Clover High School Choraliers 2012-2013 Handbook

Clover High School Choraliers 2012-2013 Handbook

Clover High School Choraliers 2012-2013 Handbook


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<strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Choraliers</strong><strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>I. Rehearsals and PerformancesChoral music is a team effort and will be successful only when each member is present forall rehearsals. For this reason, attendance at night rehearsals and performances is mandatory.The <strong>Choraliers</strong> rehearse once a week on Monday evenings with occasional extrarehearsals as needed for major performances including two Saturdays near the ChristmasConcert and Spring Show. A fall and spring retreat are also scheduled.Reasons for Rehearsals1. Outside-of-school rehearsals and retreats are the only opportunities to workwith choreographers and/or side musicians.2. Much of the in-school class time is spent on solemnization, a technique usedin teaching students to read music. The night rehearsals are devotedentirely to repertoire.3. It simply takes many hours of rehearsal time to produce a high quality musicalevent.Acceptable Excuses for Absence from a Rehearsal1. Sickness (student must bring a signed note to school the next day)2. Death in the family3. Pre-approved compromise with other school activities<strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> has adopted a clearly defined policy regarding conflicts betweenschool activities. This policy can be found in the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> students’ handbook.It is the responsibility of the student to inform teachers, coaches, and directors if suchconflicts arise. The student must inform the director in advance of any conflict so appropriateaction may be taken for resolution. It is our intent to never put a student inthe middle of scheduling conflicts between activities at <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.ConflictsA student may not be allowed to perform in a concert if he or she misses one of the finalfive rehearsals or any one of the stage rehearsals before that concert, no matter whatthe reason for the absence. The entire group cannot pay the penalty for the unfortunatecircumstances of one individual. Students with more than one unexcused absencefor rehearsals will be prohibited from performing with the ensemble until further noticefrom the director.

Conflict BoxIn the event of a school related conflict with a Choralier rehearsal, the student mustplace a note in the conflict box prior to the missed rehearsal. The conflict box is locatedin the lobby.Note: If a student becomes ill during a rehearsal, he or she needs to inform the directoror the Booster Club Representative before leaving.SAT and ACT Entrance ExamsBefore registering to take either the SAT or ACT college entrance exam, students needto double check the Choralier calendar to ensure there is no conflict. The SAT dates areposted in our calendar. The only SAT dates conflicting with our calendar are December 1and March 9. Do NOT schedule your SAT for December 1; this is a major blocking rehearsal.March 9 is the final day of All State Chorus Weekend; if you are chosen for AllState, do NOT schedule your SAT for March 9. All other SAT dates are clear for testing:October 6, November 3, December 1, January 26, May 4, or June 1. ACT dates areall clear for testing: September 8, October 27, December 8, February 9, or April 13.ConferencesDuring classes and rehearsals, the focus must be on the entire group. Any individual commentor conflict concerning rehearsals should be discussed with the director in private.During class or one hour prior to a rehearsal is not an appropriate time to have a discussionwith the director about a personal concern. If you require communication with anyof the directors, please call CHS (810-8200) during normal business hours and make anappointment.Rehearsal PreparationAn important part of the success of any group is the preparation and focus of its leaders.For this reason, the directors and choreographer will meet together for one hour prior toevening and weekend rehearsals. During this time, the directors will be unavailable forstudent or parent conferences. We appreciate your cooperation as we strive to make ourrehearsal the most productive use of the students’ and the directors’ time.Visitors at RehearsalsRehearsals are not open to guests of Choralier members; however, parents arewelcome to attend all rehearsals. We would prefer that parents choose classroomrehearsals to observe rather than dress rehearsals. If parents feel it necessaryto attend a dress

