Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier


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"...That the State ought to profess religious indifference andneglect God in ruling society, as if God did not exist, is afoolishness unknown to the very heathen, who had so deeply rootedin their mind and in their heart, not only the idea of God, but thenecessity also of public worship, that they supposed it to beeasier to find a city without any foundation that without any God.And really human society...was instituted by God..."...those who want to free society from any religious duty arenot only unjust but unwise and absurd."...The turbulent errors which we have mentioned must inspiregovernments with fear; in fact, suppose the fear of God in life andrespect for divine laws to be despised, ...rebellion would be leftfree to popular passions, and universal revolution and subversionmust necessarily come. This subversive revolution is the deliberateaim and open purpose of the numerous communistic and socialisticassociations. The Masonic sect has no reason to call itself foreignto their purpose, because Masons promote their designs and havewith them common capital principles."Free-Masons, insinuating themselves under pretence offriendship into the hearts of Princes, aim to have them powerfulaids and accomplices to overcome Christianity...they get greatinfluence in the government of States, resolve yet to shake thefoundations of the thrones, and persecute, calumniate, or banishthose sovereigns who refuse to rule as they desire."By these arts flattering the people, they deceive them.Proclaiming all the time public prosperity and liberty; makingmultitudes believe that the Church is the cause of the iniquitousservitude and misery in which they are suffering, they deceivepeople and urge on the masses craving for new things against bothpowers.... But the punishment of the proud, who rebel against theorder established by the providence of God, is that they findoppression and misery exactly where they expected prosperityaccording to their desire." 'But,' to use the words of St. Augustine, 'they believe, orwant to make believe, that the doctrine of Gospel is not useful tosociety, because they wish that the State shall rest not on thesolid foundation of virtue, but on impunity of vice.'"We entreat and pray you, venerable brethren, who co-operatewith us, to root out this poison, which spreads widely among theNations. It is your duty to defend the glory of God and thesalvation of souls...the first thing to do is to strip from theMasonic sect its mask and show it as is, teaching orally and bypastorial letters the people about the frauds used by thesesocieties to flatter and entice, the perversity of its doctrines,and the dishonesty of its works."May it grow more and more, this holy congregation [the Church],from which, among others, can be expected also this precious fruitof bringing minds back to liberty, fraternity, and equality; notthose which are the dream of the Masonic sect, but which JesusChrist brought into this world and Francis revived. The liberty, wesay, of the children of God which frees from the servitude of Satanand from the passions, the worst tyrants; the fraternity whichemanates from God, the Father and Creator of all; the equalityestablished on justice and charity, which does not destroy among

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