henry feels they were battling againsthidden issues.“I don’t think the horse club reallywanted us there, although the GRA weresupportive,” he said.So how long will Henry continueracing his dogs?“Probably another year, then mydaughter can take over. but I’ll stilltravel to the races,” he said.Maybe it’s the potassium in thosebananas, there’s no stopping 88-year-oldHenry <strong>and</strong> his energy <strong>and</strong> enthusiasm issure to still be there at 98.MOST people retire in their midsixtiesor at least try to.But for Henry McCarthy (above)there is no such thing as retirement.At the age of 88, Henry loves hisgreyhounds, <strong>and</strong> it was hard to give hiswork away.Henry finally decided to retire at 78.”I had to stop eventually but I lovework <strong>and</strong> the dogs,” Henry said.You could hear in his voice he wouldhave continued work if allowed.A timbercutter <strong>and</strong> truck driver bytrade, McCarthy is a country boy born<strong>and</strong> bred in Wauchope.Known as “Timber Town”, on themid-north coast, Henry moved fromWauchope to Coffs Harbour where hehas been since a 16-year-old.Domiciled in the banana town ofCoffs Harbour, Henry is one of only twogreyhound trainers who remain in thecoastal holiday destination but it is theideal lifestyle.“I’ve been here for 60 years, thereare still a couple of trainers left in townsnearby like Sawtell,” he said.“Although I only have three dogs,there is still plenty of work <strong>and</strong>travelling to do but it keeps me going.”McCarthy’s success at the moment iscoming from Fasten Up who has won 13races including the Kempsey Oaks inFebruary.She also finished second in the NewYears Gift at Casino <strong>and</strong> was a KempseyCup finalist in June.McCarthy purchased Fasten Up fromleading breeder Kevin Johnson.“I don’t think Kevin thought she wasfast enough,” Henry said.Fasten Up is owned by Henry’sdaughter Glynis who now lives with herdad.Has Henry a favourite track?“I think Grafton is the best in thisarea, but the dogs pick the track,” hesaid.McCarthy has never had a citywinner, not that it worries him, he hasthough had a couple of city placegetters<strong>and</strong> one of his favourite <strong>and</strong> best chaserswas Harlem Miss.He loves the country, wouldn’t swapit for anything. It has been his life <strong>and</strong>will be for the next decade.One advantage Henry has is the localbeach.“I use the beach to work the dogs <strong>and</strong>the saltwater is great when they areinjured,” he said.The only change Henry would haveliked to seen in his time at Coffs Harbouris a track in the area.DON’T BUY ANOTHER WORMERUNTIL YOU READ THIS!Complete Worm ControlWhat’s In It?Each tablet provides: Praziquantel125mg, Oxantel Embonate 1355mg,<strong>and</strong> Pyrantel Embonate 357.5mg forcomplete worm control.What Does It Do?Ranvet WORM FREE ALLWORMER treatsRoundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm, Tapeworms<strong>and</strong> Hydatid Tapeworm. It does not controlHeartworm. Ranvet WORM FREE ALLWORMER issuitable for pregnant bitches, which should be treatedat mating, before whelping, <strong>and</strong> then every 3 months.How Do I Use It?Give one tablet per 25kg bodyweight. Treat adult dogsevery 3 months for effective worm control. EffectiveWhipworm treatment will require dosage every 6-8weeks after 3 months of age. Pups should be treatedat 2, 4, 8, <strong>and</strong> 12 weeks <strong>and</strong> then every 3 months.Treatment for Hydatid Tapeworm prevention requiresdosing every 6 weeks.How Is It Packed?Packs of 25, 50 <strong>and</strong> 100 tablets.RANVET’S WORM FREEALLWORMERFOR LARGE DOGSWORM FREE ALLWORMER for Dogs isprovided for smaller dogs <strong>and</strong> pups from1-10kg. This tablet contains Praziquantel50mg, Oxantel embonate 542mg <strong>and</strong>Pyrantel embonate 143mg. This tablet forsmaller dogs <strong>and</strong> pups is dosed at a rateof 1 tablet/10kg bodyweight.MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL IT’SMADE BYRanvetGot a Greyhound Problem?Ranvet Has a Solution!SALKALITEEssential salts with B Group Vitamins,Vitamin E & Vitamin CWhat’s In It?Specifically formulated forgreyhounds, SALKA-LITEsupplements levels of theessential electrolytes includingsodium, potassium, magnesium<strong>and</strong> chloride, to meet theincreased requirements of athleticdogs. SALKA-LITE alsoprovides essential Vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B6 <strong>and</strong> nicotinamide,because adequate levels of these essential energyconversion <strong>and</strong> antioxidant vitamins are often not availablein the diet.What Does It Do?SALKA-LITE supplements the criticalnutrients required to maintain fluid balance <strong>and</strong> energyconversion processes, tomaximise performance in all conditions. Adequate levelsare often not available from the diet alone. Dehydration ingreyhounds resulting from training, barking, panting, nervousnessas well as hot weather increases their dailyrequirements forelectrolytes. Supplementing Salka-Lite helps meet theseincreased levels.How Do I Use It?Give one 4gm scoop (provided) twice daily into foodmorning <strong>and</strong> night.How Is It Packed?SALKA-LITE is available in 600g <strong>and</strong> 1.6kg packs.For more information call the Ranvet technicalInformation Hotline (Toll Free): 1800 727 2171Ranvet Pty Ltd 10-12 Green Street; Botany NSW 2019Phone: +61 2 9666 1744 Fax: +61 2 9666 1755Email: info@ranvet.com.au Website: www.ranvet.com.auThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 25

FOUR years ago, Victorian dog manClayton King got his brother Austin involvedin greyhound racing.It wasn’t as simple as it sounds becauseAustin lives in Oaklahoma City in the UnitedStates <strong>and</strong>, a long distance truck driver, hewas never one to be at home long enough totake an interest in greyhounds.But how that has all changed.Clayton, 44, who lives around Albury hasdeveloped his own passion for greyhoundracing in the past decade.He had trained a galloper or two withmoderate success, but says the attraction togreyhound racing is the obvious one.“I can have 20 greyhounds for the cost ofone racehorse,” he said.When Clayton started looking throughgreyhound pedigrees he quickly came to therealization that Australian greyhounds wereheavily in-bred, so much so that he thoughthe should do something about it, in his ownsmall way.“I’m no Paul Wheeler, but I’m doing mylittle bit,” he said.He turned to greyhound racing in theUnited States as the answer <strong>and</strong> in the processtempted his brother Austin into the industry.Austin has been in the US for 22 years.He went there chasing the rodeo circuit. Theirfather Paul, a blacksmith, soon followed <strong>and</strong>they have been their ever since.“I believe we have got to introduce freshblood into the Australian greyhoundpopulation,” said Clayton.“So I thought it was time to give the USdogs a try.” Clayton’s first experiment wasn’ta success.“My brother bought two pups by GableDodge who was the champion sire in the US,but they arrived here at 12 months, the damwasn’t much good <strong>and</strong> we weren’t that happywith the rearing they’d had,” he said.“The pups were no chance, <strong>and</strong> they wereno good.” Not deterred, he decided to getbroodbitches in pup sent from the US.But along the way he <strong>and</strong> Austin havesnapped up a stud dog called Clappin Thunder(Molotov-Solar Bear) a former stakesperformer from Tampa who had already beento stud in the US.“Molotov was the supersire in the US. Tenmonths ago when we were negotiating to buythis dog, Clappin Thunder was running 110thon the sires list with his first pups to race <strong>and</strong>he was only five years old,” said Clayton.“Now as a six-year-old, Clappin ThunderFor appointmentsor InquiriesPhone Rick FallSpecialists inRearing, BreakingIn, Arm & BoxRe-Education.(For Break InsPlease book at least 2Months ahead.)Lot 13 Wotan RdAtkinson Dam 4311.Ph 07 54264338or 0427 264338Trials byappointmentonly ...Tues, Thurs,Sat, SunMornings.VictorianClayton withState OfGlory <strong>and</strong>USS Justice.Newsis already up to 24th on the sires list <strong>and</strong> lookscertain to be in the top 20 shortly.”There is a huge amount of frozen semenfrom Clappin Thunder left in the US with hisoriginal owner <strong>and</strong> Austin King also has 45straws to sell.Clappin Thunder is st<strong>and</strong>ing at a fee of$880 with Mark Bell alongside top sire GoCongratulations ...To the connections of our new break-in recordholder, a Collision bitch who ran 17.85.Encounter Kennels &Breaking In ComplexBreak-in Vacancies ...With the completion of our new kennel block forracing dogs, this has given us more space in ourbreaking-in kennel block.Phone us to inquire about a booking forbreaking-in <strong>and</strong> join the many satisfiedcustomers to have used our services.AkbarHB’s Comm<strong>and</strong>erPrincess DonnaMolotovBlendwayMystic RoseTinglerCLAPPIN THUNDERTrouper ZekeMinski ZekeFrosty DaySolar BearKelso’s Hot RodLotus TurboBayside S<strong>and</strong>yWild Teddy. “And there has been a goodresponse to him,” said Clayton.About 14 months ago Clayton headed tothe US <strong>and</strong> he <strong>and</strong> his brother sorted out someof the finer details of their US invasion intoAustralia.Clayton had bought a proven broodbitchcalled USS Justice <strong>and</strong> got her into pup toFlying Penske. That litter is racing now <strong>and</strong>showing promise of staying glory to come.“The Flying Penske pups have no earlypace <strong>and</strong> all they want to do is run on,” saidClayton. Trevor Salmoni at Casino has acouple of the pups racing successfully aroundsouth-east Queensl<strong>and</strong>.“I’ve since put the bitch into pup to SurfLorian <strong>and</strong> she has produced nine now sevenmonth-oldpups to him. They are magnificent,much different to the Flying Penske litter.“Surf Lorian puts a bit of attitude into hispups <strong>and</strong> I love that in this litter,” he said.USS Justice is immaculately bred. She isby champion sire P’s Raising Kain <strong>and</strong> herdam Be Original was a litter sister tochampion US galloper <strong>and</strong> sire OswaldCobblepot.Since then a Fortress bitch called StateOf The Art has arrived <strong>and</strong> whelped four pupsto champion Irish stud Larkhill Jo. “She’s gotgreat bloodlines <strong>and</strong> being by Fortress I’llprobably put her to Surf Lorian as well to getthe same cross that produced Slater,” saidClayton.He also believes a son of Larkhill Jo couldbe a huge success at stud in Australia.Clayton <strong>and</strong> Austin have left no stonedunturned in the US.“On my trip there 14 months ago, weorganised for the Strickl<strong>and</strong>s to rear all mybrother’s pups. They are the best in thebusiness in the US,” said Clayton.Two other broodbitches have arrived, bothformer racers for Austin.They are Abilene who has a litter toLarking About, <strong>and</strong> Sweet Monroe who has alitter to Brett Lee’s champion US son TrentLee.Sweet Monroe is a Kiowa Sweet Treybitch <strong>and</strong> a litter sister to a dog called GiftedTrey who won 93 races <strong>and</strong> made the secondAll American team.Plans for all broodbitches are for Claytonto keep a couple of bitches from each withthe purpose of putting them back to Australiansires in the future.“I’m all for bringing in a bit of freshblood,” said Clayton. “It’s an experiment <strong>and</strong>only just starting.” And Clayton King isbacking his predictions.The (September, 2007) Journal Page 26

