MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module


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BACKGROUNDThe purpose of a baseline survey or baseline documentation report (BDR) is todocument the conservation value of a property at the time of securement, detailcurrent land uses and existing developments, and threats and impacts toconservation values. It provides a common reference point for future inspections.This purpose is similar for conservation easement properties and for fee simpleconservation properties. However, the goals for completing baseline documentationreports differ between conservation easements and fee simple properties andtherefore, the content of the documents should also differ.The baseline documentation report for a conservation easement property serves asthe basis from which to monitor compliance and defend the conservation easement(CE) in a court of law. It also provides the basis to ensure a successful partnershipbetween the conservation easement holder (the land trust) and the conservationeasement grantor (the landowner).The baseline documentation report for a fee simple property serves as a basis forfuture management actions designed to protect and enhance natural features.4

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