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LineToReturn valueyint Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the endpoint for theline.The return value specifies whether or not the line is drawn. It is nonzero ifthe line is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero._llseekSyntaxLONG _llseek(hFile, lOffset, iOrigin)function _llseek(FileHandle: Integer; Offset: Longint; Origin: Integer):Longint;This function repositions the pointer in a previously opened file. TheiOrigin parameter specifies the starting position in the file, and lOffsetspecifies how far (in bytes) the function is to move the pointer.Parameters hFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of the file.Return valueCommentslOffsetiOriginLONG Specifies the number of bytes the pointer is to bemoved.int Specifies the starting position and direction of thepointer. The parameter must be one of the following values:ValueMeaningoMove the file pointer lOffset bytes fromthe beginning of the file.1 Move the file pointer lOffset bytes fromthe current position of the file.2 Move the file pointer lOffset bytes fromthe end of the file.The return value specifies the new offset of the pointer (in bytes) from thebeginning of the file. The return value is -1 if the function fails.When a file is initially opened, the file pointer is positioned at thebeginning of the file. The _lIseek function permits random access to a file'scontents by moving the pointer an arbitrary amount without reading data.LoadAcceleratorsSyntaxHANDLE LoadAccelerators(hInstance, lpTableName)function LoadAccelerators(Instance: THandle; TableName: PChar):THandle;404 Software development kit

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