Letter tothe EditorDear Sir,The GRA appear to totally lackforesight.The Logan City Council has for yearsoffered the GRA the lease of a site on thecorner of Kingston <strong>and</strong> Compton Roads,Slacks Creek, for a greyhound complex.Surely, the GRA’s first priority is aseven-day-a-week complex to guarantee<strong>Greyhounds</strong> Queensl<strong>and</strong>’s future.It is an irrefutable fact the Gold CoastClub is on borrowed time from theuniversity while the Brisbane Club’s leaseagreement with the Albion Park Trustshould automatically be nullified if theBrisbane Club is forced to close downfor redevelopment.A golden opportunity exists to leasethe above site <strong>and</strong> would be an ace upthe sleeve of the GRA when these eventseventuate.Allowing for the cost of relocating thegreyhound complex at Albion Park, (aridiculous high seven figure amount) itmakes more sense to relocate to LoganCity.It is about time the GRA was moretransparent <strong>and</strong> accountable to greyhoundparticipants <strong>and</strong> called an industrymeeting to seek a m<strong>and</strong>ate regarding<strong>Greyhounds</strong> Qld’s futureIt would be traitorous to sell out<strong>Greyhounds</strong> Qld without a m<strong>and</strong>ate fromlicensees. Alternatively with foresight<strong>and</strong> determination this GRA will be thebest ever.K GallowayMember QGBOTABrad Newman2006-07 afantastic yearThe past year has been a great yearfor the Association, which has seen a lotof growth <strong>and</strong> innovation.We have brought back sponsorship, anewsletter <strong>and</strong> introduced a MembersJackpot in the past 12 months.I would like to thank everyone whohas contributed to the Association.I would like to especially thank ourout-going treasurer Rob Gaunt for notonly his tremendous work guiding ourAssociation financially, but for his hardwork in running our BBQ over the pastfew years.Much of the thanks must also go tohis wife Wendy who has done a lot of thework involved with the BBQ.The committee <strong>and</strong> members of theQGBOTA thank you.After a rewarding year, I lookforward to seeing the QGBOTA grow inthe next.And I wish the new committee for 07/08 all the best. If I am a part of it or not,GBOTA NewsI will always be a passionate supporter ofthe QGBOTA as a member.SeptemberMembers JackpotsCapalaba – Saturday September 1 –Race 2 - $100Gold Coast – Tuesday September 4 –Race 2 - $100Ipswich – Wednesday September 12 –Race 2 - $100Albion Park – Friday September 28 –Race 2 – (August to be raced)AnnualGeneral MeetingThe QGBOTA will hold its AGM onSunday September 2.The meeting will be held at AlbionPark this year, at the Pace Setters bar.All members will be forwardedofficial notification.ReminderCapalaba Trial DiscountRemember QGBOTA membersreceive $1 off trials at Capalaba whenpresenting their membership card.Anyone interested in saving somemoney on trialing who isn’t a member, Iinvite you to join the QGBOTA.MembershipMembership forms are available onour website QGBOTA.com, in ourmonthly newsletter, at our weekly BBQat Albion Park on Fridays or bycontacting a committee member.Cost is $10 for individualmembership or $15 for a family.For further membership detailsplease contact out Secretary PatMarchant on 3901-0932.Brad Newman – 0400880295 – allstar@iinet.net.auCASINO GREYHOUND RACING CLUBOCTOBER CARNIVALFRIDAY AfternoonOCTOBER 5 (TAB)Heats Casino RSM Club/DonWaldron Anniversary 484m. (1-5 wins,no city wins) $750 winnersMaiden <strong>and</strong> Graded races for a12-event TAB MeetingFRIDAY AfternoonOCTOBER 12 (TAB)Final Casino RSM Club/Don WaldronAnniversay 484m. $5000 to winnerHeats Westlawn Finance Trophy411m. (1-5 wins, no city wins) $750winnersMaiden <strong>and</strong> Graded Races for a 12-event TAB MeetingSUNDAY AfternoonOCTOBER 14(Non TAB)Heats Nature Vet “Pop Northfield”Maiden 411m (8-dog fields) $200winners.Graded if required for 12-race card.FRIDAY AfternoonOCTOBER 19 (TAB)4 Heats Group 3 Charcoal Inn CasinoCup 484m. $1000 winners.4 Semi-finals Nature Vet “Pop”Northfield Maiden 411m, $750 winners.FINAL Westlawn Finance Trophy 411m,$1500 to WinnerGraded races for a 12-Race TAB MeetingFRIDAY AfternoonOCTOBER 26 (TAB)FINAL Group 3 Charcoal Inn CasinoCup 484m. $15,000 to WinnerFINAL Nature Vet “Pop” NorthfieldMaiden 411m. $4000 to WinnerMaiden <strong>and</strong> Graded races for a 12-raceTAB MeetingFor further inquiriesContactBruce Knight(02) 66623161Fax (02) 66624546casgrey2@nor.com.auPO Box 9, Casino, 2470The (September, 2007) Journal Page 27

Owen EdmondsThe RacingVirusThere’s nothing worse than a virus curse in amongst ones racing houndsThere’s gentle ones, there’s nasty ones, <strong>and</strong> them that just astoundOnes that make the dog feel ill some that can’t be seenSome created by ourselves <strong>and</strong> them that turn you greenRay Burman <strong>and</strong>Technoman afterthe PresidentsCup victory.President’s Cup (710m)Albion Park1 TECHNOMAN $6.50(Surf Lorian-Up And Down)Owner: Mary BurmanTrainer: Ray Burman2 ELLIE’S DIAMOND $5(Bearability-Girl Diamond)3 MISS BROOK $1.45(Ballistic Jet-Br<strong>and</strong>on Sky)Others: 4 Thunder Ahead $15, 5 Trip Meter$101, 6 Magic Best $51, 7 Jeanies Girl$17, 8 Summer Blossom $31. Time: 42.17.IGRCCredibilityJust The BestFlying AmySurf LorianWest CapeBarrio FiestaDee BeeTECHNOMANCredibilityYo Yo’s BoyYo Yo CityUp And DownMalawi’s PrinceVoodoo PrincessVoodoo LadyIpswich Greyhound Racing Club'Leading allthe Way'IT’S BACKSATURDAY NIGHTRACINGSEPTEMBER 29CLASS 3 Non TAB MeetingNoms Close Wednesday September 26 at 8.30am with the GRABookmaker on Course, Restaurant Open, Monster Raffle,Auction Pups on DisplayHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash RepairPuppy AuctionSunday October 14277 Pups Catalogued“This is where the Dream Begins”Ipswich Greyhound Racing ClubPh: 07 3202 2977 Fax: 07 3202 2510 Email: igrc@gil.com.uThe clock-on virus that’s the one that invades your kennel blockIt’s governed by the dogs in work effects the entire stockIt strikes the night before you race <strong>and</strong> gone as quick as it hitsAnd only dogs that are due to race will get the clock-on shitsThe one run short, a deadly strain that effects the younger houndsYou’ve trialled them till their giddy from going round <strong>and</strong> roundBut come the day they’re due to start <strong>and</strong> the dog seems out of sortsIt’s then you know he’s not a show, stricken by one run shortBox six syndrome, the lasting strain especially for young timid pupsEffects them for many starts in a row, to the point where they sometimes give upCan only be cured by a word in the ear of that biased one-eyed computerThe grader can then PUNCH the dog in again, but box six will just have to do youThe field shy virus privy to some that tail the field out wideCan only see the dogs in front, they use the field as a guideThere is no cure, it’s there to the end, frustrating as it may soundThe adoption program has a sure cure, up on somebody’s loungeThe tail chasing germ hard to detect, artists at what they doOutpace the field except for the lead, just can’t gather speed to push throughBut then comes the night in a low graded race, finds that everything else is too slowPulls on the brakes head in the air, to give the punters a showOver the edge a regular flip, worse than a Tasmanian tigerA brain the size of a retarded ant, <strong>and</strong> the instinct of a Funnel web spiderCan only be raced in races one, two or three, <strong>and</strong> keep a good catcher well bookedIt’s all the case of a bad breaking in, tt’s a virus we call overcookedThe box rocking virus a common complaint affects the good dogs <strong>and</strong> badWhen the lure is in motion, rocks to <strong>and</strong> fro, it’s pathetic <strong>and</strong> really quite sadIf the lids start to open when he’s on the way down, he’s out <strong>and</strong> gone like a masterBut if he’s swinging back when the lure hits the gate, he’ll be watching other dog’s arsesThe certainty virus, backed to the hilt, not a chance the bugger can loseThis is a virus we bring on ourselves, <strong>and</strong> the reason we suffer the bluesYou can feel you’ve been cheated, diddled or done, when the certainty fails to arriveSo it’s off to the vet the very next morn, in hopes that your ego survivesWe find just of late the marring complaint, that’s fighting in old doggie termsGives the dog next to him a clip in the ear, for reasons I’m still yet to learnBut I’ll bet it’s a virus that causes this act, a change in the hormonal sceneFor a dog with such talent, courage <strong>and</strong> speed, can shatter a dog trainer’s dreamsThe whole sport is a virus, just ask Jeffery Jones, the surgeons once thought he was doneBut he stuck with the hounds <strong>and</strong> his ticker still ticks, through his veins the racing blood runsYes, the virus some get when you’ve <strong>Greyhounds</strong> in tow, as opposed to a lifetime of blissWill pass by you gently <strong>and</strong> you’ll keep your end up, tis so hard to find time to get sickClarry Early (Totally Serious-Coonowrin Red) wins a MaidenFinal at Albion Park in August. He<strong>and</strong> littermate Call Me Rambo hadwon their heats the week before.At Stud ...TOTALLY SERIOUSFIRST PUPS TO RACETOTALLY UNION - 3 wins 401m Gold CoastBOSANOVA BLUE - 2 wins 395 Albion Park by 13 lengthsMITOJE BOY - 431m Ipswich by 8 lengthsCLARRY EARLY - Albion Pk maiden heat <strong>and</strong> final (debut)CALL ME RAMBO - Alb Pk maidenFee: $500Ph Barry or Sharon Morris(07) 54261966 or 0402 325379The (September, 2007) Journal Page 28

Syd NorrisGREYHOUND racing has a colourfulhistory.Today’s big dollars industry is a far cryfrom the days I remember as a young fella,back in the 50s when the sole purpose ofracing dogs was to get a quid.It was the days of no licenses, no weights,<strong>and</strong> race meetings were loaded with urgers,smarties, punters big <strong>and</strong> small, bookies <strong>and</strong>everyone had the same aim.It was a time when just about everyonehad a trick up their sleeve <strong>and</strong> beating thebookies was a challenge.Greyhound tracks were abuzz, excitingplaces, full of atmosphere <strong>and</strong> we loved everyday at the track.Not every time did we l<strong>and</strong> that elusiveplunge.The Northern Rivers of NSW was a greatbreeding ground for greyhounds <strong>and</strong> we oftengot smart young dogs sent to us to race aroundBrisbane. If the Northern Rivers dogs couldnot h<strong>and</strong>le the circle, they would come northfor straight racing up here.One of those was Ace Pilot.There was never any form guides in thosedays, <strong>and</strong> the only way punters could make aselection was by the betting, or their ownobservation on the dog’s condition.Ace Pilot, we knew, had heaps of ability<strong>and</strong> we set him up at Capalaba.My dad Perc was in the Air Force with aguy called Perc Roper. Perc was a great guybut didn’t have much success with hisgreyhounds.We enlisted Perc to h<strong>and</strong>le Ace Pilot <strong>and</strong>dad <strong>and</strong> I headed into the ring to bet <strong>and</strong> betup big.Ace Pilot was a difficult dog to controlon the way to the boxes <strong>and</strong> in those daysthere was no such thing as a headstall tocontrol a difficult dog. We used a makeshiftcontrol which was a rubber b<strong>and</strong> around thedog’s mouth <strong>and</strong> tied to his collar by string.As he headed off to the start with AcePilot, I asked dad if Perc Roper wouldremember to take the rubber b<strong>and</strong> off AcePilot’s mouth.My old man gave me a serve. “Of coursehe would.”Ace Pilot, gasping for air, finished a closefourth <strong>and</strong> we left our hard-earned in plentyof bookies bags.When Perc Roper arrived back at thefinish, dad asked him why he had left therubber b<strong>and</strong> around the dog’s mouth.“I asked the steward at the boxes what todo <strong>and</strong> he said it must be there for some reasonso he suggested we leave it on him,” saidRoper. The steward <strong>and</strong> Perc Roper undid thestring from the collar <strong>and</strong> tied it onto themuzzle.Ace Pilot was no hope from that moment.But he bolted in next start. We hadsomething on him but nothing like we did thefirst day when the rubber b<strong>and</strong> brought usundone.Trialling, as it is even today, can be a funplace <strong>and</strong> a secretive experience.We all know about hiding a smart youngpup, or a dog ready to win, from the smartiesso we can get a few points extra in the ring onrace day.But how often things can come undonethere as well.MemoriesReg Kay, Julie Edmondson <strong>and</strong> Knocka Norris.Tweed Heads always ran public trials afterthe last race on Monday nights.In those days, it would not matter howlong the trials ran for, not one person wouldleave until the very last trial was run.It was the time of champion SpottedLightning who had won that night in a race atTweed, easily the best of the day.Along come the trials <strong>and</strong> my dad had areally smart young dog called Bat Mastersona son of Magic Babe, who we were gettingready for a race at Grafton.He had to trial around the Tweed becauseit was a similar track to Grafton.At the time, in our fish shop at Brightonwe had a young girl working for us. Weorganised for her boyfriend to come to theTweed trials <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le Bat Masterson forus … all secretly of course.The young fella, Danny Hayes, who wasfully briefed by dad <strong>and</strong> myself about thesecrecy of our plans, carried it off toperfection with Bat Masterson winning thetrial by about 12 lengths in just a tick outsidethe time Spotted Lightning had run earlier inthe night in a race.Dad really put on a show when the trialwas run <strong>and</strong> won.Clark Gable would have been proud ofmy old man. He kept saying to all the clockers“how would you like to have one like that?”Journal columnist Syd Norris wasnicknamed "Knocka Norris" duringtheir football careers by teammate <strong>and</strong>racecaller Mick Cox. Reg Kay, who hasbeen a mate of Norris' for many years,recently named a dog after Syd. KnockaNorris (Elite State-Oriental Angel)brilliantly won by five lengths on debutat Capalaba. The Norris chest hasexp<strong>and</strong>ed just a tad since "Knocka's"easy victory <strong>and</strong> subsequent two winsincluding a 19.58.It was an Academy Award winningperformance by dad.You can imagine all the clockers had theirglasses on young Danny Hayes who wash<strong>and</strong>ling Bat Masterson <strong>and</strong> wanted to knowjust what he looked like … for futurereference.It looked as though dad’s performance wasgoing to convince everyone until our youngconspirator turned up right among all theclockers <strong>and</strong> asked dad what he wanted donewith the dog’s collar <strong>and</strong> lead.A few days later we even got a phone callfrom a friend at Grafton who had heard thebuzz around the track there that BatMasterson was coming down for a race.The Grafton trip was over before westarted.Dad ran with that story for years.CaptionContestEven as acaveman, theywon't leave mealone!August winner:Selena ZammitPOSTMAN'S RIDGEGreyhound ComplexTrialling Daily(Closed Tues & Wed)Winter (May 1- Sept 30) 7.30am to 9amSummer (Oct 1 - April 30) 7am to 9amContact John <strong>and</strong> Sharyn Collins0437 789076 or 0408 789076Ph (07) 46303688The (September, 2007) Journal Page 29

