St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Course Information SheetCourse Title: Course Code: Prerequisite:Principles of Mathematics,Grade 10, AcademicMPM2DGrade 9 Mathematics, AcademicCOURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course enables students to broaden their understanding of relationships and extend their problemsolvingand algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning.<strong>St</strong>udents will explore quadratic relations and their applications; solve and apply linear systems; verifyproperties of geometric figures using analytic geometry; and investigate the trigonometry of right and acutetriangles. <strong>St</strong>udents will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-stepproblems.The mathematical processes are to be integrated into student learning in all areas of this course.CONNECTION TO OUR CATHOLIC FAITH<strong>St</strong>udents will apply Christian values to pose and solve problems, to make logical decisions, and to becomecritical thinkers who share their abilities for the benefit of all in their classroom and school community. Asupportive mathematics classroom provides a caring and sensitive environment where the dignity and valueof all students is respected and affirmed as they grow in confidence in their mathematical abilities.Mathematical investigations will promote a respect for God’s creation and an understanding of the need touse resources wisely.<strong>St</strong>randsQUADRATICRELATIONS OF THEFORM y = ax 2 + bx + cANALYTIC GEOMETRYTRIGONOMETRYOverall ExpectationsDetermine the basic properties of quadratic relations;Relate transformations of the graph of y = x2 to the algebraicrepresentation y = a(x – h)2 + k;Solve quadratic equations and interpret the solutions with respect tothe corresponding relations;Solve problems involving quadratic relations.Model and solve problems involving the intersection of two straightlines;Solve problems using analytic geometry involving properties of linesand line segments;Verify geometric properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, usinganalytic geometry.Use their knowledge of ratio and proportion to investigate similartriangles and solve problems related to similarity;Solve problems involving right triangles, using the primarytrigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean theorem;Solve problems involving acute triangles, using the sine law and thecosine law.
Unit TitleAnalytic GeometryQuadratic Relations of the Form y = ax 2 + bx + cTrigonometryUnits and TimelinesApproximate Time35 hours40 hours30 hoursInstructional strategies: modeled, shared and guided instruction, cooperative group learning, accountable talk, independentapplication and consolidation, experiential learning, inquiry-based learning, robust thinking (critical analysis and reflection).Assessment and Evaluation BreakdownCATEGORIES 100%Knowledge/Understanding 40%Thinking 25%Communication 10%Application 25%TERM 70%SUMMATIVE 10%FINAL EXAM 20%Assessment and Evaluation <strong>St</strong>rategies: classroom presentations, conferences, demonstrations, quizzes, tests, and exams,observations, performance tasks, question and answers, self-assessment.Assessment and Evaluation Tools: Checklists, exemplars, scales, rubrics, self and peer assessment, anecdotal notes.Focus on Learning SkillsResponsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-Regulation• Fulfils• Devises and • Independently monitors, • Accepts various roles and • Looks for and • Sets own individualresponsibilities andcommitments withinthe learningenvironment.• Completes andsubmits class work,homework, andassignmentsaccording to agreedupontimelines.• Takesresponsibility forand manages ownbehaviour.follows a planand process forcompleting workand tasks.• Establishespriorities andmanages time tocomplete tasksand achievegoals.• Identifies,gathers,evaluates, anduses information,technology, andresources tocomplete tasks.assesses, and revises plansto complete tasks and meetgoals.• Uses class timeappropriately to completetasks.• Follows instructionswith minimal equitable share of work ina group• Responds positively tothe ideas, opinions, values,and traditions of others.• Builds healthy peer-topeerrelationships throughpersonal and media-assistedinteractions.• Works with others toresolve conflicts and buildconsensus to achieve groupgoals.• Shares information,resources, and expertise, andpromotes criticalthinking to solve problemsand make decisions.acts on new ideasand opportunitiesfor learning.• Demonstrates thecapacity forinnovation and awillingness to takerisks.• Demonstratescuriosity andinterest in learning.• Approaches newtasks with a positiveattitude.• Recognizes andadvocatesappropriately forthe rights of selfand othersgoals and monitorsprogress towardsachieving them.• Seeks clarification orassistance when needed.• Assesses and reflectscritically on ownstrengths, needs, andinterests.• Identifies learningopportunities, choices,and strategies to meetpersonal needs andachieve goals.• Perseveres and makesan effort whenresponding tochallenges.N.B. Additional Information Found in <strong>St</strong>udent’s <strong>School</strong> Agenda/Board Policy:Lates, Absences and Missed Assignments follow the YCDSB Assessment & Evaluation Guidelines, in compliance with the Ministry ofEducation Policy on Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting.<strong>St</strong>udent Fees: In accordance with Board Policy 601, there are no course fees for basic course materials (e.g. textbooks, workbooks, handouts). Some courses mayoffer enhancements (e.g. field trips, musical instruments, activities) for which there maybe a fee. Board Policy 601 is available on the board website of Textbook: Principles of Mathematics 10 Replacement Cost: $110.00Please note that homework and scheduled quizzes/tests can be found in the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> website: website will bring you directly to Ms. Vena’s website. On my home page, you will then look tothe left to find your course MPM 2D1.Name of Teacher : Ms. D. Vena<strong>St</strong>udent SignatureParent/Guardian Signature