Language and Language Teaching, Issue 2 - Azim Premji Foundation

Language and Language Teaching, Issue 2 - Azim Premji Foundation

Language and Language Teaching, Issue 2 - Azim Premji Foundation


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5) I liked the article written by Shefali Ray thatemphasizes on communicative skills <strong>and</strong> theimportance of interaction in a classroom.This would surely open up new ideas tomake the classroom more interactive <strong>and</strong>enjoyable.6) On the whole, the language used in thearticles was simple <strong>and</strong> easy to underst<strong>and</strong>.I just want to say that people are going touse this journal a lot.Nabanita Baruah, Teaches English at Betbari HigherSecondary School, Sivasagar, AssamIt would be good to have key words, shorterparagraphs, <strong>and</strong> more headings. I do realize thatas writers, we have not put headings into ourarticles, but this could be the ‘house style’ ofLLT, <strong>and</strong> this could be something that could beadded by the editor.Joseph Mathai, Consultant, Ankur Society forAlternatives in Education, New DelhiThe contents look well rounded <strong>and</strong> veryinteresting.Mukul Priyadarshini, Associate Professor, Deptt. ofElementary Education, Mir<strong>and</strong>a House,University of Delhi, DelhiThe journal looks very attractive <strong>and</strong> thecontents seem to promise an equally stimulatingreading experience. I enjoyed Praveen Singh’sarticle on “<strong>Language</strong> <strong>Teaching</strong> in Greek <strong>and</strong>Roman Times”, <strong>and</strong> Pushpinder Syal’s interviewof Prof Tickoo.Rupin Desai, Formerly Professor of English,University of Delhi, DelhiLLT looks good; just what was needed.LLT’s objective to establish a dialogue betweentheory <strong>and</strong> practice while focusing on languagepedagogy is brought out very well in the articlesin the inaugural volume of the Journal. Thearticles mainly address the issue of languageacquisition <strong>and</strong> literacy, distinguishing it frommerely learning to read or write. They talk aboutcognition, wisdom, vision <strong>and</strong> imagination, whichare all mediated through language. Autonomouslearning, <strong>and</strong> developing the ability to choosethe text become the focal points of praxis.The diversity of strategies proposed by thewriters to attain better models in languageteaching is not debatable, but my primaryconcern is whether or not the proposed outcomeis achievable. My own personal involvement hasbeen primarily with literature; yet the interest<strong>and</strong> curiosity that the range of the articles hasraised, has certainly added to my constantlyevolving engagement with language acquisitionconcerns. Whether it is the innovative use oftraditional art form, or the meaningful exploitationof technology, the play text or the blogs <strong>and</strong> thewikis, the questions that disturb are related toissues of execution, negotiations <strong>and</strong> transactionsthat need concentrated, serious <strong>and</strong> prioritizedattention. The LLT must open discussions onthem in the form of symposia.LLT, I hope, will also focus on the need fordeveloping strategies for teaching language tothe visually impaired students in inclusiveclassrooms. I would like to suggest that thereshould be a dedicated volume that would focuson the impact of various social disparities,stratifications <strong>and</strong> socio-economic <strong>and</strong> politicalinfluences on the concerns of language. Thiswould also be able to take care of the need forspecial approach in communication, inmainstream teaching.Ch<strong>and</strong>ra Nisha Singh, Associate Professor,Lakshmi Bai college, University of Delhi, DelhiMaxine Bernsten, TISS, Hyderabad.<strong>Language</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Language</strong> <strong>Teaching</strong> Volume 1 Number 2 July 2012 67

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