Peter RoseAust Winning LinesANGEL FLIGHT2007 Townsville CupANGEL FLIGHTBrother Fox (Little Blade-Pitstock Park)Osti’s IdolOsti’s MagicElle’s Comm<strong>and</strong>oShantytownElle ShantySome GainBright EbonyChariot SupremeShining ChariotShining LightBright BannerAcacia Park (Wild Port-Pitstock Park)Fashion PlateEllengrove GirlSleek ModelBonjaseBenjasonShining ChariotTabmarayRoy TreaseBonnie TreaseCainokaAcacia Park (Wild Port-Pitstock Park)Acacia AblazeWatusi RoseAcacia KingdomGrove Whisper*Free MethodMethodShantytown's damLika A Blessing isa full sister toChariot SupremeAngel Flightcarries a Sires SexBalance to bothShining Chariot<strong>and</strong> Acacia Park.Sire: BRIGHT EBONY (2001 Welcome World Athletes Tphy (BGC), 2001 Singleton Derby, 2001 Lismore Cup,2000 Lismore Classic, TR Tweed Heads 420m, Gold Coast 457m, Lismore 512m, Casino 484m). Sire of: CHEEKYRENEGADE (2004 Vic Peters (Wpk), 2004 Lismore Classic), CHEEKY SPRITE (2005 Gosford Gold Cup, 2005Grafton Stayers Cup), ZARBO (2005 AWM Dist C’ship (Mea), TR Traralgon 658m), GOZO MASTER (2005Dave Alex<strong>and</strong>er (Wpk), 2005 Richmond Derby), POISON IVORY (2005 Newcastle Cup (Gar)), ANGEL FLIGHT(2007 Townsville Cup), JESSIE’S GIRL (2005 NCA Country Challenge (Wpk)), JOCK’S GIRL (2004 QLDGroup Statewide Challenge (BGC)), PAYBACK FIRE (2005 Perth Cup Consolation (Can)), ZUKO (2006 PerthCup Consolation (Can)), SPRING SPUR (2004 Dapto Silver Collar), CLAN EBONY (2005 Canterbury Futurity(NZ)), BIG SHOT (2007 Monkley Mem Mdn (Wau)).1st Dam: SLEEK MODEL (BGC 30.95, 2 wins Spk 30.21, 2 wins Mea 30.05)dam of: GOZO MASTER (2005 Dave Alex<strong>and</strong>er Mem (Wpk), 2005 Richmond Derby, 4 city wins Wpk(30.36), 4 wins BGC (30.27)GOZO CAN RUN (BGC (23.09), 3 wins Apk (29.93)GOZO HISTORY (2 wins BGC 30.31)GOZO MARIA (2 wins BGC 30.36)GOZO PUPA (BGC 23.20)GOZO SMILE (4 wins BGC 30.31)GOZO TESS (2006 Doc Castles Mem (BGC), 6 wins BGC 30.19)SLEEK AND SMART (3 wins BGC 30.28)TIME OVER (BGC 35.81)2nd Dam: ACACIA KINGDOM (TR Casino 620m, BGC 35.31)dam of: RUSSIAN OAK (2 wins Spk (29.87), Mea (30.41), 3 wins BGC (30.48, 35.50)GOZO BOY (6 wins BGC 30.25)GOZO ITCH (3 wins Wpk 16.20)GOZO LANTERN (2 wins BGC (35.31), Spk (30.02)GOZO SAM (BGC (35.84), Spk (30.29)MODEL JASE (2 wins Mea (30.33), 2 wins Spk (30.08)MODEL PRINCESS (Mea 30.44)SANTA MODEL (2 wins BGC 35.72)2nd dam of: BADBOY BUBBY (Top grade Brisbane sprinter, 7 wins BGC 30.19)3rd Dam: FREE METHOD (Wpk (30.73), BGC (35.64)dam of: NOBLE METHOD (1999 Eric Thompson Mem (Gct)BLAZING METHOD (1997 M<strong>and</strong>urah Spring Gift, 6 wins BGC 30.17)ROANOKEE (1997 Qld GOTY, 1997 Melb Cup (Spk), 1997 Qld Derby (BGC), 1997 GoldCoast Cup (Pkl), 1997 Lismore Cup, 1996 Eukanuba Cup (BGC), 1996 IpswichGold Cup, 1996 Coca-Cola Classic (Lis), 1996 Parkl<strong>and</strong>s Derby, 1998 Twba Cup,TR Twba 457m, Sire, 8 wins BGC (30.00), 3 wins Wpk (30.45), 2 wins Spk (29.96)BILLY WILDER (Wpk 30.82)MALAWI METHOD (2 wins BGC 35.45)MICK’S KINGDOM (5 wins Wpk 30.55)MR PEDRO (2 wins BGC 30.75, 35.91)MY METHOD (Top grade Adelaide sprinter, 2 wins Spk (30.30), 10 wins Apk 29.64)OZZY BARNEY (BGC 30.83)PAMAREENA STAR (Wpk 43.07)TIME SHOCK (2 wins Wpk 30.08)4th Dam: METHODdam of: CARLTON JOANNE (Top grade Gabba sprinter)SPEEDIE UP (1993 Stayers Cup (Pkl), TR Ipswich 732m, Went Pk 720m, Parkl<strong>and</strong>s 732m)sister to: CABROISTER (TR Temora 457m)half sister to: REASONING (TR Bathurst 507m)TACITURN (TR Lithgow 500m, Sire)TRUE REASON (1988 Orange Cup)PRINCE REASON (TR Goulburn 350m)HE’S a happy go lucky fella that DennisReid. And why wouldn’t he be.For the past quarter of a century he’s beenchurning out great greyhounds. His strike rateis phenomenal, among the best in the worldconsidering the numbers he breeds.The story of his damline goes right backto a bitch called Freckled Pick (Special Pick-Am<strong>and</strong>a’s Pick) a bitch who could run, <strong>and</strong>one who was a real mix of country galloperswho could also run.But right down the line, Reid has in-bredto a degree that would amaze most, <strong>and</strong>maybe even himself.But it has been a pattern that has continuedto produce <strong>and</strong> produce.When he has decided to go away from hisproven recipe, it has beensometimes with regret.So let’s look at theevolution of a broodbitch line<strong>and</strong> how in-breeding worked toan extent one could hardlyimagine.FRECKLED PICKThis bitch carried sires sexbalances to a number of sires,closest being Dream’s Image4fx4m. But she also wasbalanced to Roccabright <strong>and</strong>Search Again.TRAVELLING GIRLThe inspiration for DennisReid’s onslaught intogreyhound racing in the 1980swas this daughter of Tegimi-Freckled Pick. Travelling Girlwas a sensation when brokenin. At her first trial at Lismoreshe broke a track record, butsoon after smashed her wrist<strong>and</strong> thereafter could not h<strong>and</strong>lethe corners on racetracks.She was a smart straighttrackerbut lived in the shadowof her littermate KenthurstKate a high class staying bitchfor the Reid kennel. Reid,however, knew only too wellhow good Travelling Girl was<strong>and</strong> set about using her at stud.Travelling Girl, <strong>and</strong>Kenthurst Kate, boast afabulous in-bred pedigree.Firstly they are sires sex balanced to bothWhich Chariot <strong>and</strong> Top Linen.But the most interesting aspect of theirpedigree is that they carry the famedbroodbitch Venetian Rose doubled throughthe middle of their pedigree, <strong>and</strong> balancedthrough the bitch Venetian Babe (Brenda’sBabe-Venetian Rose) <strong>and</strong> the male HighLouvre (Top Linen-Venetian Rose).In fact, Temora Lee (Temlee's dam) <strong>and</strong>Freckled Pick (dam of Travelling Girl) arevirtual sisters, bred on the same WhichChariot/Venetian Rose cross.GOLDEN FOXTravelling Girl had successful litters toPretty Short <strong>and</strong> Brother Fox, twice going tothem both. The bitch, in fact, initially aborteda mating to Pretty Short.Probably her best offspring of all was thechampion bitch Golden Fox (Brother Fox-TheEvolutionof theReid lineTravelling Girl). This bitch could sprint <strong>and</strong>stay with the best of them <strong>and</strong> ran records.She was outst<strong>and</strong>ing.The biggest impact in her pedigree is thefact she carries 3x3 Temlee (through BrotherFox) <strong>and</strong> his full sister Viola Lee (the dam ofTravelling Girl’s sire Tegimi).Bringing in Temlee is a stroke of geniusfor this pedigree. We have already shown thatTravelling Girl carries a double-up ofVenetian Rose through her daughter VenetianBabe (gr<strong>and</strong>dam of Temlee <strong>and</strong> Viola Lee).Golden Fox was sires sex balanced to bothTivoli Chief <strong>and</strong> Which Chariot.Her sire Brother Fox also carried threecrosses of famed broodbitch Elsie Mossthrough the brothers Mister Moss <strong>and</strong> Miller’sMoss all through females.So here we have Golden Fox alreadystarting to become saturated with the bloodof some of the most famous broodbitches thisAUSTRALIAN WINNING LINESVolume 14 - 2005 $55 (inc postage & h<strong>and</strong>ling)Containing all the usual features of the greyhound year: City Winners; Sires, Dams& Maternal Gr<strong>and</strong>sires of City Winners; Western Australia; Australian FeatureRace Winners; Sires, Dams, Maternal Gr<strong>and</strong>sires <strong>and</strong> Pedigrees of Feature RaceWinners; Australian Track Records <strong>and</strong> Overseas Feature Winners.Cheques/Money Orders payable to:Peter Rose, PO Box 330, Jimboomba, Qld, 4280.Ph (07) 5548 6687The (September, 2007) Journal Page 30

