water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual


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, .... d- •'17.COUNTY:The county along with its assigned numeric code from the list beginningon Page. 45 should beli'steel opposit~ the printed word "County."'18. OLD WELL NUMBER:This is a.previously assigned <strong>well</strong>.number for the <strong>well</strong>.This.number; "',.,' '..,',','I;':.· .•haspre·"lo.usly been p~blished in a:rep,?rt. In~ome ,instances more.,~. ,'.than (me, riuinb~:r'has" .... 'been', pUblished for,the ~s~lIle'. '.... .mirribersshotild. be listed as the old <strong>well</strong> n~mbers.. ' ", '; ",<strong>well</strong> ;·if.,·so, bothIn' Ground .Water Conse:r'vation Districtswhihh issue permits, and the: peI'1Jlits: areassign~d. numberi,' th~.')'eI'1Jlit number should be listed. as'the.··old <strong>well</strong> number..COpRDINATES:. Detenlline to. th:e "earest' second.: .\.. . ,." , "',20; . WEAR RECORD BEGINS':.. ;, ",. :The' yea: iin which thefi~s{.watsr <strong>level</strong> f~orri the <strong>well</strong> was obtained." .. 'app'':'opri~te bOX(~~)'· on \e~ch jl':'into~t of <strong>data</strong>.', -,..',!; ,,'..' .~ ~,....'; .,

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