MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module

MODULE #1 Baseline Documentation Report Training Module


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to benefit uplandgame birds through2018.reduce weed andgrasscompetition.with cultivator 2012b. Determineappropriate flowof water tomaintain wetlandMonitor andmanage flowrates to wetlandACA BRID May 1 -September 30,2012c. Control weedsand vegetation inan appropriatemannerComplete 2 siteinspections toensure minimalweed infestationCompletevegetationcontrol in themost efficientmanner(manual,mechanical, orchemical)dependent onscope and scaleof problem.ACA May 1 –October 1,2012ACA July 30, 2012RECREATIONALOPPORTUNITIES1. To ensure safe andsustainablerecreational access isavailable to theconservation site by2009.a. Widen accessroad on NWcorner ofproperty byOctober 1, 2009.OBJECTIVE SHOULD BE COMPLETEDb. Develop afenced in parkingarea to restrictvehicular accessby October 1,2009.c. Install lockedgate at SWaccess.formaintenanceequipment onlyby October 1,2009.d. Install 1 ACAConservationSite at theparking area bySeptember 15,20092. To maintain thesite in an aestheticallya. Ensure site isclean and litterComplete siteinspections 2 toACAAll other partnersto forward anyMarch 31,2013East Hayes Management Plan30

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