MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module


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d. Install 1 ACAConservationSite at theparking area bySeptember 15,2009ACTION SHOULD BE COMPLETED2. To maintain thesite in an aestheticallypleasing mannerthroughout 2013.a. Ensure site isclean and litterfree.Complete siteinspections 2 to3 times per yearand addressconcerns whenon siteACAAll other partnersto forward anycomments orconcerns to ACAstaffMarch 31,2011b. Ensure alldamagedinfrastructure (i.e.fences, parkingarea) arerepaired in atimely manner.Complete siteinspections 2 to3 times per yearand addressconcerns whenon siteACAAll other partnersto forward anycomments orconcerns to ACAstaffMarch 31,2011c. Ensurevegetationcontrol iscompletedannually withindesignatedparking area toreduce risk offires.If parking lot isleft grassedthen ACA willmow in fall priorto huntingseason, ifgraveled ACAwill sprayvegetationwithin fencedarea.ACAAll other partnersto forward anycomments orconcerns to ACAstaffOctober 1,2010YEAR 2011-2012OBJECTIVESSTRATEGICACTIONSTASKSOrganizationResponsibleOtherParticipatingOrganizationsProposedCompletionDateSITEADMINISTRATIONComplete annualadministrativeactivities toensuremanagementplan compliancebeginning in2009.Review andUpdateManagementPlan (ACA)ACAPheasantsForever, Partnersin HabitatDevelopment,Alberta Fish andGameAssociationOctober 31,2011Meet withPartnerManagementTeam twice(October andFebruary)All Partners October 31,2011 andFebruary 28,2012Completereferrals andpublic enquiriesas they arrive(ACA)ACAAll partners ifrequiredWithin 2 weeksof receiptEast Hayes Management Plan25

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