Model 162 - Cessna

Model 162 - Cessna

Model 162 - Cessna


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SECTION 1CESSNAGENERAL MODEL <strong>162</strong>GARMIN G300SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY(Continued)WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGYReferenceDatumF.S.W.L.ArmMomentCenter ofGravity(C.G.)C.G. ArmC.G. LimitsStandardEmpty WeightReference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane fromwhich all horizontal distances are measured forbalance purposes.Fuselage Station is a location along the airplanefuselage given in terms of the distance from thereference datum.Water Line is the intersection of an airplane exteriorprofile and a horizontal plane.Arm is the horizontal distance from the referencedatum to the center of gravity (C.G.) of an item.Moment is the product of the weight of an itemmultiplied by its arm. (Moment divided by the constant,1000 is used in this POH, to simplify balancecalculations by reducing the number of digits.)Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane, orequipment, would balance if suspended. Its distancefrom the reference datum is found by dividing the totalmoment by the total weight of the airplane.Center of Gravity Arm is the arm obtained by addingthe airplane's individual moments and dividing the sumby the total weight.Center of Gravity Limits are the extreme center ofgravity locations within which the airplane must beoperated at a given weight.Standard Empty Weight is the weight of a standardairplane, including unusable fuel, full operating fluidsand full engine oil.(Continued Next Page)1-14U.S.<strong>162</strong>PHUS-04

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