water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual

water level measurement pertinent well data coding procedure manual


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CodeRemarks'No <strong>measurement</strong>, unable to insert tape in casing---------- 13No <strong>measurement</strong>, pumping~---~--------~-~------~----------- 14Note: If <strong>measurement</strong> is obtained·use Code 02No <strong>measurement</strong> ,casing leaking or wet-------------------~ 15Note: Use .Code' 07 wilen <strong>measurement</strong> is obtained" ..t,No.\nea:su~ement·' unable to locate <strong>well</strong>~------__'-_---'-----_'- . .,. ". ., '.: '. ,'" .. '" - ,'- ,, ,Note: For 'useifreasont~)arf othertha:iJ.'tho~e .:inC,()d,';,22' (ex;-:-c~ve~'ed over.indefihitely but not'. destroye~) .'16'. 'No <strong>measurement</strong>,' <strong>well</strong> apparently',dry, u~ableto reach. <strong>water</strong>7-,-,--.::.:..:..::..---'-- - --,--- - ----~--.:-,7"', -~-- ------,-.:.------- ." .. Note:':U~e:when reported' <strong>well</strong> depth':'as'reached. withoutfi~cling<strong>water</strong> .17No.<strong>measurement</strong>, <strong>well</strong>' apparently caved, unable to .reach <strong>water</strong>--.:-'.:.--'--'-'---:-------'--.:.~..:-----------~_-~ __----_., Note::Useonlywhe~ dep~hreachedappears to ''. be 6~' is .obviously too. shallow to be actual ,., <strong>well</strong> depth and <strong>well</strong>'is to' bedroppecl. frompr~gram; oth';rwise use,Code.2lQuestionable <strong>measurement</strong>,' pressur,e' sh~t-:-in :co~n'ectioIl,1ea'king-;.'- ~-,.:.:'" - --~':'-- -'-- - - - -:...- - - ~ - -..: -:-;. ~ - -.,- - - -'- - - - - -_--, . " ;'Nc,te: Fbr use whenmeasuri~g flowing <strong>well</strong>; ". '.use'Code 09 for air' line.'method",:....No .measureme~t,' pres~ure shut~in~omiec:tion leaking" -_--'~N~te:Maybe usedotlh~wing<strong>well</strong>or when ' ,.attempting <strong>measurement</strong>·'bY air' l'ine' method. No <strong>measurement</strong> <strong>well</strong> fiiled with debris---.:..:..:-,-~.:.--------, .- . '," .: 'C, ..." :..' .',' .;' :,' '. '. ". ".,,',' ," .. " i .' ,", . ':'. . '.. ' ,.•:Note: lJO'not confiise,withCode '18, should be usedwhen condition appe~rs to b~ temporary'. .. ."No meaJurement,' w~ll '~pp"rently. imprperl; located, on .,map ';rdescriIition of weli"loca'tibn inadequate'----:..__-"'--"'. ". ." ,1819"20212223. -'-", ':< 7· •.

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