Parent & Camper Handbook - Camp Wenonah

Parent & Camper Handbook - Camp Wenonah

Parent & Camper Handbook - Camp Wenonah

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WENONAH GAMESIn the last three days of Periods Two and Four we hold the ever-popular <strong>Wenonah</strong> Games. During <strong>Wenonah</strong>Games campers choose from a wide variety of activities (at all levels of competition) to earn points for theirteam. <strong><strong>Camp</strong>er</strong>s are placed on houses in advance of <strong>Camp</strong>; once you are on a house team that is your team forlife! Please note that campers may not request a house and may not switch between houses unless in thecase of the <strong>Camp</strong>’s oversight in splitting family members into different houses. Members of the same family areautomatically placed on the same house. If you are related to someone at <strong>Camp</strong> (past or present) who has adifferent last name, please make us aware so that all relatives can be on the same house team.If you are interested in purchasing official team shirts and headbands (in team colours), they are available atthe <strong>Wenonah</strong> General Store.<strong>Wenonah</strong> Games do not occur in Periods 1, 1A, 1B, 3, 3A, 3B, 4B, 5 or WEEnonah.SUNDAY ROUTINESAs a non-denominational camp, with campers and staff from many religions and backgrounds, we do not haveservices on traditional religious days. Rather, we use the Sunday of each session - the halfway point - as atime to catch our breath and relax. Sleep-in Sundays include Brunch and a major clean-up time, with specialactivities in the afternoon. A Reflections program is held during each session, although not always on Saturdayor Sunday, to give campers a time for quiet reflection on topics such as friendship, nature, co-operation, etc.AFTER CAMPRETURNING FROM CAMPJust as it takes at least 48 hours for campers to adjust to <strong>Camp</strong>, so too will there be a readjustment periodwhen your child returns home from <strong>Camp</strong>. The last day of <strong>Camp</strong> is a long one (the final campfire and closingceremony often go late, and wake-up the next morning is often earlier than usual). Your child will likely be tiredand full of many emotions. It is common for younger campers to be over-excited while older campers are oftenmore melancholy over the separation from their friends and counsellors. Allow your child to tell you about his orher experience when he or she is ready.Jeff Bradshaw is always available to discuss any concerns that may arise once your child is home from <strong>Camp</strong>.LOST AND FOUNDThere are two laws of <strong>Camp</strong> Lost and Found. First, more is lost than found. Andsecond, if it can get lost, it will. On a regular basis we try to comb through the Lostand Found bin to reunite articles with their owners. To make the process easier,label everything clearly. Information and links to Mabel’s Labels can be found onour website within the Final Instructions.Despite our best efforts to return lost articles to their owners during the summer,there are always, inevitably, several bags of Lost and Found at the end of theseason. It continues to be our policy to make every attempt to return any labelledclothing at the end of the summer. Lost and Found is brought to our BurlingtonOffice in mid-September where it may be picked up. For those wishing items to besent by mail, appropriate postage charges are added to camper accounts. We will phone you and let you knowthat the found item is in the office. After two phone calls, we assume that you do not want the item back. AfterOctober 31st each year, unclaimed lost and found is donated to a local charity.- 28 -

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