ehearsal, they will be required to sit in the balcony. The mezzanine and orchestra sectionswill be used for staff in executing direction and musical notes. Parent visitorsshould inform the director or the booster club representative before attending any rehearsal.AttitudesA positive attitude combined with hard work makes a rehearsal successful. It is imperativethat students come to rehearsals focused and ready to work. Together we can makethis the strongest year ever for choral arts at <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.SolosMany qualities make a good soloist: appropriate tone quality, size of voice, intonation, expressivenessof voice and face, stage presence, the ability to sell a song to the audience,etc. Soloists are selected one of two ways. For some solos, the director will simply assignthe solo to a student after having heard the student sing the part numerous times inclass or rehearsal and determines the voice and the solo are appropriate matches showcasingboth the student and the music. Other solos will be determined through an openaudition process.II. Formal Performance AttireWe are very fortunate to have our formal attire furnished by the school district. Mostprograms in the state fundraise or charge each student for the required outfit. In aneffort to make our garments last as long as possible, the following guidelines apply:1. Each student will be issued long sleeved white shirts and a pair of pants before thefirst performance.2. Each student will be required to purchase an informal shirt to be worn for certainperformances and trips that do not require our formal attire.3. All students new to the <strong>Choraliers</strong> will need to purchase performance shoes at acost of $22 per pair. These shoes can be worn for subsequent years.4. The outfits, or any parts thereof, are to be worn only for <strong>Clover</strong> choral events.5. Replacement fees for uniforms damaged or not returned will be:Jacket: $65Pants: $35Shirt: $206. Shirts and pants should be washed after each wearing. Shirts returned extremelysoiled will be discarded and the $20 replacement fee will be assessed.

7. Any student who leaves or is dismissed from the Choral Program must turn in his or heroutfit immediately to the main office. All school records will be held until the uniformis returned or the replacement fee is collected.8. If a student has a problem with a uniform, i.e. needs a different size, etc., he or she needsto contact the Booster Club Board member in charge of uniforms. Her name andphone number will be posted on the wardrobe room door and is listed on page 18 ofthis handbook. Please make every effort to make us aware of a problem at leastone week before a performance.9. All Choralier outfits will be returned at a designated time at the end of the school year.At that time, students must give their uniforms directly to either a choral programemployee or a Booster Club Board member.It is absolutely essential that all students in performing groups dress and groom themselves uniformly.Jewelry, makeup, clothing, and hairstyles should not call attention to the individual. Allstudents will wear their hair pinned back off the face during performances. Students may notwear jewelry during performances. Small stud earrings are the only acceptable jewelry for females.III. Program ExpensesMost of our financial needs are met by the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>School</strong> District and through fundraisingby our dedicated parents and Booster Club. (Over 50% of our retreat costs are paid from theGeneral Fund of the Booster Club.) Students are required to pay the following amounts:$80 Due on September 17, <strong>2012</strong>$80 Due on January 18, <strong>2013</strong>These payments subsidize the retreat costs and also pay for uniform cleaning and maintenance,informal t-shirts, and the costs of the river party. Additionally, new <strong>Choraliers</strong> will be requiredto purchase Bando shoes for $22. These shoes are to be worn with the formal concert attireand may be worn subsequent years.Parents may receive a $10 discount by paying their student’s annual fees in one lump sum by Friday,September 7th. In order to qualify for the discount, the $150 payment must either be inMrs. Simril’s box in the chorus building by the end of the school day or postmarked by September7 th and mailed to the Choral Booster Club, P.O.Box 836, <strong>Clover</strong>, SC, 29710. Otherwise, thetwo $80 payments are due as indicated above.

