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The member of the Commission shall sign the statement that there is no conflict ofinterest.XI. EXPERT ASSISTANCE TO THE AGENCYArticle 45The Agency may, for the purpose of carrying out evaluation of the basic data,evaluation of the Technical Dossier, evaluation of the data for the temporarily permit andevaluation of the data for the permit for scientific research and development or processorientatedresearch and development, engage legal or natural person who meets the criteria onqualification and specific knowledge necessary for performing of such tasks.XII. DATA AVAILABILITYArticle 46The applicant for inclusion into the Temporary List, applicant for authorisation ortemporarily permit may indicate certain data as confidential, with the written justification thatdisclosure of such data might harm his business activity.The Agency shall consider as confidential and shall not make available to public dataon the full composition of the biocidal product.The data held by the Agency shall be available to anyone upon request.The Agency shall not allow the access to the data which are indicated as confidentialto the person referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Article if it assesses that access to such dataneeds to be restricted pursuant to this Law and Law on Free Access to Information of PublicImportance, and shall issues a Decision on that.Against the Decision referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, an appeal may belodged to the Minister.The Decision made by the Minister from Paragraph 5 of this Article shall be final andadministrative procedure against it may be initiated.Article 47Information regarded as relevant to safety and human and animal health, safety of theproperty and environmental protection cannot be indicated as confidential:1) the name and address of the holder of the Decision on inclusion of the biocidalproduct into the Temporary List, holder of the authorisation or holder of the temporarilypermit;2) the name and address of the manufacturer of the biocidal product;3) the name and address of the importer and manufacturer of the active substance;4) the name and quantity of the active substance or other substances contained in thebiocidal product and the name of the biocidal product;20

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