Spotlight on Breedingcountry has seen.NEW FOXReid has always rated New Fox one ofthe best, if not the best, of the dogs he hasbred. He won the Topgun <strong>and</strong> would achievefame at stud as the sire of superstar MintMagic also a Topgun winner <strong>and</strong> twice winnerof the Tweed Galaxy.New Fox was by New Tears-Golden Fox.It didn’t take any genius for Reid to plan thismating. Travelling Girl had already producedtwo quality litters to Pretty Short (sire of NewTears) <strong>and</strong> there was a great link betweenPretty Short <strong>and</strong> Little Blade (sire of BrotherFox).Both are bred on the Temlee/Secretlycross. In fact, they carry the sisters BonnieSecret (in Little Blade) <strong>and</strong> Newmore Secret(second dam of Pretty Short).We’ve already seen that Golden Foxcarries Temlee <strong>and</strong> his sister Viola Lee, aswell as her dam Travelling Girl carrying adouble of Venetian Rose (their gr<strong>and</strong>dam).New Tears was in-bred 3mx2f to Temlee<strong>and</strong> was sires sex balanced to that dog. PuttingGolden Fox to New Tears would saturate thepedigree of New Fox.SUBIACOReid outcrossed Golden Fox when he puther to Chariot Supreme, or so it looked onNew FoxClonalvy PrideSilver HopeMillie HawthornLively B<strong>and</strong>*Buffalo BillKell’s QueenMiss BallincleaTegimiTivoli Dreamer*Tivoli ChiefHeather’s Ile (by Top Linen)Viola LeeMister Moss (by Which Chariot*)Temora LeeVenetian Babe (Brenda’s Babe-Venetian Rose)TRAVELLING GIRLTop LinenHigh LouvreVenetian RoseSpecial PickBruton LadBruton BestUnsearchableFreckled PickCheerful ChariotWhich Chariot*Which SideAm<strong>and</strong>a’s PickMagic LightningMajestic RadiumLittle Radiumpaper. But Chariot Supreme’s own sireWaverly Supreme traced to famed Irish Oakswinner <strong>and</strong> legendary broodbitch Prairie Peg.So too did Tivoli Dreamer, the gr<strong>and</strong>sire ofTemlee.This Chariot Supreme-Golden Fox litterwas sires sex balanced to Which Chariot.Reid got a smart litter, <strong>and</strong> included in thebunch was a speedy bitch called Subiaco. Shemade a Lawnton Cup final, was a winner atAlbion Park, <strong>and</strong> was plagued by backtroubles all her career.Reid had no hesitation in breeding withher.Subiaco went off to then star Queensl<strong>and</strong>sire Credibility.Credibility (Worth Doing-No Liability)was already sires sex balanced to Temleehimself <strong>and</strong> he carried Pretty Short as the sireof his dam. He had three crosses of Temlee inhis pedigree.Subiaco produced a litter that was siressex balanced to both Brother Fox <strong>and</strong> WaverlySupreme. And among the litter was Reid’ssuperstar Questions the only dog to win Group1 races over both 520m <strong>and</strong> 710m at AlbionPark.There were no Questions about it. Thislitter was again saturated with in-breeding.GOTTA RETURNby David BraschAround the mid-1990s, Reid also put hisvery fast bitch Gotta Be Solid (Pretty Short-Travelling Girl) to Benjason who was a flopat stud (apart from Bonjase), but he did carrytwo crosses of Temlee through his famed sonSatans Legend (sires sex balanced inBenjason).This Benjason-Gotta Be Solid litter wassires sex balanced itself to Tivoli Chief. GottaBe Solid again carried the Temlee/Viola Leecross.It produced a bitch called Gotta Return.When Reid put Gotta Return to his owndog Questions, thus doubling-up on his ownbitch Golden Fox, he got Derby winner RoadClosed whose saturated pedigree is so full ofVenetian Rose it’s almost impossible to countthe duplications.ANNIE’S COMMANDODennis got a bit tired of the constant grindof travelling to <strong>and</strong> from race meetings in Qld<strong>and</strong> NSW from his Old Bonalbo property inthe late 1990s.He bought at Murwillumbah <strong>and</strong> scaleddown.But Gotta Return produced a litter to theNSW St Leger winner Elle’s Comm<strong>and</strong>o. Hecarried Brother Fox as his second sire <strong>and</strong>enough Temlee in his pedigree to once againprovide the litter with plenty of the samepedigree Reid had done so well with in thepast decade <strong>and</strong> a half.It produced bitches called Annie’sComm<strong>and</strong>o, Twirly Girl, Must Comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>Must Obey.Annie’s was easily the best <strong>and</strong> beat herlittermate Twirly Girl in the last Queensl<strong>and</strong>Cup run at Beenleigh. She ran the track recordin the process.But this litter was unique for a Reid bredmating.It produced in-breeding to ChariotSupreme <strong>and</strong> his sister Like A Blessing(Waverly Supreme*-Mixed Blessings)through the middle of the pedigree. We’veseen that Waverly Supreme* traced to PrairiePeg as did Temlee’s sireline. And there wasenough of Temlee <strong>and</strong> Viola Lee in this matingto make it much as Dennis’ other in-bredmatings.But that Chariot Supreme/Like A Blessingdouble-up was different. Much different.BOILING JET etcWhen Annie’s <strong>and</strong> Twirly retired, Reidhad been off the scene for a short while. Thebitches both went to Melbourne Cup winnerGo Wild Teddy <strong>and</strong> produced flying sprinters,but nothing like New Fox, Golden Fox,Questions etc.And the thing that strikes immediately intheir pedigrees is that Pitstock Park comes inthree times through Brother Fox (twice) <strong>and</strong>his half brother Acacia Park.Reid remembers only too well the dismallitter Travelling Girl produced to Acacia Parkback in the 1980s, a litter that won barely$2000 between them. And it was a virtualoutcross.It had no sires sex balance, <strong>and</strong> of courseno Temlee. That in itself was enough for adisaster.AGRO EBONYIn the mid-1990s Dennis experimentedwith his own damline. A number of times hecrossed it into itself. He came up with classygallopers as well. High class stayer Bring TheBacon (Solid Ebony-Mercy Travel) doubledTravelling Girl 3x2. And Gold Coast Futuritywinner Up The Road (New Fox-Urgency)doubled Golden Fox 2x2.Agro Ebony (Solid Ebony-Urgency)carried the half sisters Gotta Be Solid <strong>and</strong>Golden Fox 2x2. She won in four states oncity tracks <strong>and</strong> when she went to stud, shewas mated to Dutchy’s Angel.Among the progeny was Dutchony a topclass Adelaide sprinter <strong>and</strong> winner of 14 races,most of them at Angle Park. Dutchony, whoraced up to 2006, is the perfect example ofin-bred pedigrees Dennis Reid has beensuccessfully implementing for decades.Dutchy’s Angel is by Light Of Fire a sonof New Tears. He also carries a double-up ofPretty Short, <strong>and</strong> four crosses of Temlee. AgroEbony had her own double-up of Dennis’already saturated damline.It was always going to be the recipe forsuccess.The past quarter of a century had alreadyproven it.Dogs for Racing OverseasMust be under 26 monthsPh Steve Wilkes(07) 54465112 or 0427 319944The (September, 2007) Journal Page 31

Secretary's NotesMACKAYMany trainers live with the hope of oneday getting a top dog to train.For Proserpine trainer Tony Camilleri hedidn’t have to wait too long.Tony was approached to train a dog forthe Mackay Brothers Football Club Syndicatewhose winnings would be used for charity <strong>and</strong>those with special needs.This dog, named Brother’s Belle, hasmade herself <strong>and</strong> those involved with herproud.She has had 46 starts for Tony with arecord of 19 wins, 10 seconds <strong>and</strong> six thirdswhich is a great achievement <strong>and</strong> has wonprizemoney of $8390.Of this $1000 was recently donated to theCancer Fund.One would expect <strong>and</strong> hope that at onlythree years of age she will be able to achievea lot more in her racing career.Well done Tony <strong>and</strong> Brother’s Belle.GOLD COASTThe 2007 Parkl<strong>and</strong>s Gold Coast Cup washeld on August 1.A great night of racing was had by all thatattended.Congratulations to Buckingham Chuck<strong>and</strong> to Greg Cannon <strong>and</strong> the BuckinghamSyndicate on the win.Dirty Vegas ran a close second with BigTone Bale running third.Congratulations to all runners thatcontested the cup.The club will hold its AGM on September21 at 8pm in the restaurant.RACEREveryday Performance Food For <strong>Greyhounds</strong>Having been involved in greyhounds for over twenty years, with thepast seven of those as a professional trainer. I've found that greyhoundsneed consistency in their diet. With a lot of the big name br<strong>and</strong>s ofkibble rising in price. We were losing a lot of kibble that had turned todust. And after soaking a lot of kibbles just turn to mush.I was just not getting the consistency I was after.We gave "Enduro Racer" a try, containing 8% fat <strong>and</strong> a high proteinlevel we found it to be just the right combination we were looking for. Itsoaked up a lot of water without turning to mush. The dogs liked thetaste <strong>and</strong> my greyhounds are racing as well as they ever have.With "Black Enforcer" winning the Group 1 "Topgun", Australia'srichest one out race, "Quidame" running 34.79 seconds, the secondfastest time over the 600 metres at Albion Park, I am only too happy torecommend Enduro Racer as a great kibble for the racing greyhound.Tony BrettBUNDABERGGREG Thomson reckons Great Maddydeserved his victory in the President’s Cup atBundaberg.The Yo Yo’s Boy-Zane’s Girl dog has well<strong>and</strong> truly been through the wars in the pastmonths with a hip support injury which lookedlikely to end his career at one stage.“The knot in the muscle is like a golf ball,”said Thomson. “But he’s back racing <strong>and</strong> nowthat he is fully fit <strong>and</strong> back to his rightdistance, he’s showing his best form.”The litter brother to SA Oaks winnerTiarta downed Bang Goes Bertha with a noseto Bitumen Jack in third.Great Maddy has now won two of his sixstarts since recovering from the hip supportinjury.The dog was runner-up as a pup in theEric Thomson Maiden final at the Gold Coast.“The President’s Cup win was a goodone,” said Thomson. “He settled near the lead<strong>and</strong> was too strong in the straight.“He’s no youngster having already turnedfour, but there might be more wins for himover 600m at Albion Park.”President’s Cup (550m)Bundaberg1 GREAT MADDY $7.50(Yo Yo’s Boy-Zane’s Girl)Owner-trainer: Greg Thomson2 BANG GOES BERTHA $4.60(Bright Ebony-Kay Cee Chambers)3 BITUMEN JACK $2.60(Primo Uno-Baylene)Others: 4 Ledaro Elly, 5 Velvet Assassin, 6Stella Princess. Time: 31.80.Worth DoingCredibilityNo LiabilityYo Yo’s BoyWoodl<strong>and</strong> CitizenYo Yo CityYo Yo LadyGREAT MADDYWalkabout SidHead HonchoFitzroy LassZane’s GirlMalawiMalawi BlueRaheen StarChampion Trainer Tony Brett is a proud member of the Enduro Racing TeamFOR THE ULTIMATE CHAMPION RACING DOG, FEED ENDURO RACEREnduro Racer is a complete <strong>and</strong> optimally balanced maintenance Formula targeted at providing a nutritious dietfor racing greyhounds. Enduro Racer provides the greyhound with a total nutritional package helping it towithst<strong>and</strong> the rigors of training <strong>and</strong> racing regime.Enduro Racer is comprised of a blend of cereals giving a mixture of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates willgive the animal a controlled release of energy. This is particularly important, as greyhounds require a short burstof energy during racing. The release of the energy in this recipe is controlled by ensuring the animal consumesslow release carbohydrates such as the starch from the grain in the kibble.Enduro Racer contains real chicken ensuring the product has a very high palatability. A blend of speciallyselected beef <strong>and</strong> poultry proteins provides the perfect amount of amino acids for muscle development <strong>and</strong>growth. The polyunsaturated vegetable oil in the product promotes a healthy skin <strong>and</strong> coat.Enduro Racer has balanced calcium <strong>and</strong> phosphorous levels for maintaining strong bones <strong>and</strong> teeth <strong>and</strong> is avitamin <strong>and</strong> mineral enriched formula ensuring the greyhound receives all the vitamins <strong>and</strong> minerals needed tomaintain its peak condition.Trade enquiries please call Keri on 0427 701 045or Email feedwellstockfeeds@yahoo.com.au100% Australian Made <strong>and</strong> OwnedCarolyn, Madeline <strong>and</strong> Greg Thomsonwith Great Maddy after the BundabergPresident's Cup victory .The (September, 2007) Journal Page 32

