conference programme - CDEMA

conference programme - CDEMA

conference programme - CDEMA


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6 th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management“CDM: Reflection, Introspection, Moving Forward “Change AdaptationPresenter: Dr. CharmaineGomes, Sustainable DevelopmentOfficer, UN ECLACQuestion and Answer Topic: Guidance Tool forMainstreaming Climate ChangeAdaptation into the National CDMWork ProgrammePresenter: Mr. Leslie Walling,ConsultantCoordinator,Canada Caribbean Disaster RiskManagement Fund, CanadianHigh Commission, BarbadosQuestion and AnswerTopic: The Development andFirst Year of CatastropheInsurance for Microentrepreneursin Haiti and Aroundthe WorldPresenters: Mr. James Kurz, Mr.Tyler Tappendorf and Ms. AnneHastings, The MicroinsuranceCatastrophe Risk Organisation(MiCRO) & FonkozeTopic: “To Adapt or Not toAdapt” – Exploring Supply-SideStakeholder Climate Risk andChoice Perception in CaribbeanCoastal TourismPresenter: Ms. Roche Mahon,PhD Candidate, Department ofEnvironmental Management,Faculty of Environment, Societyand Design, Lincoln University,Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad5 th – 9 th December, 2011Topic: Innovation in ICT: Applicationsfor Managing Disaster RiskSpeaker: Dr. Stephen Louis, ManagingDirector, BusinessTech Research Inc., SaintLuciaQuestions and DiscussionPresentation of Papers Topic: ICT Applications forNational Risk Profiling: The PacificCatastrophe Risk Assessment andFinancing InitiativePresenter: Ms. Samantha Cook,Economic Advisor, SPC SuvaRegional Office, Fiji IslandsQuestion and AnswerTopic: ICT-based decisions supportSystems – DEWETRAPresenter: Dr. David Farrell,Principal, Caribbean Institute forMeteorology and Hydrology (CIMH),BarbadosQuestion and Answer Topic: ICT Applications forManaging Disaster Risk: TheCaribbean Satellite ProjectPresenter: Mr. Stuart Frye,Mission System Engineer,NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,United States of AmericaQuestion and AnswerTopic: Changing the Paradigm:Using Enterprise GIS to EnhanceComprehensiveDisasterManagement in the CaribbeanTopic: The Human Side: Competenciesand Skills for Effective Implementationof Comprehensive DisasterManagementSpeaker: Mr. Jonathan McKenzie,Professional Development Advisor, CDEMSpecialist Services, Ministry of Civil Defenseand Emergency Management, Department ofInternal Affairs, New ZealandQuestions and DiscussionPresentation of Papers Topic: Competencies and Skills forEffective Implementation of CDMPresenter: Mrs. Judith Vanterpool,Dean of Work Force TrainingDivision, H. Lavity Stoutt College,Virgin IslandsQuestion and Answer Topic: Are You Leading yourDisaster Preparedness Effort?Presenter: Mr. James Trim, VicePresident, Caribbean Association ofBusiness Continuity Professionals(CABCP) & Principal Consultant,EHS/BCP ConsultingQuestion and AnswerTopic: Competencies and Skills forEffective Implementation of CDM atthe Ministry of Works andInfrastructure, Trinidad & TobagoPresenter: Ms. Peggy-Anne DeSilva and Mr. Shane BallahQuestion and Answer Topic: Revisiting the LessonsPage 14 – Version 10 (Updated 28 November, 2011)

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