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simple diluent which itself is not a substance that causes concern and which is notdirectly marketed as a biocidal product e.g., carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetic acid, diatomaceous (infusorial) soil.9. Residues of biocidal product means one or more substances present in a biocidalproduct, which remains as a result of its use, including the metabolites of suchsubstances and products that are a result of their degradation or reaction.10. Program for inclusion into the List I – List of active substances, List Ia - List of activesubstances contained in the low–risk biocidal product or List Ib – List of basicsubstances means the EU programme (Review Programme) which contains list ofactive substances placed on EU market before EU legislation on biocidal productscame into force and which contains the time period for submission of the technicaldossier for inclusion of active substances in those lists.11. Professional use means any use of biocidal products for carrying out of the registeredactivities.12. Process-orientated research and development means any research aiming to the useand further development of the active substance or biocidal product when thepossibility of usage of that biocidal product is examined either on experimental or onproduction level.13. Placing on the market means supplying or making available active substances andbiocidal products to a third parties, on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, eithercharged or free of charge, wherein the import shall be deemed as placing on themarket.14. Substance of concern means any substance, other than the active substance, which hasan inherent capacity to cause adverse effects on humans, animals and the environmentand is present in a biocidal product in sufficient concentration to create such an effect.Such a substance, unless there are other grounds for concern, would benormally a substance classified as hazardous and present in the biocidal product insuch a concentration leading the product to be regarded as hazardous.Article 3Provisions of this Law shall not apply to:1. medicines and medical devices used in human and veterinary medicine;2. foodstuffs, food additives, flavourings and raw-materials used for their production,materials and product being in contact with food;3. animal feed and its additives or feedingstuff;4. detergents to which the Law on Chemicals is applied, if without biocidal effect;5. cosmetic products;6. plant protection products.2

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