Food suppliedto GAP dogsby Big DogPet FoodsKirsty O'BrienGAP NewsTHE Greyhound Adoption Programhas just completed what is our biggestpromotion for the year at the 2007 Ekka.Even if Ekka numbers were downthis year, dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> interest in “TheGreyhound Lounge” was stronger thanever, with thous<strong>and</strong>s of people stoppingby to meet <strong>and</strong> pat the greyhounds <strong>and</strong>learn of their suitability as pets.This year’s display was set up basedaround a lounge room theme, completewith two lounge suites, dog beds <strong>and</strong>coffee table.The public were encouraged to comein <strong>and</strong> sit down <strong>and</strong> relax with thegreyhounds.It certainly was popular, <strong>and</strong> a greatway for Ekka goers to have a rest fromside show alley, <strong>and</strong> lounge around withthe greyhounds.The Ekka is our biggest annualpromotion, exposing the GreyhoundAdoption Program to a huge number ofpeople many that have never been closeto a greyhound before, or consideredthem as a family pet.Thous<strong>and</strong>s of leaflets were takenCeltic Goddess <strong>and</strong> Trintrilogy,winner <strong>and</strong> runner-up in the Bitchesover 12 months class at the Ekka.away from the event, <strong>and</strong> the periodafter the Ekka is always our busiest timeof the year, as the applications to adoptfollow in the later weeks.At times the crowd was 10 deeparound the display.The young <strong>and</strong> not so young were allkeen to pat the greyhounds <strong>and</strong> get upclose.Staffing our promotional st<strong>and</strong> overthe 10-day period was a huge challenge,<strong>and</strong> our thanks go out to our hardworking team of volunteers that gavetheir valuable time to spend a day or insome cases, many days helping.A number of trainers, owners <strong>and</strong>GRA staff also came in to assist,answering questions from the publicabout the greyhounds, distributingbrochures <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling the dogs.Thank you to all who assisted us atthe st<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> special thanks toBr<strong>and</strong>on’s Electrical for providing thelighting for the display.The Greyhound Adoption Programalso featured centre stage in the DogPavilion.The dogs were showcased to thepublic <strong>and</strong> put on display in the dogshow ring before the crowd.It was a wonderful opportunity toshow everyone once again whatwonderful pets ex-racers can be.SEPTEMBER 1Maiden Heats (420m) Best 16 maidens,$385Bluw Paws Stake (520m) Best 8 5thGrade, $585Springtime Stake (520m) Best 8, $660Stayers Stake (652m) No more than 4 winsat of noms (maidens eligible) $660SEPTEMBER 8Bluw Paws Maiden (420m) $385Maiden Final (420m) winner $385Coolangatta Stake (520m) Best 8, $660Tweed Valley Sprint (420m) Best 8, $660Novice Stayers Stake (652m) Up to 3 wins(maidens eligible) $585OCTOBER 6Elite State Welcome Back Maiden Heats(420m) Best 16, $385Maiden (520m) $385Surf Lorian Welcome Back Novice Heats(420m) 1-3 wins, Best 32Coolangatta Sprint (420m) Best 8, $660Blue Paws 5th Grade (520m) $585 + BluePaws bonusStayers Stake (652m) 1-4 wins, $660OCTOBER 13Elite State Maiden Final (420m) winner$500 + trophySurf Lorian Novice Final (420m) winner$1000 + trophy2 x Maiden Heats (520m) Best 16, $385Blue Paws 5th Grade (420m) $585,winner $400 extra if sire registered withBlue PawsMixed Stayers Stake (652m) 8 nominated,$585OCTOBER 20Maiden Final (520m) winner extra $400if sire registered with blue Paws2 x 5th Grade Heats (520m) Best 16, $585Best 8 (420m) Best 8, $660Stayers Stake (652m) 1-4 wins, $660OCTOBER 27Blue Paws Maiden (420m) $385 + BluePaws bonusNovice Heats (420m) 1-4 wins, $585Coolangatta Sprint (420m) best 8, $660Tweed Valley Stake (520m) Best 8, $660Stayers Mixed Stake (652m) 0-1 wins,$690Track ClosedSept 9-Oct 5Trials ResumeOctober 2Phone (07) 55364555 Fax (07) 55366894So You Want to be aGreyhoundTrainerAll New!GreyhoundTraining BookContact: GRA of Qldon (07) 32627800or PO Box 250 Albion, Q, 4010$22(incls GST)plus $5 Postage <strong>and</strong>H<strong>and</strong>lingThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 33

Owners <strong>and</strong> trainers should beaware, the Forthcoming Eventsare correct at the time ofpublication, but each clubreserves the right to change ordelete any race/races etc.ALBIONPARK(Phone 07 38621744)MONDAY EVENINGAUGUST 27 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Final (520m) QDOGMaiden Final (520m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 3 (Class 1)Best 8 (520m)Winning Edge 5th Grade Heats (520m) finalSept 10 – QDOG2 x Maiden Heats (520m) final Sept 102 x 4th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Sept10Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 10 (Class 1)Best 8 (520m)Novice (520m)Winning Edge 5th Grade Final (520m)QDOGMaiden Final (520m)Best 8 (600m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m) winning ownerto receive free service to Addis BoyGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 17 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (520m) final Sept 24Maiden Heats (520m) final Sept 244th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Sept 24 –QDOGGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 24 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Final (520m)Maiden Final (520m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m) QDOGGraded as requiredOCTOBER 1 (Class 1)Best 8 (520m)Winning Edge 5th Grade Heats (520m) finalOct 82 x Maiden Heats (520m) final Oct 82 x 4th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Oct 8 –QdogGraded as requiredOCTOBER 8 (Class 1)Best 8 (520m)FORTHCOMINGEVENTSTELEPHONE NOMINATIONSThe lines will be open from 7am-8.30amMonday to Friday except on public holidays ornotified changes.Telephone No 1800 851 155 (Toll Free)Five Easy Steps to Nominate Your GreyhoundThe operator will ask you for the followinginformation.1 Name of Greyhound2 Earbr<strong>and</strong>3 Trainers Name <strong>and</strong> Licence Number4 Track, Date, Distance, Name of Event,If Greyhound has started Interstate since lastQueensl<strong>and</strong> performance, Comments (i.e.Heats/Early Race etc)5 Second Preference or Nominating atBox DrawsOwners <strong>and</strong> trainers should beaware they are always able toview the box draw procedureat the GRA offices. This can beviewed between 10 <strong>and</strong> 11ameach day.Novice (520m)Winning Edge 5th Grade Final (520m)Maiden Final (520m)Best 8 (600m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m) free service toHall’s Northern – QdogGraded as requiredOCTOBER 15 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (520m) final Oct 22 – QdogMaiden Heats (520m) final Oct 224th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Oct 22Graded as requiredOCTOBER 22 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Final (520m) QdogMaiden final (520m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 29 (Class 2)Best 8 (520m)Novice (520m)Maiden (520m)Graded as requiredTHE ORIGINALAUSTRALIAN PLASTICGREYHOUND MUZZLESStop PressThe Original AustralianPlastic (nylon)Muzzleshave beenapprovedfor racingon alltracks inQld byGRA.Are now readilyavailable again ...* Lightweight* Ideal for travelling,kennelling & trialling* Durable * 6 SizesSole Distributor: Miller's Muzzles0418 315790www.millersmuzzles.com1800 851 155another Track which is not a second preferencePlease Note:* A nomination form will need to be completedwhen nominating a greyhound for its firstQueensl<strong>and</strong> start which is either owned or trainedby Interstate licensees.* A nomination form needs to be completedso relevant information concerning the greyhound/owner/trainer can be recorded on the GRAdatabase.THURSDAY EVENING(CLASS 1)AUGUST 30Best 8 (600m)5th Grade Final (600m) QDOG4th-5th Grade (710m)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 6Best 8 (600m)Best 8 (520m)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 13Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (600m) final Sept 20 –QDOGGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 20Lightning Final (395m) winner $5000 +trophy, winner will lose Class 1 gradeBest 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (520m) final Sept 27 –QDOGNovice (520m)5th Grade (600m) Qdog5th Grade (710m) QDOGGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 275th Grade Final (520m) QDOGNovice (520m)Best 8 (600m)4th-5th Grade (710m)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 4Best 8 (520m)4th-5th Grade (710m) QdogGraded as requiredOCTOBER 11Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (520m) final Oct 18 – QdogBest 8 (710m)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 18Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Final (520m) QdogNovice (520m)Best 8 (600m)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 25Best 8 (520m)Novice (520m)Best 8 (600m)Graded as requiredThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 34* Once this information is received thetelephone nomination service may be usedprovided there is no change in the ownership ortrainer of the particular greyhound.Should this be the case a new nomination formwill need to be completed.Should you have any queries regarding thisservice please contact the Grading Department 2-3pm Monday to Friday.FRIDAY TWILIGHT(CLASS 3)AUGUST 31Best 8 520m5th Grade 520m(0-2 wins) 600mBest 8 395m5th Grade Final 395mNovice 395mGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 7Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Heats (520m) final Sept 144th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Sept 14 –QDOGBest 8 (395m)Novice (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Sept 14Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 14Albion Park Lightning Heats (395m) finalSept 20, winner to lose Class 1 gradeMaiden Final (395m)4th-5th Grade Heats (520m) final Sept 21 –QDOG4th-5th Grade Final (600m) QDOGGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 21Best 8 (520m)4th-5th Grade Final (520m) QDOG0-2 wins (600m)Best 8 (395m)Novice (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Sept 28Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 285th Grade Heats (520m) final Oct 55th Grade heats (395m) final Oct 5 - QdogNovice (395m)Maiden Final (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Oct 5Graded as requiredOCTOBER 5Best 8 (520m)5th Grade Final (520m)4th-5th Grade Heats (600m) final Oct 12 –Qdog5th Grade Final (395m) QdogNovice (395m)Maiden Final (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Oct 12Graded as requiredOCTOBER 12Best 8 (520m)0-2 wins (600m)4th-5th Grade Final (600m)Best 8 (395m)Novice (395m)

