ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger

ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger

ACF International Annual Report 2009 - Action Against Hunger


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<strong>ACF</strong>’S INTEGRATED APPROACH TO FIGHTING HUNGERToday, a billion peoplesuffer from hungerand lack access toclean drinking water.Through an integratedapproach incorporatingNutrition, Food Security& Livelihoods, Water,NutritioN: Nutrition programsaim at assessing, preventing andtreating acute malnutrition amongthe most vulnerable populations,especially young children andpregnant or lactating women.Health programs consist of fightingdiseases linked with malnutrition.WATER, SANITATION &HYGIENE: These programsaim at guaranteeing access todrinking water and good sanitaryconditions (by providing wells,water distribution networks,latrines, hygiene educationsessions, etc.).Sanitation & Hygiene, andFOOD SECURITY &ADVOCACY: <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Against</strong>Advocacy, <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Against</strong>Livelihoods: <strong>Action</strong><strong>Hunger</strong> seeks to alert and influence<strong>Hunger</strong> responds efficiently<strong>Against</strong> <strong>Hunger</strong>’s food security the international community whenand effectively to helpprograms include both emergency fundamental rights such as access tovulnerable populationsprograms—such as emergency water or food are violated. <strong>Action</strong>around the world.food distributions—as well as longterm<strong>Against</strong> <strong>Hunger</strong>’s advocacy effortsinterventions. These programsaim at boosting agricultural and/or economic activity, providingaim at affecting institutional andpolicy changes to help create aworld without hunger.populations with sufficient accessto food of a satisfactory qualityand improving self-sufficiency.action against hunger<strong>ACF</strong>’s programsprovide immediateassistance andlong-term relief tomalnourished childrenand their families.Our food security &livelihoods programsoffer a broad rangeof solutions forgenerating incomeand food production.<strong>ACF</strong> ensureseffective assistanceby working directlywith communitiesto customize lastingsolutions to hunger.<strong>ACF</strong> INTERNATIONAL(From left): <strong>ACF</strong>-Mali; <strong>ACF</strong>-Uganda, courtesy T. Frank; <strong>ACF</strong>-Uganda, courtesy T. Frank3

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