ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger

ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger

ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger


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<strong>ACF</strong> INTERNATIONAL STRATEGICGOALS & OBJECTIVES FOR 2015Preventing and Treating MalnutritionServing as a Lead Resource on Global <strong>Hunger</strong>Driven by a vision of a world without hunger, the <strong>ACF</strong> Strategic Plan builds on threedecades of field-tested experience. The 2015 plan provides international leadership inthe fight against hunger through five component goals:action against hungerincrease impact onfurther developacute malnutrition,partnerships withcuratively andlocal, national,preventively, especiallyand internationalfor young childrenTreat or prevent acute malnutrition forat least 1.5 million children annually.Address the underlying causes of acutemalnutrition, reduce risk and preventdeteriorating nutritional situations inpregnant/nursing women and othervulnerable groups. Engage stakeholdersand enhance the capacity of localand national government entitiesto take concrete steps to eradicateacute malnutrition and develop earlywarning systems.respond tohumanitarian crises,restore livelihoodsof vulnerablepopulations andreinforce longer termpopulation resilienceto food, water andnutrition crisesImprove <strong>ACF</strong>’s capability torespond rapidly to crises. Increasesupport to help the most vulnerablepopulations, especially women,achieve or regain self sufficiency in theareas of nutrition, food security andlivelihoods, and water and sanitation.Build long term resilience in thosepopulations most vulnerable tonatural disasters.stakeholders toincrease the numberof beneficiaries andpromote sustainabilityImprove <strong>ACF</strong>’s impact on acutemalnutrition by increasing thenumbers of beneficiaries servedby partner organizations. Developpartnerships to empower nationaland local organizations, promoteprogram sustainability, and build thecapacities of both <strong>ACF</strong> and its partnerorganizations.build acf’s capacityto ensure effectiveand efficient responseto global food andnutrition crisesDevelop greater financialindependence and sufficientrevenue to increase <strong>ACF</strong>’s impacton the eradication of hunger andmalnutrition. Enhance humanresources to ensure that <strong>ACF</strong> hasthe manpower and talent needed.Enhance <strong>ACF</strong>’s logistics systemsto ensure adequate support fornutrition, food, water and sanitationprograms. Address the deteriorationof security conditions for expatriateand national staff. Invest in researchand development.become preeminentas an advocate andreference sourceon hunger andmalnutritionDevelop a more reliable, timelyand comprehensive informationsystem for operational and externalcommunications. Increase <strong>ACF</strong>’svoice in international policyand funding forums focused oneradicating acute malnutrition.<strong>ACF</strong> INTERNATIONAL<strong>ACF</strong>-Afghanistan11

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