FORTHCOMING EVENTSMaiden Final (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Oct 19Graded as requiredOCTOBER 19Best 8 (520m)5th Grade (520m)0-2 wins (600m)Best 8 (395m)Novice (395m)Maiden Final (395m)Maiden Heats (395m) final Oct 26Graded as requiredOCTOBER 26Best 8 (520m)4th-5th Grade Heats (395m) final Nov 2 –QdogNovice (395m)Maiden Final (395m)Maiden heats (395m) final Nov 2Graded as requiredIPSWICH(Phone 07 32022977)TUESDAYS (Class 2)AUGUST 28Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Final 431m5th Grade Heats 431m4th/5th Grade Final 520m5th Grade 630mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 4Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 431mHeats Derby 520m Best 32 Dogs 30 Months& Under at time of close of NomsHeats Futurity 520m Best 32 Bitches 30Months & Under at time of close of Noms5th Grade Final 431mGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 11Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mFinal Derby 520m Winner $5000Final Futurity 520m Winner $5000Memorial Trophy 630m Best 8 Winner $30004th/5th Grade Heats 431m QDogBest 8 520m or 431m (Dist depends onNoms)Graded as RequiredSEPTEMBER 18Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repairs Maiden Final 431mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)4th/5th Grade 630m4th/ 5th Grade Final 431m QDog bonusGraded as RequiredSEPTEMBER 25Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Final 431mHeats Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Auction Series431m. Noms close for heats on September25 & October 2 with GRA on September 20.Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 29 (Saty night)Class 3, Non TAB, 10 Races.Maiden & Graded Races over 431, 520 &630mPrizemoney First 3 Placings Only 1st - $2502nd - $100 3rd - $50Noms Close September 26.OCTOBER 2Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 431mHeats Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Auction Series431m. Noms close September 20.Graded as requiredOCTOBER 9Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repairs Maiden Final 431mSemi-Finals Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair AuctionStewards inquiriesSeries 431m. Number of Semis depends onnumber of heats.Heats City of Ipswich Gold Cup Lead-InSeries 520m – Best 16 Final Winner $2000Graded as RequiredOCTOBER 16Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repairs Maiden Final 431mFinal Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Auction Series431mFinal City of Ipswich Gold Cup Lead-InSeries 520m Winner $20005th Grade Heats5th Grade 630mGraded as RequiredOCTOBER 23Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 431mHeats City of Ipswich Gold Cup 520m(Maximum 8 Heats)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 30Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 431mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Final 431mFinal City of Ipswich Gold Cup 520m$25,000 to WinnerGold Cup Consolation 520m $2000 to Winner(Noms Required)5th Grade Heats4th/5th Grade 630m QDogGraded as requiredWEDNESDAYS (Class 3)AUGUST 29Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520mYoung Guns Final (520m) winner $10,0005th Grade Heats 520mNovice 431m (Must be stated on Nom)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 5Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 520m5th Grade Heats 431mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 520m (Must be stated on Nom)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 12Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 431m5th Grade Heats 520m Q DogBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 431m (Must be stated on Nom)1 Win/Maiden 630mGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 19Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 520m QDog bonus5th Grade Heats 431mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 520m (Must be stated on Nom)5th Grade 630m QDogGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 26Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 431m5th Grade Heats 520mBest 8 520m or 431m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 431m (Must be stated on Nom)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 3Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 520m4th/5th Grade Heats 431m QDogBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 520m (Must be stated on Nomi)Graded as requiredJULY 25Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), C Clifford(deputy).Stewards opened an inquiry into the urine sampletaken from Orbit Burst taken on July 13 at Gold Coast(Race 8, placed 2nd) which subsequently returnedpositive to the drugs Theophylline, Paraxanathine <strong>and</strong>Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr P Sutton ofToowoomba. He was charged under AR 122 whichstates: “The owner, trainer or person in charge of agreyhound nominated to compete in an event shallproduce the greyhound for the event free of any drug”.Sutton pleaded guilty <strong>and</strong> was suspended for twomonths <strong>and</strong> fined $250.Orbit Burst was disqualified under AR 124 (1). Suttonwas directed to return the prizemoney to the GRA. Hissuspension started on July 27. He was read his rights ofappeal.JULY 30Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), C Clifford(deputy chair), D Taggard (steward).Stewards opened an inquiry into the failure of Mr PCauchi to renew his trainer’s license at the due date ofJune 30, 2007.He indicated he did not receive a renewal notice asposted to all licensees in Qld prior to the expiry date.He raced greyhounds at Grafton on July 7, 11 <strong>and</strong> 14<strong>and</strong> at Albion Park on July 19 before renewing his licenseon July 23.Stewards accepted evidence from him.He was charged under Rule 125(1)(I) which states:“Any person (including an official) who; being a personwho is not registered with the Board/Commission or anapproved registration Board/Commission as agreyhound trainer, acts or holds himself out as a trainerof a greyhound entitled or intended to compete in anevent”.Cauchi pleaded not guilty but was found guilty <strong>and</strong>final $200. He was read his rights of appeal.AUGUST 6Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), C Clifford(deputy chair).Stewards convened an inquiry in relation to the urinesample taken from Late Edition which competed on June4 at Albion Park in Race 7 (placed 5th) whichsubsequently returned positive to the drugDexamethasone.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr Bob Belfordof Logan Village. He was charged under AR 122 whichstates: “The owner, trainer or person in charge of agreyhound nominated to compete in an event shallproduce the greyhound for the event free of any drug”.Belford pleaded guilty, was suspended for two months<strong>and</strong> fined $750.Late Edition was disqualified under AR 124 (1). Hewas read his rights of appeal.AUGUST 6Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), D Barbour(cadet grader/steward).Stewards convened an inquiry in relation to the urinesample taken from Over Quoted which competed onJune 8 at Albion Park in Race 7 (placed 6th) whichsubsequently returned positive to the drugsTheophylline, Paraxanathine <strong>and</strong> Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr Edwards ofEllangowan. He was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of a greyhoundnominated to compete in an event shall produce thegreyhound for the event free of any drug”.Edwards pleaded not guilty, but was found guilty <strong>and</strong>suspended for three months <strong>and</strong> fined $500.Over Quoted was disqualified under AR 124 (1).Edwards was read his rights of appeal.AUGUST 7Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), C Clifford(deputy chair), G Small (steward).Stewards convened an inquiry in relation to the urinesample taken from Brindle Chaser which competed onMay 19 at Capalaba in Race 8 (placed 5th) whichsubsequently returned positive to the drug Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr Price ofOrimston. He was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of a greyhoundnominated to compete in an event shall produce thegreyhound for the event free of any drug”.Price pleaded not guilty, but was found guilty <strong>and</strong>fined $250.Brindle Chaser was disqualified under AR 124 (1).Price was read his rights of appeal.AUGUST 10Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), G Small(steward).Stewards convened an inquiry in relation to the urinesample taken from Julio which competed on June 29 atAlbion Park in Race 3 (placed 6th) which subsequentlyreturned positive to the drug Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr Suell ofGumdale. He was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of a greyhoundnominated to compete in an event shall produce thegreyhound for the event free of any drug”.Suell pleaded not guilty, but was found guilty <strong>and</strong>fined $250.Julio was disqualified under AR 124 (1). Suell wasread his rights of appeal.Corey PearcePhotographyFor all your race photos atAlbion Park (Mon, Thurs, Fri)<strong>and</strong>Ipswich (Tues, Wed)Ask us about specialised photosof your champion.0417 000130The (September, 2007) Journal Page 35

FORTHCOMING EVENTSOCTOBER 10Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m4th/5th Grade Final 431m QDog Bonus5th Grade Heats 520mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 431m (Must be stated on Nom)1 Win/Maiden 630mGraded as requiredOCTOBER 17Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 520m5th Grade Heats 431mBest 8 431m or 520m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 520m (Must be stated on Nom)5th Grade 630m QDog bonusGraded as requiredOCTOBER 24Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m5th Grade Final 431m4th/5th Grade Heats 520m QDogBest 8 520m or 431m (Dist depends onNoms)5th Grade 630mNovice 431m (Must be stated on Nom)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 31Highl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Heats 520mHighl<strong>and</strong> Smash Repair Maiden Final 520m4th/5th Grade Final 520m QDog bonus5th Grade Heats 431mBest 8 520m or 431m (Dist depends onNoms)Novice 520m (Must be stated on Nom)Graded as requiredGOLDCOAST(Phone 07 55322611)TUESDAYS (Class 3)AUGUST 28Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade (650m) QDOGSEPTEMBER 4Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Novice (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)SEPTEMBER 11Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (457m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade (650m)SEPTEMBER 18Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Novice (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)SEPTEMBER 25Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)5th Grade (650m) QDOG RACEQLD STUD DOG STATISTICSApril 2007Statistics include: Results of all types of services by Qld registered stud dogs; Results of all types of services by interstate stud dogs to Queensl<strong>and</strong> ownedbitches. The highlighted services are inseminations by a Queensl<strong>and</strong> registered fsi facility to; Interstate owned bitches with a registered breeding unit frominterstate registered stud dog. Abbreviations: - NIW - Not in Whelp, APD - all pups deceased, NNR - no notification received from breeder, I-S B - InterstateBreeder. Y - artificial insemination, C - artificial insemination with a chilled breeding unit; F - artificial insemination with a frozen breeding unit. The GRAdoes not record the breeder’s name of interstate whelped litters.Sire Dam Serve Whelp Dog Bitch Breeder AI ClinicBearability Spinning Reel 7-4-07 31-5-07 3 6 LingardBlack Enforcer Split The Mist 19-4-07 Niw SherwoodBlack Enforcer White Spark 21-4-07 23-6-07 3 3 BardenBlack Enforcer Souviga 23-4-07 Niw Jeneric Synd YBombastic Shiraz Berella Electra 26-4-07 28-6-07 1 1 Renner F SternbergBond Baby It’s You 1-4-07 3-6-07 2 2 Saal F SternbergBond Iza Tora 4-4-07 5-6-07 4 1 Balligari Synd YBond Hyponui 14-4-07 15-6-07 4 6 Bryers YBond Blues Alley 24-4-07 25-6-07 2 2 Edmonds YBond Obsidian Chip 26-4-07 27-6-07 1 6 Carton For Startin Synd F SternbergBond Oceanic Tycoon 29-4-07 2-7-07 6 2 Cauchi F I-S ClinicBonshaw Boy Ellie’s Jaz 13-4-07 14-6-07 4 1 Tri Hards SyndBrett Lee Rose Of Shiraz 25-4-07 Niw Turner F SternbergBuckjumps Riccadonna Rose 18-4-07 19-6-07 4 3 HastieCollision Lyddy Burns 10-4-07 11-6-07 4 2 Galloway Synd F Manly RoadCollision She Can Whistle 12-4-07 14-6-07 7 2 Keep F Manly RoadCollision Yo Yo’s Gem 16-4-07 20-6-07 2 Eddie F Manly RoadDigital Emma’s Osti 11-4-07 Niw Thomme F‘ I-S ClinicElgr<strong>and</strong>o Smart State 8-4-07 11-6-07 2 McLeish F Manly RoadGo Wild Teddy Awesome Design 11-4-07 14-6-07 3 5 Hay Synd F Manly RoadGozo Farmer Shop A Docket 20-4-07 23-6-07 4 5 StevensLate Late Show Little Receiver 26-4-07 Nnr Dean F Manly RoadPure Octane Black Donna 11-4-07 12-6-07 1 O’Reilly Synd F JocumsenPure Octane Cool Doc 21-4-07 Nnr Dalton YSpiral Nikita Rumble Delight 3-4-07 4-6-07 5 4 Felgate F I-S ClinicSurf Lorian Roshana Reason 2-4-07 Niw Robartson Synd YSurf Lorian Oriental Angel 2-4-07 6-6-07 4 4 Thompson YSurf Lorian Dooley’s Mist 5-4-07 Niw DullSurf Lorian Zane’s Girl 7-4-07 9-6-07 3 3 SimmsSurf Lorian Paddy’s Sunshine 17-4-07 19-6-07 7 3 BoodySurf Lorian Tengari 17-4-07 17-6-07 2 4 Grezlo F Manly RoadSurf Lorian Zippity Quick 18-4-07 25-6-07 5 2 Balligari Synd F I-S ClinicSurf Lorian Jukebox Jessie 19-4-07 22-6-07 2 3 PhillipsSurf Lorian Who’s A Bearing 22-4-07 22-6-07 4 2 Luxton F Manly RoadSurf Lorian By Request 23-4-07 Nnr McGeary F I-S ClinicVesuvio Galeforce Flyer 1-4-07 6-6-07 3 1 GaleVesuvio Elusive Santi 4-4-07 7-6-07 2 5 FinchWhere’s Pedro Shells Diamond 25-4-07 26-6-07 6 2 Nelson F SternbergWild Voodoo Regal Summer 16-4-07 17-6-07 5 2 PayZed Three Sweet Kayla 8-4-07 11-6-07 4 3 QuinnOCTOBER 2Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Novice (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 9Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m) QDOG raceMaiden Final (457m)5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 16Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Novice (457m)5th Grade Final (457m) Qdog finalMaiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 23Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 30Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Maiden Heats (457m)Novice (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)5th Grade (650m) Qdog raceNOVEMBER 4 (Sunday)Sth-East Qld Cup Heats (401m) dependingon noms5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden final (457m)5th Grade (457m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade (650m) Qdog raceMaiden (650m)NOVEMBER 13Sth-East Qld Cup Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)5th Grade (401m)Best 8 (457m)Novice (457m)4th-5th Grade Heats (457m) Qdog race5th Grade (650m)NOVEMBER 20Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)Novice (457m)4th-5th Grade Final (457m) Qdog finalMaiden Heats (457m)5th Grade (650m)NOVEMBER 27Novice (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade (650m) Qdog raceWEDNESDAYS(Class 2)AUGUST 29Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)5th Grade (457m)SEPTEMBER 55th Grade Final (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)4th-5th Grade Heats (457m) QDOG RACESEPTEMBER 12Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)4th-5th Grade Final (457m) QDOG FINALMaiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)SEPTEMBER 193rd-4th Grade (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)5th Grade (650m) QDOG RACESEPTEMBER 26Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 35th Grade Final (401m)3rd-4th Grade (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)Maiden Final (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 10Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 173rd-4th Grade (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)5th Grade (650m) Qdog raceOCTOBER 24Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m) Qdog race3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)OCTOBER 313rd-4th Grade (401m)5th Grade Final (401m) Qdog finalMaiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)NOVEMBER 7Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m)3rd-4th Grade (457m)5th Grade Final (457m)Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)The (September, 2007) Journal Page 36

