Kenneth E. Hagin - Rhema

Kenneth E. Hagin - Rhema

Kenneth E. Hagin - Rhema


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1850 Jesus, when he cried again with a loudvoice, yielded up the ghost [or His spirit].51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rentin twain from the top to the bottom, and theearth did quake, and the rocks rent.He was Wonderful in His death.Hallelujah!My dear friends, it is very significantthat the veil in the Temple was rent in twofrom top to bottom—very significant. Underthe Old Covenant or Old Testament, thatveil curtained off the Holy of Holies in theTemple. Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian,said the curtain was 40 feet wide, 20feet high, and 4 inches thick.That means that 20 feet in the air, an angelor similar emissary of God took hold of itand ripped it apart, signifying that the wayinto the Holy of Holies was now open.Before Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, noone but the high priest could enter the Holyof Holies, and he had to take great precautionsas he entered and made sacrifices forthe sins of the people.

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