IV. FundraisingWe are fortunate in the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>School</strong>s to have all our curricular needs provided by theschool district. All funds generated through Booster Club Fundraising go to the extracurricularactivities of the program. At the beginning of the summer, The Booster ClubBoard of Directors determines the anticipated cost for these extracurricular activitiesand creates a budget which is funded through Booster Club memberships and severalmoney raising events for the general fund. Our Booster Club also manages five fundraisersdesigned to allow students to raise the entire cost for the Spring Competition Trip.This year, the estimated cost for the Spring Tour is $500 per student.Each Choralier will be issued a calendar of events specifying the start and finish dates ofevery sale. If a student falls short of goals set for each fundraiser, he or she will beresponsible for paying the balance by the deadline set in the calendar. Students who paymoney to make up for a deficit in a given sale can be reimbursed at the end of the year ifthey exceed the total $500 requirement. This request must be made in writing to theBooster Club. Money will not be refunded if a student discontinues participation in the<strong>Choraliers</strong> for personal reasons or is asked to leave for disciplinary infractions. Onlymoney paid directly by a student or parent, not money earned through Choralier fundraisers,will be available for refund.The Choralier fundraising agenda for the <strong>2012</strong>-13 season will include the following:AugustSept – OctOctoberNovemberJanuaryMarchInnisbrook WrapsSpaghetti SupperPizza/Cheesecake/Cookie Dough SaleFruit SaleCountry BreakfastSpring FundraiserMonetary ResponsibilityParent volunteers will collect money for all fundraisers and activities during Monday nightrehearsals. It is the responsibility of each student to meet deadlines for fundraisersand other orders of business. Booster Club volunteers take time from work and eveningsfrom family to be available for processing money and information. Because timeliness isso important during these events, a fine may be assessed for missed deadlines. A student’sprofit margin may be decreased by $10 per day until the appropriate paperwork issubmitted.

ReceiptsStudents will be issued receipts each time they turn in money at Monday night rehearsals.It is imperative that students retain their receipts.V. Independent Vocal InstructionBased on a skills analysis, students will be placed in small groups for instruction. Thesegroups will meet before, during, or after school. There will be three types of instructionalteams: Sight-Reading Teams, Voice Methods Classes, and Private Lessons.Extra staff is needed to implement this program, the cost of which is covered by theBooster Club.VI. TravelingAn exciting part of participating in a group such as ours is to take advantage of the invitationsto perform outside of the <strong>Clover</strong> community and to compete against other wellrecognizedperforming ensembles.The Spring Performance Tour has been a tradition for the choral program at <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> for many years. When we commit to compete as a group, it is absolutely necessaryto have 100 percent participation. For this reason, all performance trips, competitiontrips, and work retreats are mandatory.Any prescription medicine needed by a student must be turned in to a staff member inthe original container accompanied by a note from a parent prior to departure. Staffmembers or chaperones will not distribute over-the-counter medicine to students.On page 19 you will find a copy of our student medical form. Each student is required tohave a completed medical form on file in the chorus building prior to traveling with thegroup. These forms will be distributed at start of the school year.VII. Academic ResponsibilityIt is the responsibility of each student to remain in good overall academic standing in orderto travel with the group. Members of the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Choraliers</strong> are expectedto maintain a C or above in every class. The directors will run periodic grade reports.If students fall below a C average, tutoring will be available from other <strong>Choraliers</strong>.If satisfactory progress is not made, the academic teacher may determine the student isineligible for travel with the <strong>Choraliers</strong>.

VIII. GradesDuring the semester, each student will receive at least 5 major grades and 9 minorgrades. The minor grades will be weekly grades based on the following criteria: posture,vowels, eye contact, energy, and pencils. (See the daily grading chart below.)Daily Grading ChartStudents will receive a weekly participation grade based on the following five componentsof rehearsal techniques: Pencil, Posture, Vowels, Eye Contact, and Energy. Students begineach day with 4 points per category totaling 20 points and 100 points for the week.Weekly GradeMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayEyeEyeEyeEyeEyeNamePencilPostureVowelsContactEnergyPencilPostureVowelsContactEnergyPencilPostureVowelsContactEnergyPencilPostureVowelsContactEnergyPencilPostureVowelsContactEnergyStudent !Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5Student 6Student 7Student 8Student 9Student10Students will receive a weekly participation grade based on the following five componentsof rehearsal techniques: Pencil, Posture, Vowels, Eye Contact, and Energy. Students begineach day with 4 points per category totaling 20 points and 100 points for the week.The final semester grade will be calculated as follows:80% of grade = .60 (average of major grades) + .40 (average of minor grades)20% of semester grade = final examA final exam is given both semesters.