FORTHCOMING EVENTSNOVEMBER 143rd-4th Grade (401m)5th Grade Final (401m)Maiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)5th Grade (650m) Qdog raceNOVEMBER 21Best 8 (401m)Maiden Final (401m)5th Grade Heats (401m) Qdog race5th Grade Final (457m)Gary McKnight Memorial (457m) Best 8Maiden Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)NOVEMBER 283rd-4th Grade (401m)5th Grade Final (401m) Qdog finalMaiden Heats (401m)Best 8 (457m)Maiden Final (457m)5th Grade Heats (457m)4th-5th Grade (650m)CAPALABA(Phone 07 33902772)AUGUST 25Tommy Hoyl<strong>and</strong> Memorial 5th Grade Finals.1st final (QDOG) winner $1000; 2nd finalwinner $400; 3rd final winner $300; 4th finalwinner $210.5th Grade Time Trial. Best 8 5th gradersnominated. Racing against the clock. Winner$800 + trophy.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8SEPTEMBER 13rd-4th Grade Heats5th Grade Heats, Best 16 that have had at least10 starts <strong>and</strong> won no more than 3 racesanywhere. 1st-4th to final; 5th-8th to final.2 x Maiden Heats. 1st-4th to final; 5th-8th tofinal.NoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade BitchesBest 8SEPTEMBER 83rd-4th Grade Final, winner $500 + trophy.5th Grade Series Finals. 1st-4th final winner$500; 5th-8th final winner $250.Maiden Finals. 1st-4th final winner $400; 5th-8th final winner $200.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8SEPTEMBER 154 x 5th Grade QDog Series Heats. Everystarter makes a final.Veterans Stake, 4 years <strong>and</strong> older at date ofrace. Winner $300.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8SEPTEMBER 225th Grade Series Finals. QDog on first finalonly. 1st-2nd final winner $800; 3rd-4th finalwinner $400, 5th-6th final winner $300; 7th-8th final winner $210.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8SEPTEMBER 293rd-4th Grade Time trial, racing against theclock. Fastest $800 + trophy. Normal penaltyrace.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8OCTOBER 62 x 5th Grade Heats (greyhound had at least10 starts <strong>and</strong> won no more than 3 racesanywhere). 1st-4th to first final; 5th-8th tosecond final.2 x Maiden Heats. 1st-4th to first final; 5th-8th to second final.NoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8OCTOBER 135th Grade Series Finals. 1st final winner $500;2nd final winner $250.Maiden Series Finals. 1st final winner $400;2nd final winner $200.Michael Miller Memorial 5th Grade Series(sponsored by Whisky Assassin At Stud).Number of heats determined by noms.Maiden/gradedOCTOBER 20Michael Miller Memorial 5th Grade Final.Qdog on final. Winner $10,000 + trophy, 2nd$2000, 3rd $500, 4th $100.Michael Miller Consolation. <strong>Greyhounds</strong> whocontested heats. If 16 noms received, twoconsolations will be run. Winner $1000.Veterans Stake, 4 years <strong>and</strong> older at date ofrace. Winner $300.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8OCTOBER 27Open Time Trial (Best 8 regardless of grade).Racing against the clock. 1st $800 + trophy.Normal penalty race.MaidenMaiden BitchesNoviceNovice Bitches5th Grade5th Grade Bitches4th Grade4th Grade BitchesBest 8BUNDABERG(Phone 07 41522033)AUGUST 254th-5th Grade (550m)Graded as noms permitSEPTEMBER 1No racingSEPTEMBER 8BGBOTA Maiden Heats (460m)Graded as noms permitSEPTEMBER 15BGBOTA Maiden Final (460m) prizemoney$1000Graded as noms permitSEPTEMBER 22BGRC 5th Grade Heats (460m)Graded as noms permitSEPTEMBER 29BGRC 5th Grade Final (460m) winner $300Graded as noms permitOCTOBER 6No racingOCTOBER 13Maiden-5th Grade (550m)Graded as noms permitOCTOBER 20Anniversary Cup Heats (550m) 4th-5th GradeGraded as noms permitOCTOBER 27Anniversary Cup Final (550m)Graded as noms permitTOWNSVILLE(Phone 07 47721742)AUGUST 30Young Guns Final (380m) 1st $2500, 2nd$1000, 3rd $500Maiden, gradedSEPTEMBER 65th Grade Heats (380m) QdogMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 135th Grade Final (380m) QdogMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 204th-5th Grade Heats (498m) QdogMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 274th-5th Grade Final (498m) QdogMaiden/gradedOCTOBER 4Townsville Derby Heats (498m) dogswhelped on or after 1-1-05Townsville Futurity Heats (498m) bitcheswhelped on or after 1-1-05Maiden/gradedWhelpingsSire Dam Whelp Dog Bitch Breeder ServBearability Spinning Reel 31-5-07 3 6 LingardBlack Enforcer Black Eye Dooley 28-5-07 2 4 DullBlack Enforcer Farmor Zippy 31-5-07 3 5 ScottBlack Enforcer L<strong>and</strong>au Court 13-8-07 6 4 LennonBlack Enforcer White Spark 23-6-07 3 3 BardenBombastic Shiraz Berella Electra 28-6-07 1 1 Renner FBombastic Shiraz Cynthia Stanley 30-6-07 1 3 Parker FBombastic Shiraz Miss Spicy 3-8-07 3 3 Pringle FBond Baby It’s You 3-6-07 2 2 Saal FBond Blues Alley 25-6-07 2 2 Edmonds YBond Hyponui 15-6-07 4 6 Bryers YBond Iza Tora 5-6-07 4 1 Balligari Synd YBond Obsidian Chip 27-6-07 1 6 Carton For Startin FBond Oceanic Tycoon 2-7-07 6 2 Cauchi FBonshaw Boy Ellie’s Jaz 14-6-07 4 1 Tri Hards SyndBuckjumps Riccadonna Rose 19-6-07 4 3 HastieCollision Boudica 10-7-07 6 5 HornCollision Fools State 27-7-07 2 1 Osborn FCollision Lyddy Burns 11-6-07 4 2 Galloway Synd FCollision She Can Whistle 14-6-07 7 2 Keep FCollision Smooth Syrah 31-7-07 4 Hannon FCollision Tourist Kate 8-5-07 3 2 Moonlight One Syn FCollision Yo Yo’s Gem 20-6-07 2 Eddie FElgr<strong>and</strong>o Smart State 11-6-07 2 McLeish FElite State Delicate Lee 1-6-07 3 Thrupp FFlying Scott Ella’s Reward 4-8-07 7 3 Johnson YGable Lafourche Sonja’s Me Mum 14-7-07 3 3 Forbes FGo Wild Teddy Awesome Design 14-6-07 3 5 Hay Synd FGozo Farmer Shop A Docket 23-6-07 4 5 StevensLate Late Show Mysterious Lee 2-7-07 6 5 Hines FLindale Blue Rose Contessa 21-7-07 4 5 FitchNovember Fury Gorgas 18-7-07 8 2 BoodyPure Octane Black Donna 12-6-07 1 O’Reilly Synd FPure Octane Diamond Label 17-7-07 5 2 Champagne Synd YRobust Character Just Like Tammy 13-7-07 3 6 Bryant YSpiral Nikita Rapid Cyclone 20-7-07 3 5 Hines FSurf Lorian Good Cheer 19-7-07 3 2 GodsallSurf Lorian Jukebox Jessie 22-6-07 2 3 PhillipsSurf Lorian Paddy’s Sunshine 19-6-07 7 3 BoodySurf Lorian Same Result 6-7-07 2 1 FelgateSurf Lorian Tengari 17-6-07 2 4 Grezlo FSurf Lorian Who’s A Bearing 22-6-07 4 2 Luxton FSurf Lorian Zane’s Girl 9-6-07 3 3 SimmsSurf Lorian Zippity Quick 25-6-07 5 2 Balligari Synd FVesuvio Elusive Santi 7-6-07 2 5 FinchVesuvio Young Lady Yo 5-7-07 3 3 McdonaldVesuvio Young Sammie 10-7-07 6 2 McDonaldWhere’s Pedro Perfect Shape 6-7-07 3 Hogan Synd FWhere’s Pedro Shells Diamond 26-6-07 6 2 Nelson FWhere’s Pedro Solid Skye 11-7-07 7 2 Hunt YWhere’s Pedro Suna Silence 9-7-07 3 3 Dawson FWhisky Assassin Blue Day Creek 11-7-07 3 1 Hines YWhisky Assassin Fool’s Fiasco 13-7-07 5 5 Luke FWild Voodoo Crazy Two 31-7-07 4 4 WendtWild Voodoo Oops Sorry 4-6-07 6 2 BurnWild Voodoo Regal Summer 17-6-07 5 2 PayThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 37

FORTHCOMING EVENTSOCTOBER 11Townsville Derby Final (498m)Townsville Futurity Final (498m)Maiden/gradedOCTOBER 185th Grade Heats (498m) QdogMaiden/gradedOCTOBER 255th Grade Final (498m) QdogMaiden/gradedNOVEMBER 14th-5th Grade Heats (380m) QdogMaiden/gradedNOVEMBER 84th-5th Grade Final (380m) QdogYoung Guns Heats (498m) 30 months oryounger at time of heatsMaiden/gradedNOVEMBER 15Young Guns Final (498m) 1st $2500Maiden/gradedNOVEMBER 225th Grade Heats (380m) QdogMaiden/gradedNOVEMBER 295th Grade Final (380m) QdogMaiden/gradedDECEMBER 65th Grade Heats (498m) QdogMaiden 1000 Heats (380m)31st Anniversary Trophy Heats (498m)Maiden/gradedDECEMBER 135th Grade Final (498m) QdogMaiden 1000 Final (380m)31st Anniversary Trophy Final (498m)Maiden/gradedDECEMBER 20No racingDECEMBER 27No racingCAIRNS(Phone 07 40541036)SEPTEMBER 1Father’s Day 3rd-4th Grade (410m) 1st $2255th Grade Final (544m) QDogMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 8No racingSEPTEMBER 15Gary Neiper Memorial (410m) Best 8, 1st$275Maiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 22Shortcourse Heats (410m) 1st $2755th Grade Heats (410m) QDogMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 29Shortcourse Final (410m) 1st $3105th Grade Final (410m) QDogOCTOBER 6Futurity (544m) Best 8 bitches, 1st $375Derby (544m) Best 8 dogs, 1st $375Maiden/gradedOCTOBER 13Spring Cup Heats (410m) 4th-5th Grade,QDogMaiden/gradedOCTOBER 20Spring Cup Final (410m) 1st $240, QdogMaiden/gradedOCTOBER 27No racingNOVEMBER 33rd Grade (544m) 1st $270Maiden/gradedNOVEMBER 10Memorial night, trophies all racesMaiden/gradedNOVEMBER 174th-5th Grade (544m) 1st $250, QdogNOVEMBER 24No racingDECEMBER 13rd-4th Grade (410m) 1st $225Maiden/gradedDECEMBER 8No racingDECEMBER 15Young Guns Heats (410m 30 months <strong>and</strong>under, 1st $275, QdogXmas Cup Heats (544m) 1st $340Maiden/gradedDECEMBER 22Young Guns Final (410m) 1st $2500, QdogXmas Cup Final (544m) 1ST $375Maiden/gradedMACKAY(Phone 07 4951 1680)AUGUST 30Maiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 6Maiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 13Young Guns Heats (456m) 30 months at timeof heatsMaiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 20Young Guns Final (456m) 1st $2500 plus rug,2nd $1000, 3rd $500Maiden/gradedSEPTEMBER 27Maiden/gradedOCTOBER 6Maiden/gradedOCTOBER 11No racingOCTOBER 184th-5th Grade Heats (310m) QDogMaiden/gradedOCTOBER 254th-5th Grade Final (310m) QDogMaiden 1000 Heats (310m) 30 months at timeof nomMaiden/gradedROCKHAMPTON(Phone 07 4922 5793)AUGUST 23 (N)4th-5th Grade Heats (510m) $500 + trophyBest 8 (407m) $400 + trophyGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 8 (D)4th-5th Grade Final (510m) $500 + trophyGraded as requiredSEPTEMBER 15 (D)CQ Futurity Heats (510m) bitches whelpedon or after 1-1-05Maiden 1000 Heats (407m)Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 20 (N)CQ Futurity Final (510m) 1st $1000 + rug<strong>and</strong> trophyMaiden 1000 Final (407m) 1st $1000Graded as requiredSEPTEMBER 29 (D)Battlers Stk (510m) 4th-5th grade, not wonin past 4 startsGraded as requiredOCTOBER 4 (N)3rd-4th Grade (510m)5th Grade (510m)Graded as requiredOCTOBER 13 (D)Young Guns Heats (510m) 30 months at timeof heatsGraded as requiredOCTOBER 18 (N)Young Guns Final (510m) 1st $2500Graded as requiredOCTOBER 25 (N)Tomorrow’s Champion Heats (407m) nomore than 3 winsGraded as requiredRenzo ParkKennels* Rearing * Spelling* Pre-Training * Pet TransportLimited rearing numbers available.Pups h<strong>and</strong>led & run daily. Fed beef,fresh cows milk, eggs, calcium etcWormed Regularly. Shaded pens &water hole in running paddock.Peter & Helen Simpson(02) 663351150438 792348CAMPAD ELECTRONICS& SELTRONICS SERVICESWe are Agents for TGS <strong>and</strong> Laserexlaser therapy* Sale, services & repairs of* Laser Therapy, Ultrasounds* Muscle Simulators, MagneticTherapy* All repairs guaranteed by QualifiedElectronics Technicians26 Keith Street Capalaba Qld 4157Ph: 07 3245 2008 Fax 07 3823 3428campad@campadelectronics.com.auwww.campadelectronics.com.auEFTPOS <strong>and</strong> credit cards welcomeShade for Dogs100% WaterproofCoverKeep your pups<strong>and</strong> racerscool <strong>and</strong> dryUV ProtectedPhoneRon (07) 32872135Quality Transport Service byRoad with Regular <strong>and</strong>reliable scheduled services.Regular services operate betweenSth East Qld <strong>and</strong> Sydney <strong>and</strong> NthNSW via Pacific & New Engl<strong>and</strong>Highways. Extensive coverage toRegional Qld ... North to Cairns, Westto Mt Isa, Southwest to Charleville.For full details view our website.Contact: David <strong>and</strong> Sierra GallagherPh (07) 5530 2710Mob 0418 775 456www.dogmovers.com.auClover CottageKennels(Specialising in Pup Rearing)Now in operation for 6 years. Outst<strong>and</strong>ingPups to Graduate from our Farm include:IN FOR LIFE(Group 1 Nat Sprint)BUCKINGHAM CHUCK(Group 1 Nat Sprint 2nd; won Qld final)MR RAUDONIKIS(Group 1 Maturity finalist)ANGELICA TRICK(Group 3 GC Cup finalist)Numerous City, TAB & Country winners.Contact Darryl & Sue Schafer(02) 66339043Frozen SemenBitabilityBale<strong>and</strong>SouthernChamp$990Contact Sarah Pringle(07) 54264105GREYHOUNDS FLYWITH JET PETSPh 1300 668 309 or03 9339 4300Ask for Tammy or Jason LockThe (September, 2007) Journal Page 38

