Denmark - International Encyclopaedia of Laws

Denmark - International Encyclopaedia of Laws

Denmark - International Encyclopaedia of Laws


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104–110Part I, Ch. 2, Scope <strong>of</strong> ApplicationDanish Competition Authority’s website, the legislation is under revision. However,it is expected that <strong>Denmark</strong> will simply follow the Commission’s approach.III. Cooperatives: Now Repealed104. A previously applicable executive order (Executive Order 1029 <strong>of</strong> 1997)to the Danish Competition Act contained specific provisions concerning cooperatives(or co-ops). Under section 6 <strong>of</strong> the Competition Act, agreements and concertedpractices that were formed or occurred internally within a group <strong>of</strong>companies were exempted from the prohibition on restrictive agreements.105. Agreements between undertakings organized in a co-op were to be deemedinternal agreements and ins<strong>of</strong>ar as they were necessary in order to secure the operation<strong>of</strong> the undertaking, were exempted from the prohibition in section 6.106. The executive order on co-ops was repealed on 1 July 2005. The Commission’svertical and horizontal block exemptions (as enacted into the Danish legislation)and the Commission’s guidelines cover the area.§3. STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES AND PUBLIC UTILITIESI. No Special Danish Provisions107. This particular area <strong>of</strong> Danish law is largely the same as EU competitionlaw. There are no special or unique provisions.108. As a starting point, state-owned enterprises and public utilities are governedby the same rules as all other types <strong>of</strong> companies – the Competition Act. Section2 <strong>of</strong> the Competition Act is widely framed to catch all types <strong>of</strong> businessenterprises, including state-owned enterprises and public utilities. Even so, a fewsectors are still governed by slightly different rules.II. Postal Service109. <strong>Denmark</strong>’s postal service sector has traditionally taken the form <strong>of</strong> amonopoly. Even today the sector still retains some <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong> amonopoly, and it cannot be said that competition is entirely free.110. The state-owned company Post Danmark is responsible for and performsthe Danish postal service. 1 Post Danmark is exclusively licensed to distributecertain categories <strong>of</strong> domestic letters. While the exclusive license previouslyextended to the entire postal service sector, the field <strong>of</strong> application has been reduced38 – <strong>Denmark</strong> Competition Law – (February 2011)

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