IX. Honors Credit for <strong>Choraliers</strong>Choral Students who have accumulated two prior semesters of high school credit in choralclasses are eligible to register for honors credit in <strong>Choraliers</strong>. Under the SC UniformedGrading Scale, courses with honors credit receive more weighting in calculatingthe student’s cumulative GPA. Honors assignments will be in addition to those completedby all other <strong>Choraliers</strong>.Honors level <strong>Choraliers</strong> will complete four of the following six graded assignments:FALL SEMESTER1. ALL STATE20 points for the initial quintet hearing in class20 points for successfully executing the piece with assigned quintet20 points for extra instructional time with quintet20 points for sight reading preparation20 points for performance at the audition2. SIGHT SINGING LOGStudents will log a total of 3 hours individual sight singing time per semester inthe choral building. No more than 30 minutes can be logged in one day, and nomore than an hour can be logged in one week. Students must log sight singinghours after school.3. HONORS CHORALEStudents who are selected for honors chorale will receive a daily grade basedon the components of rehearsal technique found on page seven in the handbook.Daily grades will be averaged for a cumulative final grade.4. SOLO PERFORMANCE IN CLASSStudents will sing a prepared song in class by memory assigned by their privatestudio instructor. If class time is not available to accommodate all students,some students may be heard by a committee of choral staff teachers afterschool hours.

5. INDEPENDENT VOCAL INSTRUCTIONStudents will receive 25 points in the categories of preparation, focus, energy,and growth for a total of 100 points per lesson. Lesson grades will be averagedfor a cumulative final grade.6. CONCERT ATTENDANCE AND REVIEWStudents will attend two concerts of vocal music and turn in a written reviewof each performance. Concerts must be pre-approved by the teachers andmust be at a high school level or beyond in maturity. College choral concerts,high school choral concerts, student recitals, and professional touring Broadwayshows are examples of appropriate performances. Written reviews mustbe at least two pages, double-spaced. Papers must be turned in one week priorto the final exam.SPRING SEMESTER1. ALL STATEStudents will receive 20 points per hearing for All State prep rehearsals, for atotal of one hundred points.2. SIGHT SINGING LOGStudents will log a total of 3 hours individual sight singing time per semester inthe choral building. No more than 30 minutes can be logged in one day, and nomore than an hour can be logged in one week. Students must log sight singinghours after school.3. HONORS CHORALEStudents who are selected for honors chorale will receive a daily grade basedon the components of rehearsal technique found on page seven in the handbook.Daily grades will be averaged for a cumulative final grade.4. SOLO PERFORMANCE IN CLASSStudents will sing a prepared song in class by memory assigned by their privatestudio instructor. If class time is not available to accommodate all students,some students may be heard by a committee of choral staff teachers afterschool hours.

5. INDEPENDENT VOCAL INSTRUCTIONStudents will receive 25 points in the categories of preparation, focus, energy,and growth for a total of 100 points per lesson. Lesson grades will be averagedfor a cumulative final grade.6. CONCERT ATTENDANCE AND REVIEWStudents will attend two concerts of vocal music and turn in a written reviewof each performance. Concerts must be pre-approved by the teachers andmust be at a high school level or beyond in maturity. College choral concerts,high school choral concerts, student recitals, and professional touring Broadwayshows are examples of appropriate performances. Written reviews mustbe at least two pages, double-spaced. Papers must be turned in one week priorto the final exam.X. South Carolina All-State ChorusBeing selected for South Carolina’s All-State Program is an honor students will carry withthem for a lifetime. The audition process is rigorous and requires the highest level ofvocal ability and musicianship. Students audition from November 1 – 6, and those selectedwill participate in a weekend of rehearsals culminating in a final performance. Therehearsals are March 7-9 with the final performance on the afternoon of the 9th. It isthe responsibility of all high school choral directors to send only those students to theauditions who are prepared and meet the high standards set by the state committee. Becauseof the vast number of students throughout the state who audition, it is clearlystated teachers should not send students simply for the experience of auditioning.The selection of students from <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> to audition for All-State will be madeby the director. The criteria and process will be the same as that used by the StateAuditioning Committee. <strong>Choraliers</strong> selected by the director who attend and PASSthe All State Audition will be required to attend the SC All State Weekend. (Pleaserefer to letters from Mr. Hopkins and Coach Hester on pages 11 and 12.) Students mustdecide before the audition process if they are able to commit to the weekend of March15- 17, <strong>2012</strong>.ALL STATE DRESS CODE1. Dress for rehearsals will be informal, regular school clothes. (Hats, sunglasses, orany other item that would interfere with rehearsal are prohibited. Only kneelengthshorts are permitted.)