Heading overseas?As from July 1, 2004, all greyhounds exported must have a GreyhoundPassport. To obtain one, you must apply to <strong>Greyhounds</strong> Australasia.Application forms can be accessed atwww.galtd.org.auor by phoning (03) 95483500.Acquiring a Passport1 Obtain an application form2 Fill out all details3 Sign form (must be signed by owner of greyhound)4 Send application <strong>and</strong> greyhound’s registration papers to GA withcheque/money order for $2005 GA will then issue a passport <strong>and</strong> a five-generation pedigree.Note: Failure to comply will incur a penalty.Don’t forget your greyhound passportGREYHOUNDS AUSTRALASIAServicing all Australian <strong>and</strong> New Zeal<strong>and</strong> greyhound participantsAs members authorities of <strong>Greyhounds</strong> Australasia move into anexciting new era, so too does the office that services the naming, breeding<strong>and</strong> passport needs of the Australasian greyhound industry.At GA our friendly staff will help assist you with any inquiry relatedto all of the above requirements.If you require further assistance when naming your next buddingchampion, don’t hesitate to contact us to avoid disappointment.All naming <strong>and</strong> name availability queries readily accepted.Schedule of fees (from July 1)DNA Fee $110Prefix/suffix (2 years) $100 (5 years) $150Reserved names (one year) $25Stud Book (Vol 54) $48Stud CD: (Vol 53, 54) $40(Vol 54 only) $27.50Pedigrees: 5th Generation $10 4th Generation $7Greyhound Passport NZ $100 Other $200Frozen SemenFSI Service Registration Fee $25FSI Breeding Unit Registration $25Breeding unit Transfer of Ownership $25FSI Sire Registration$125paFSI Facility Registration$125paFSI Person Registration$125pa<strong>Greyhounds</strong> AustralasiaS<strong>and</strong>own Greyhound Complex PO Box 239 Springvale, Vic 3171Ph (03) 9548 3500 Fax (03) 9548 3488 Email admin@galtd.org.auQLD TRACKSBRISBANE: Loam 395m, 520m, 600m, 710m. Race Monday night(Class 1) <strong>and</strong> Thursday nights (Class 1) <strong>and</strong> Friday Twilight (Class 3).General Manager: Luke Gatehouse. Ph: 07 3862 1744.BUNDABERG: Grass 460m, 550m, 720m. Race on Saturdayafternoons. Secretary Jo Rowe. Ph: 07 4152 2033.CAIRNS: Loam 410m, 544m, 630m. Race on Saty afternoon.Secretary: Debbie Tannock . Ph: 07 40541036.CAPALABA: Grass 366m straight. Race on Saturday afternoon, OldClevel<strong>and</strong> Road, Capalaba. Secretary Bernie Culey. Ph: 07 3390 2772.GOLD COAST: Loam 373m, 401m, 429m, 457m, 622m, 650m,732m. Race Tuesday <strong>and</strong> Wednesday at Parkl<strong>and</strong>s, Southport. Secretary:Julie Mortensen. Ph: 07 5532 2611.IPSWICH: Loam 431m, 520m, 630m, 710m. Race Tuesday night(Class 2) <strong>and</strong> Wednesday night (Class 3) at Ipswich Showgrounds: (07)3202 2977.MACKAY: Grass 310m, 456m, 541m, 744m. Race Monday night atMackay Showgrounds. Secretary Annette Norris. Ph: 07 49511680.ROCKHAMPTON: Loam 407m, 510m, 630m. Race every secondThursday night at Callaghan Park. 07 49225793.TOWNSVILLE: Loam 380m, 498m, 643m. Race on Thursday night.Secretary: Louise Marsden. Ph: 07 47721742.CENTRALISED PRIZEMONEYThe GRA has assumed the responsibility for payment of prizemoneyon behalf of all clubs in Queensl<strong>and</strong>. The method is by electronic fundstransfer only to a nominated bank account.Prizemoney is paid to the trainer acting as agent for the owner, unlessthe owner specifically requests in writing to the GRA that prizemoney ispaid to him/her.Kennel information for greyhounds leaving or entering kennels iscompulsory <strong>and</strong> facilitates the payment of prizemoney to the correct person.GRANoticesPrizemoney payments up to $5000 will be made on the Monday ofeach week for the preceding week’s racing (Monday to Sunday) regardlessof whether the greyhound has been swabbed. If a greyhound has beenswabbed <strong>and</strong> prizemoney is $5000 or more the payment will be made oncethe swab has been cleared.For all payments either a Recipient Created Tax Invoice or an Invoice/Statement will be mailed detailing date, track, greyhound’s name <strong>and</strong>amount deposited.VACCINATION BOOSTERCompulsory from 1 July 2003Vaccination/Booster notification - refer Greyhound Racing Authority(Queensl<strong>and</strong>) General Rule 88 (a)(i)(ii). As from 1 July 2003 for greyhoundsto be eligible to nominate to race in Queensl<strong>and</strong> the following requirementapplies:<strong>Greyhounds</strong> whelped on or after 1 April 2001.<strong>Greyhounds</strong> over the age of 12 months require proof of vaccinationwith at least a C3 vaccination being administered over the age of 12 months.And/or<strong>Greyhounds</strong> having first Queensl<strong>and</strong> start require proof of vaccinationwith at least a C3 vaccination being administered over the age of 12 months.Proof of vaccination to be provided prior to nomination:Proof may be in the form of the greyhound’s vaccination record bookor a certificate of vaccination signed by a registered Veterinarian.Record book <strong>and</strong>/or certificate must show greyhound’s ear br<strong>and</strong>,colour, sex, whelping date <strong>and</strong> vaccine sticker or type of vaccine <strong>and</strong>vaccination date.Trainer/owner kennelling details must be lodged with the GRA priorto nomination.DISCLAIMERThe Greyhound Journal regrets that it is not possible to verifyinformation other than that conveyed in editorial content of the publication.Although The Journal uses its best endeavours to ensure the accuracyof everything it publishes, the Fair Trading Act 1985 requires The Journalto disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of information which is suppliedto it <strong>and</strong> which is published in other than editorial content.Opinions expressed in the editorial content of this magazine are whollythose of the respective authors <strong>and</strong> not necessarily those of the publishers.EARBRANDING <strong>and</strong> MARKING UPGraham Haswell is available at the following times for the markingup of greyhounds for naming <strong>and</strong> the clearance of the greyhound'sregistration certificate for racing <strong>and</strong>/or other purposes. Proof of vaccinationmay be presented at this time.Ear br<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> marking up of litters is by appointment only.Ipswich - Every Thursday Night 6-7.30pm (kennel block)Mango Hill Trial Track last Sunday of month 8-9amPh (07) 54796640 or 0419 726773ADVERTISERS NOTECasual (single edition) advertisements will NOT be accepted withoutpayment by cheque, money or credit card prior to publication. Classifiedadverts will not be accepted unless sent to The Editor, PO Box 93, Nundah,4012. These adverts must be written out <strong>and</strong> payment included.Contact David Brasch (07) 32666508AUSTRALIAN STUD BOOK No 53Now available at <strong>Greyhounds</strong> Australasia $35 (includes GST) pluspostage.Rule Amendment effective 1 July 2004.Litters to be Registered. Rule 58 (c)(v)Veterinary certification (for litters registered in Queensl<strong>and</strong> in suchform as prescribed by the Board, in a form acceptable to the Board) of aninoculation of the litter of at least a C3 (<strong>and</strong> such other inoculations as theBoard may prescribe from time to time) having been administered to thelitter between the ages of 8 to 12 weeks.Drug Alert - Poppy SeedsEvidence taken at recent inquiries <strong>and</strong> appeals has indicated thepossibility that ingestion of poppy seeds may lead to urine samples takenfrom racing greyhounds showing the presence of the drugs morphine <strong>and</strong>/or codeine.Licensed persons are therefore advised in the strongest possible termsto eliminate poppy seeds from the diet of racing greyhounds.Poppy seeds may not only be present in certain br<strong>and</strong>s of bread butmay also be present in a varietuy of bakery products.GRADING SCHEDULEThe meetings shown below will be graded in the order in which theyappear on each particular day.Monday1 Brisbane Thur Class 12 Rockhampton Thur/Sat Class 43 Mackay Thur Class 4Tuesday1 Brisbane Fri Class 32 Cairns Sat Class 43 Bundaberg Sat Class 4Wednesday1 Capalaba Sat Class 52 Brisbane Mon Class 1Thursday1 Gold Coast Tues Class 32 Ipswich Tues Class 2Friday1 Gold Coast Wed Class 22 Ipswich Wed Class 33 Townsville Thur Class 4Noms for all meetings close at the GRA at 8.30am.TELEPHONE NOMS may be placed from 7-8.30am by phoning 1800851 155 (toll free). A written nomination will be required for greyhoundseither owned or trained by interstate licensees having its first Queensl<strong>and</strong>start.CONTACTING GRADING PANELThe Grading Panel is available for queries regarding a greyhound’s gradeor to clarify grading guidelines only. They can be contacted from 2-3pmMonday-Friday.Qld Training TracksPostman's Ridge John Collins 46303688147 Murphy's Creek Rd, 4352 0437789076Greenbank Rob Essex 3297110539 Andrew Rd, 4124 0419171577Atkinson Dam Rick Fall 54264338Lot 13 Wotan Rd, 4311 0427264338Greenbank Elaine Williamson 32000219Lot 21, 128 Backwater Rd, 4124 0418765201Churchable Terry Hines 0418729513Lot 15/4 Wotan Rd, 4311 Nigel Rugg 54264644One Mile Christine Bourke 54641722125a Chubb St, 4305 0409641722Val Cobbin 0407652383Jensen Terry Lafferty 4751633882 Haynes Rd, 4818Atkinson Dam Lloyd Coyne 542642271169 Atkinson Dam Rd, 4311 Casey DarguschMango Hill Gerry Hardy 0403973087Lot 993 Richards Rd, 4020Lawnton Peter Hinds 38861658Lawnton Pocket Rd, 4501Description Colour Qty PriceTotalGRA Merch<strong>and</strong>ise Order FormPolo Shirts Navy/gold trim (with pocket) $25M, L, XLWhite/black & grey sleeve $25M, L, XLWe accept cheque, money order,bankcard, Mastercard, Visa & EftposPost <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling $5GRA Polos(<strong>Greyhounds</strong> Queensl<strong>and</strong>)Navy/gold trim (with pocket)White/black & grey sleeveGRA Caps Navy/gold logo $11Grey/black/white $11All prices inclusive GSTTotalName: ........................................................... Address: ....................................................................................................................................................... P/code ............CREDIT CARD PAYMENTCard Number .......................................................... Expiry Date ............................................Cardholders Name .................................................. Address ................................................................................................................................... Signature ................................................The (September, 2007) Journal Page 39

Genetic Full Brother to Elite State ...Fool'sHeartSire: Just The BestDam: Heart Spark* A top class city performer with a 30.06 Albion Park win at 19 months* From an outst<strong>and</strong>ing litter that included:Cardio Spark (6 wins), City Of Sydney (22), Shrewd Slater(12), M’Lady’s Fool (20), Sparkaholic (11), White Spark (13)* Out of broodbitch gem Heart Spark * Proven at stud * 100% bloodbrother to Elite StateStud Fee $660 (inc GST)Elite State LodgePups bought fromElite State Lodgecan be reared by usAll whelpings have been natural births.Contact Jim Osborn0403 220 077 or (07) 5424 6625The (September, 2007) Journal Page 40

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