conference programme - CDEMA

conference programme - CDEMA

conference programme - CDEMA


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6 th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management“CDM: Reflection, Introspection, Moving Forward “Conference ObjectivesHyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad5 th – 9 th December, 2011To celebrate achievements and successeswithin the <strong>CDEMA</strong> System 1991 – 2011and identify gapsTo facilitate exchanges and lesson learningamong CDM Stakeholders in relatedpractice, research, products and toolsTo assess progress in the implementationof the Comprehensive DisasterManagement Strategy 2007-2012To identify strategic opportunities forthe management of disaster risk beyond2012To identify opportunities and strategicapproaches for mainstreaming disasterrisk management at the level of decisionand policy makers in Ministries of Financeand Economic Planning/DevelopmentExpected ResultsAchievements, successes and gaps withinthe <strong>CDEMA</strong> system 1991 - 2011identifiedCompendium of good practices andlessons learnt in CDM implementationStatus of CDM implementation of theCDM Strategy 2007 – 2012 assessedStrategic opportunities for CDM beyond2012 identifiedOpportunities and strategic approachesfor deeper engagement of High levelPolicy Makers in Ministries of Financeand Economic Planning distilledPage 2 – Version 10 (Updated 28 November, 2011)

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