2. Members of the All State Chorus, All State Women’s Chorus, and All State Men’sChorus will adhere to the following concert dress. All attire will be checked forcompliance prior to the concert. Students not in compliance with the dress codeWILL BE PROHIBITED FROM SINGING IN THE CONCERT and will put theschool in jeopardy of suspension from All State participation for one year.Men: dress suit or sport coat with dress pants, dress shirt with a collar, longtie, dress shoes and dress socks. No denim and no tuxedos.Women: medium to low-heeled dress shoes. Dressy dresses or dressy skirtwith dressy blouse. The skirt or dress in length must fall BELOW THEBOTTOM OF THE KNEECAP, BUT ABOVE THE ANKLE. (No cocktail orformal dresses allowed, no denim, no sequins.) NO PANTSUITS, NOMATCHING PANTS AND JACKETS will be allowed on stage for the performance.No spaghetti straps on blouses or dresses allowed. No bare midriffs,no bare backs. Necklines should be modest and appropriate for a concert.No slits in dresses or skirts above the bottom of the knee cap.XI. Audition ProcessParticipation in the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Choraliers</strong> requires a year long commitment. Studentsaudition each spring for class placement the following school year. The auditionprocess is designed to measure vocal ability, sight-reading, and overall musicianship and isconducted as follows:1. Students sing a prepared piece. They have a choice of 3 songs. Accompanimentcan be downloaded from the Choralier website or is available from the directoron a CD. Students should be prepared to tell the judges the key in which theywill be singing. (For this portion, students who transfer from other schools orwho have no previous choral background are scored based on a short rehearsalwith one of the judges during the audition. These students have the choice ofsinging “My Country Tis of Thee,” “Amazing Grace,” or a song of their choicethat best demonstrates their vocal ability.)2. Rhythmic Testing – Students are assessed on rhythmic notation.3. Tonal memory – Students are asked to match 5 tone pitch patterns as they areplayed on the piano.4. Sight reading – Students are asked to sing an 8 bar phrase in 3/4 or 4/4 time.Leaps will be to and from do-mi-so only5. Written test on key signatures and solfege6. Individual interview.

1. The scores are based on:2. Intonation, Tone Quality and Expression3. Accuracy of rhythm and steady tempo4. Accuracy of pitches5. Accuracy of pitch, fluidity, ability to work through problem spots.6. Key signatures and solfege. (This portion of the audition is timed.)7. Recommendation of previous director or teachers.XII. Contact Us: Website, Email, Mailing AddressWebsite3 ways to find the Choralier Website!www.<strong>Clover</strong><strong>Choraliers</strong>.comwww.goblueeagles.com click on the “Activity Links” button, then click “<strong>Choraliers</strong>”www.clover.k12.sc.us select a school, “<strong>Clover</strong> HS”, click “Student Life”, then “<strong>Choraliers</strong>”Booster Club CorrespondenceAny communication with our Booster Club leaders can be made through the following address:CHS Choral BoostersPO Box 836or <strong>Choraliers</strong>@gmail.com<strong>Clover</strong>, SC 29710Texting Communication for ALL Choralier ParentsTo stay informed, parents can sign up for Hypernotice texting notices, from theChoralier staff and Booster Club. No cost to you and incoming text will be used for remindersand travel updates only as needed.To sign up for Choralier Booster Club Parent texting notices:From your cell phone text the following to (281) 886-0023 (you will not need this number again)Join CBCParents Your first name Your last nameSo, if your name is Jay Forrest your text would look like this (not case sensitive)Join CBCParents Jay ForrestTHEN almost immediately you will receive a text from a weird number 303-04 asking ifyou want to join Choralier Parents, reply to that number with a simple YES (nothing else,just YES) That’s it!If you don’t receive a reply soon after you send either text letting you know that you successfullyjoined, check your text to be sure they are exactly like showed above! It has tobe exact, so email <strong>Choraliers</strong>@gmail.com if you have any problems.

