This Book in PDF - Gary North

This Book in PDF - Gary North

This Book in PDF - Gary North


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XIVIS THE WORLD RUNNING DOWN?second com<strong>in</strong>g. Historical escape is exactly what New Age mysticsoffer them, but without ask<strong>in</strong>g them to give up the fundamentalpr<strong>in</strong>ciple of their Darw<strong>in</strong>ian religion: an escape from God's judgments.Which, ifeither, of these escapist religious appeals should weexpect to w<strong>in</strong> the hearts of Darw<strong>in</strong>ian humanists, New Age mysticismor Scientific Creationism? The answer is obvious. The NewAge mystics allow secular humanists to reta<strong>in</strong> the heart of theirDarw<strong>in</strong>ian religion: human autonomy.An Alternative to Historical DespairChristians need a better alternative than historical despair, bothfor themselves and for their presentation of Christ's gospel of redemption.We are at war with post-Darw<strong>in</strong>ian evolutionism, and thiswar encompasses every area of life. Very few Christians recognizethe comprehensive, literally life-and-death nature of this war, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gmembers of the Scientific Creation movement. Marx understoodit, Len<strong>in</strong> understood it, but Christians don't. Occasional tacticalvictories dur<strong>in</strong>g well-organized even<strong>in</strong>g debates are motivationallyencourag<strong>in</strong>g to those Christians who happen to attend or listento the tapes, but these tactical victories are not decisive to the outcomeof the war. The Darw<strong>in</strong>ists are still w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g the visible war.Not a s<strong>in</strong>gle liberal arts college or university has been captured forsix-day creationism. (Christian Heritage College began with six-daycreationism; it was not captured for it.) There has not even been a"close call." Not a s<strong>in</strong>gle Christian denom<strong>in</strong>ation or association hasadopted the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of the six-day creation as a screen<strong>in</strong>g doctr<strong>in</strong>efor the ord<strong>in</strong>ation of its pastors and deacons, let alone the facultymembers at their underfunded, struggl<strong>in</strong>g colleges.<strong>This</strong> <strong>in</strong>dicates that the vast majority ofChristians still do not believethat the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of the six-day creation is relevant for Christianspiritual life. There is a reason for this: Scientific Creationists havewritten virtually noth<strong>in</strong>g on how and why the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of the six-daycreation must reshape all of modern Christian theology and the entireChristian way of life. Christians have not been shown clearlyand decisively that Darw<strong>in</strong>ism is a total worldview, and that by accept<strong>in</strong>gany aspect of this worldview, Christians compromise andweaken the presentation of the Christian worldview, as well as riskdisobey<strong>in</strong>g God. They have not been shown how evolutionismspreads like cancer from the geology or biology textbook to everyarea of personal ethics and public policy. Worse, they have not been

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