MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module


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most efficientmanner(manual,mechanical, orchemical)dependent onscope andscale ofproblem.RECREATIONALOPPORTUNITIES1. To ensure safeand sustainablerecreational access isavailable to theconservation site by2009.a. Widen accessroad on NWcorner ofproperty byOctober 1, 2009.Contract toindividual orgroup to widenexistingapproach toenhance safety(possiblycoordinate withcontractor thatwill developwetlandACA October 1, 2009Providefinancial orinkind supportwhereapplicable andif availableAll PartnerswhereapplicableMarch 31, 2010b. Develop afenced inparking area torestrict vehicularaccess byOctober 1, 2009.Contract toindividual orgroup to installpost and railfence (or otherstyle deemedappropriate) torestrictvehicular traffic.Fence mustaccommodate aminimum 12foot lockablemetal gate toallowACA/Partnerequipment ontothe site formaintenanceandenhancementactivities.ACA October 1, 2009Providefinancial orinkind supportwhereapplicable andif availableAll PartnerswhereapplicableMarch 31, 2010East Hayes Management Plan20

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