XIV. Discipline ProcedureIn order to ensure your child and all students in the choral program the excellent educationalclimate they deserve, the following discipline plan will be used.My PhilosophyIt is my belief that all students can learn in an atmosphere of respect, encouragement, andhard work. Behavior that is disruptive to a productive learning environment will not be accepted.The following rules apply in the classroom, during rehearsals, on trips, and at anyother time the choral groups are representing <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Rehearsal RulesStudent will:1. Follow all directions.2. Refrain from any means of communication among themselves during rehearsals.3. Assume proper sitting/standing posture when singing.4. Adhere to all school wide rules as stated in the student handbook.Consequences - If a student chooses to break a rule:1 st Student is corrected by the teacher2 nd Student is responsible for 15-minute after school detention3 rd Student is responsible for 30-minute after school detention4 th Teacher communicates with parents5 th Student is referred to the principalIt is in the best interest of your child that we work together with regard to his/her education.I will be in contact with you concerning your child’s progress in my classroom.Thank you,Jay Forrest---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the <strong>2012</strong> - <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Choraliers</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> and agree to abide by thepolicies and regulations set by <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the <strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Choral Booster ClubBoard of Directors, and the choral director.Student signature _________________________________________________Parent signature ________________________________ Date ______________

XV. College Reference Information for SeniorsAs you plan your college experience, consider your involvement in choral activities. The<strong>Choraliers</strong>’ curriculum is a high-level college preparatory program. Choralier graduatesare well poised to enjoy successful college choral experiences. Many alumni have continuedto sing during college and beyond.College music departments offer scholarships to both music major and non-major vocalstudents. The choral arts staff encourages you to take advantage of these opportunities.Students who wish to continue singing in any capacity in college should take these stepsto ensure scholarship eligibility.1. Inform Dr. Cornwell immediately upon receiving an acceptance letter from a college oruniversity. Ask her to communicate with the college vocal music department.2. Dr. Cornwell will mail an introductory package to the head of the college’s vocal musicdepartment on your behalf, which will include a personal reference letter, asummary of the CHS choral arts program, and a Choralier’s CD.3. You are strongly encouraged to follow up Dr. Cornwell’s package with an email or phonecontact to the college vocal department head, indicating your interest.4. The college vocal department head will give you procedures to follow for music scholarshipeligibility. These may include an audition or an interview.5. You may ask Dr. Cornwell to send reference packages to more than one college.Keys to remember:1. Availability. Music departments have scholarship resources to award to both musicmajors and non-majors. Do not let your choice of major deter you from applyingfor a music scholarship if you would like to continue singing in college.2. Non-music majors. Non-majors who would like to continue singing in college needto be pro-active in communicating interest with vocal department heads. Collegemusic departments need good musicians to make their programs successful! Theycannot know your interest or the scope of your experience unless you tell them.3. Music majors. Students who plan to major in music should speak with Dr.Cornwell to plan a focused college application strategy.4. Timing. Music departments have a specific amount of scholarship resources theycan award in a given year. You may be a stronger scholarship candidate than anotherstudent, but if you are slow to indicate interest, you may lose an importantrecruiting slot. As soon as you receive an acceptance letter from a college oruniversity, talk with Dr. Cornwell to initiate the potential award process.

<strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Choral Booster ClubP.O. Box 836 <strong>Clover</strong>, S.C. 29710CHS CHORAL BOOSTER CLUB<strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Choral Booster Club is a 300-member network of music enthusiasts, parents, and communitypartners who support choral arts in <strong>Clover</strong>. For new Choralier families, joining the Choral BoosterClub is the first step to getting connected and involved. We encourage all Choralier families to join theCHS Choral Booster Club.Booster Club members receive reserved seats for the CHS Choralier’s winter and spring concerts. Membershipfees fund private voice lessons, uniforms, competition opportunities and other essential extrasthat go into making the <strong>Choraliers</strong> a first-class experience for our young people. The Booster Club alsoserves as the choral arts program’s advocate in the community.The Booster Club is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected annually, and operates as a registerednonprofit organization. Membership is open to the public.THE BOOSTER CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe CHS Choral Booster Club Board of Directors is comprised of Choralier’s parents and longtime supporters.Selection is by invitation. The Board is elected in the spring to serve a 1-year term running July 1 –June 30. Board members may serve multiple terms. The offices of President, Vice-President, and Secretaryare nominated from within the Board and approved by Board vote.The Board’s function is three-fold:construct, raise, and disburse the Booster Club annual budgetprovide chaperone and adult volunteer support for CHS choral activitiesserve as advocates for the <strong>Clover</strong> choral arts program in the community<strong>2012</strong>-13 BOARD OF DIRECTORSOfficersLaura Summer, PresidentDavid McGill, Vice-PresidentDoreen Kowalczyk, SecretaryMary Ann Moore, TreasurerBuddy BolinChrista BolinMichelle CashCathy CurtinDoc CurtinMary EdmundsWesley EdmundsTina ElmigerEllen GaliciaSteve GaliciaChad GarnerKelly GordonTim GordonNancy HesterStephen KowalczykBobby LittleMarcy LittleBobby LoveCindy LoveGretchen McCarterMary McGillEd MooreDan SabetKaren SabetMary Beth ShealyJoy SimrilTom SimrilAlice SmithTom SmithHarrison SummerKim TrainerTony TrainerDarrell Van DykeKim Van DykeSheri WoodSid Wood

CHS CHORAL BOOSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIPFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Why do you offer reserved seats to Choral Booster Club members?Members have told us that advance reservations for <strong>Choraliers</strong> concerts are one of their mostvaluedbenefits of membership.May I choose my seat location?You’ll receive the best available seats at the time you submit your Membership Application. Reservationsare made in the order applications are received.I have physical limitations. Can you help arrange special seating?Absolutely. Check the appropriate box on your application form and add any additional informationwe should know. We’ll ensure that you have access to fit your needsMay I reserve tickets for more than one performance?Yes! Simply buy multiple memberships.I want to join the Choral Booster Club but I don’t need tickets. What should I do?Join at the Member level. You can purchase general seating tickets at the door if your planschange.What if I can’t use my tickets for a particular performance?Return your tickets to any Booster Club member or the box office as early as possible. We willmake sure they are redistributed.May I exchange my reserved tickets for another performance?If other seats open up, we will make every effort to exchange your tickets. However, we regretwe cannot guarantee similar seating or availability.When will I receive my concert tickets?We will mail both winter and spring show tickets in early November.I’d like to keep my reserved seats next season, too. May I do that?Yes! You’ll receive a renewal letter in August, offering you the opportunity to renew your ChoralBooster Club membership, keep your current seats or request different seats.CHS Choral Booster Club · P.O. Box 836 · <strong>Clover</strong>, SC 29710 · choraliers@gmail.com ·www.cloverchoraliers.com

