Aging in Hingham - Town of Hingham Massachusetts

Aging in Hingham - Town of Hingham Massachusetts

Aging in Hingham - Town of Hingham Massachusetts


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Senior Center programs. However, 18% <strong>of</strong> Seniors report lack <strong>of</strong> park<strong>in</strong>g as a challenge, and8% report not know<strong>in</strong>g what is available as a problem. Segments <strong>of</strong> the older populationlack familiarity with the Senior Center. Forty-four percent <strong>of</strong> the Seniors and 83% <strong>of</strong> theBoomers report that they know "very little" about H<strong>in</strong>gham Senior Center programm<strong>in</strong>g.However, among the Seniors most likely to use the Senior Center—those aged 70 and olderwho do not live <strong>in</strong> L<strong>in</strong>den Ponds or Allerton House—knowledge is good.Look<strong>in</strong>g ahead to the future, respondents voice a number <strong>of</strong> concerns as they age <strong>in</strong> place.Many respondents are concerned about the high cost <strong>of</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> H<strong>in</strong>gham, and whetherlimited retirement funds will stretch to meet expenses. A sizable number <strong>of</strong> respondentsexpress concern that transportation options will be unavailable or <strong>in</strong>adequate if they areunable to drive <strong>in</strong> the future. A strong desire to rema<strong>in</strong> active and engaged with socialnetworks and community activities is expressed by many, along with concerns thatopportunities to do so may be restricted by disability, transportation impediments, or thelack <strong>of</strong> programs for seniors. A strong desire to rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dependent is expressed by many,tempered by concerns that they may face challenges <strong>in</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g their homes andproperty.Information from two focus groups held to review prelim<strong>in</strong>ary results from the demographicand survey analyses highlight conclusions drawn from the community survey. One focusgroup was composed <strong>of</strong> representatives from a variety <strong>of</strong> community organizations. Thisgroup described a collaborative and positive relationship between their organizations andthe Department <strong>of</strong> Elder Services. Participants highlight transportation issues as keyconcerns for older residents, po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g out that a lack <strong>of</strong> transportation can lead to socialisolation and form a barrier to obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g needed services. Caregiv<strong>in</strong>g was also mentioned asan important issue by this group, and cited as an issue on which the Senior Center canexercise leadership for the community. Other issues discussed <strong>in</strong>clude the need foraffordable hous<strong>in</strong>g, stigma associated with ask<strong>in</strong>g for and accept<strong>in</strong>g help, and theimportance <strong>of</strong> strong market<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Senior Center services and programs.The second focus group was composed <strong>of</strong> community members aged 45 and over. Members<strong>of</strong> this group commented favorably on the Senior Center’s publicity efforts, and suggestedthat expand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to social media may be a vehicle for rais<strong>in</strong>g awareness among Boomers aswell as many Seniors who may have <strong>in</strong>sufficient awareness. This group also mentioned thechallenge <strong>of</strong> provid<strong>in</strong>g adequate transportation options, and cited especially the need formore paid drivers through the Senior Center. Mak<strong>in</strong>g a strong case for the value <strong>of</strong> a strongSenior Center for the community at large was recommended by this group.Interviews were conducted with six representatives from <strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices and organizations.Each person <strong>in</strong>terviewed described ways <strong>in</strong> which the older population shapes the work thatthey do. All <strong>in</strong>terviewees acknowledged that economic challenges and transportationbarriers are key issues fac<strong>in</strong>g H<strong>in</strong>gham’s Seniors. These <strong>in</strong>dividuals described numerousways <strong>in</strong> which <strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices and organizations work effectively together to support the olderpopulation. As well, they described collaborative and effective work<strong>in</strong>g relationships withthe Department <strong>of</strong> Elder Services. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to these community leaders, Elder Services iswell known and has mean<strong>in</strong>gful impact with<strong>in</strong> the community. They reported that theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Elder Services plays a valued leadership role <strong>in</strong> address<strong>in</strong>g the issues and6

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