water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual


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-Introduction-, All·<strong>water</strong>-<strong>level</strong> <strong>data</strong>. ~s processed for filing on computer tape and, therefore,it is necessary that all information concerning the date of <strong>measurement</strong>,'the <strong>measurement</strong>, the Agency making the.<strong>measurement</strong>, the method used to makethe <strong>measurement</strong>, <strong>pertinent</strong> remarks concerning the <strong>measurement</strong>, the <strong>well</strong> use,. ,-:the distance-'!?fthe' me~suring point·.(MP) abov,e or below land surface datl,lm .(L~D)and the d~pthto<strong>water</strong>.from the measuring point .be pr?perly. entej,,~d',""; ,'. ;/". "', .;:: ahd/o'; coded:' on' the 'nie~surement.'sheet;' (See l1at~r-iev~l•ni..astirement sheet~ -'. ':on Eage 2 ) .. , ,.,. -birectionsi·DATE OF CURRENT·MEASUREMENT:;~ .The month; da~and year the <strong>measurement</strong> is made should be ente'r·ed as:Example;.\.". "'·,;j';riuary 12," ;1970 enter,asOl12 ,70;"". "... 'I -'-.. _ • " ., Nove,mber, 2 ;1970 enter 'as 11,02,70. .August '·5;' J.902 .enter as: 08 ,05 02~; .CURRENT DEPTH TO, WATER FROM LSD:'. "Noentry needs to be, made. in ,'this column unless there is immediate need,. ,, for ;l:h..information. The m",thematical <strong>procedure</strong> .necessary for. thisme';s~rem~nt'i~a:cc~mplishedby'the computer a~d.the<strong>measurement</strong> willi ' ... ~. + appear ;ori, Sllbsequent printouts;, To' detehnine,this <strong>measurement</strong>, simply' "'r. ,'".",, "~ :"

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