Who to Contact With Questions About:Auto Bell Fundraiser: Ellen Galicia 803-810-2580 mmaddhouse@yahoo.comBooster Club Membership: Joy Simril 803-327-1768 joy.simril@duke-energy.comCountry Breakfast: Harrison Summer 803-831-8583 summerfamily@bellsouth.netDVD/CD Sales: Kelly Gordon 803-222-2198 kellydgordon@aol.comFood/Toy Drives: Doreen Kowalczyk 803-656-5012 dsksc@comporium.netFruit Fundraiser: Mary & Wesley Edmunds 803-222-1080 wmedmunds@wildblue.netInnisbrook Wraps Fundraiser: Cathy Curtin 803-831-1345 cathycurtin@bellsouth.netLogo Items: Ellen Galicia 803-810-2580 mmaddhouse@yahoo.comPizza, Cheesescake, Cookie Dough Fundraiser: Alice Smith 803-628-0938zachspack@aol.comSpaghetti Supper: Doreen & Stephen Kowalczyk 803-656-5012 dsksc@comporium.netStudent Accounts: Joy Simril 803-327-1768 joy.simril@duke-energy.comVolunteering at events: Mary Beth Shealy 704-913-3233 mbshealy@gmail.com orTLC Committee: A new committee formed by parents to treat the Choralier staff to lunch, treats andshow our appreciation throughout the school yearKim Trainer 678-787-6003 ktrainer@bellsouth.netWardrobe: Tina Elmiger 803-831-1648 taelmiger@yahoo.comKaren Sells 803-222-4146 whimseykos@aol.comIf you aren’t sure who to contact but have a question, email us at <strong>Choraliers</strong>@gmail.com and wewill direct your question to the right person.

<strong>Clover</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Choral ProgramStudent Health FormStudent Name: (last)_________________________(first)______________________(MI)______________Student Social Security #__________________________________________________________________Father’s Name (last)_____________________________________(first)____________________________Mother’s Name (last)____________________________________(first)____________________________Name of Legal Guardian (if different from names shown above):Guardian Name (last)_____________________________________(first)___________________________Home Address of Parent or Guardian:______________________________________________________City:_________________________________________State__________Zip Code__________________Telephone: (H)____________________(Work)___________________(Cell)________________________Emergency Contact Name: (last)_______________________________(first)_______________________Emergency Contact Telephone Number (H)_________________________(other)____________________Physician Name________________________________________Phone Number____________________Medical History****Please explain any “yes” answers****Yes No Do you have a current medical problem?____________________________________________Yes No Do you have heart trouble or a murmur?____________________________________________Yes No Have you had Rheumatic Fever?__________________________________________________Yes No Do you have high blood pressure?_________________________________________________Yes No Do you have anemia?___________________________________________________________Yes No Do you have kidney or liver problems?_____________________________________________Yes No Do you have epilepsy or other nervous disorders?_____________________________________Yes No Do you have diabetes?__________________________________________________________Yes No Do you have frequent headaches?_________________________________________________Yes No Do you have asthma or other breathing problem?_____________________________________

Yes No Are you allergic to any medicines? If yes, please list._________________________________________________________________________________________________Yes No Are you allergic to any foods or flavorings? If yes, please list___________________________________________________________________________________________Yes No Are you taking any medications at this time? If yes, please list __________________________________________________________________________________________Yes No Have you had a tetanus shot in the last 7 years? Date:_________________________________Please list any additional medical conditions/situations of which the staff should be aware____________________________________________________________________________________________________In case of a medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannotbe reached, I hereby give my permission to the licensed health-care practitioner selected by the director orBooster Club representative to secure whatever emergency care is deemed necessary for the health andsafety of my child._________________________________________________Signature of Parent or Guardian_______________DateInsurance InformationList Policy/Group number unless the policy is identified by the social security number.Insurance Company______________________________________________________________________Policy Number__________________________________________________________________________Group Number__________________________________________________________________________Social Security Number___________________________________________________________________***If any of the above information should change, please contact the director.***

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