Item 13 - Risk_Management - Appendix 3.1 - Ealing Council

Item 13 - Risk_Management - Appendix 3.1 - Ealing Council

Item 13 - Risk_Management - Appendix 3.1 - Ealing Council


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Detailed <strong>Risk</strong> InformationControlledRating<strong>Risk</strong> Ref Details Assigned To Review Date12CA0045AdultsStephen Day 31/05/2010Demand led budget for care package for vulnerableAdults is unpredictable.12CR0076CR0076Simon George 28/11/2010Formula GrantIn light of the wider Public Sector budget deficit there willbe a long-term impact on the <strong>Council</strong>'s formula grantsettlement with the prospect of reduced grant funding.12CRB0039Aging IT infrastructure resulting in increasing failure ofDiane Malpass 03/03/2011business applications and data.Causing considerable business impact to critical servicesto the organisation9CA0053Primary School PlacesGary Redhead 17/03/2011Plans for additional provision cannot be put into place dueto opposition from residents, parents and other externalbodies9CRB0062AsbestosRoger Amos 03/03/2011Failure to undertake asbestos works in respect of <strong>Ealing</strong><strong>Council</strong> buildings resulting in non compliance with the'Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006' resulting in legalchallenges.9ECCP0003Ineffective business continuity arrangements resulting inChris Begley 07/03/2011an inability to provide 'business as usual' services.8CA0044Looked after children/children on the CP registerFinola Culbert 30/04/2010Death or serious injury to a child in the care of <strong>Ealing</strong>council or a child in the care of <strong>Ealing</strong> council goingmissing.6CAA0062Failure to implement necesary financial and operationalPaul Oppe 30/06/2010changes in line with DoH guidance and statutoryresponsibilities for personalisation ( eg DP guidance,Fairer Contributions Policy meeting existing statutoryresponsibilities)6CRB00<strong>13</strong>LegionellaRoger Amos 03/03/2011Health & Safety risk and/or legal action as a result offailure to undertake legionella works in respect of <strong>Ealing</strong><strong>Council</strong> buildings6SRRB00<strong>13</strong>Poor quality EIAs and ineffective internal and externalMatthew Booth 14/03/2011consultation processes resulting in legal challenge.6SRR0064The inability of systems and processes to detectSudhi Pathak 12/01/2011internal/external fraud resulting in a significant impact on<strong>Council</strong> services6SRR0067Failure to effectively manage agreements with keySudhi Pathak 02/03/2011partners resulting in poor service delivery and/or abreakdown in relationships.

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