PART A AGENDA ITEM 11 - The Princess Alexandra Hospital | NHS ...

PART A AGENDA ITEM 11 - The Princess Alexandra Hospital | NHS ...

PART A AGENDA ITEM 11 - The Princess Alexandra Hospital | NHS ...


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DL advised the East and North Herts and West Herts PCTs have merged andare now <strong>NHS</strong> Hertfordshire.Minute 24/02/08 Maternity and NICU future provision – para 3Extra community midwife support has also been put in place to support NICUbabies being cared for at home.Should read:-Extra community midwife support has also been put in place to support NICUbabies being cared for after discharged home.Minute 24/02/08 Maternity and NICU future provision – para 9<strong>The</strong> recommendation is for an additional 18 inpatient beds with the ability to beused flexibly for ante and post natal care and for NICU to maintain capacity at 16with the potential to flex to 20 costs according to demand.Should read:-<strong>The</strong> recommendation is for an additional 18 inpatient beds with the ability to beused flexibly for ante and post natal care and for NICU to maintain capacity at 16with the potential to flex to 20 cots according to demand.Minute 24/02/08 Maternity and NICU future provision – para <strong>11</strong>Although the increasing demand is good news for the Trust, the service currentlyruns at a deficit and will continue to do so for the next 2 years before moving intosurplus in year 3. AB reported for maternity £2.7m on additional income inforecast positions with income rising from £15.1m to £17.9m for 2013/14. <strong>The</strong>offers from the PCTs do not offer this level of additional income in obstetrics.<strong>The</strong> other key element is around cost reduction with the Women’s & Children’sBusiness Unit with the planned levels being very challenging.Should read:-Although the increasing demand is good news for the Trust, the service currentlyruns at a deficit and will continue to do so for the next 2 years before moving intosurplus in year 3. AB reported for maternity £2.7m of additional income inforecast positions with income rising from £15.1m to £17.9m for 2013/14.However, the offers from the PCTs do not offer this level of additional income inobstetrics. <strong>The</strong> other key element is around cost reduction in the Women’s &Children’s Business Unit with the planned levels being very challenging.Minute 24/02/10 – (Operational Update) Financial Performance Report –para 3Charnley Ward opened in February which will add to March costs. Risksassociated with Charnley Ward being open were discussed and it was now notcertain whether WEPCT would now pay the additional income to cover the costsof re-opening the wards. <strong>The</strong> additional risk of infection was noted and the highrisks associated in the costs of temporary staff.Should read:-Charnley Ward was open in February which will add to March costs. Risksassociated with Charnley Ward being open were discussed and it was now notcertain whether WEPCT would pay the additional income to cover the costs ofre-opening the wards. <strong>The</strong> additional risk of infection was noted and the highrisks associated in the use of temporary staff.31/03/05 ACTION POINTS FROM LAST MEETING• 23/12/04 - PATIENT EXPERIENCE REPORT – YBYB quarterly PET report to be brought to the March 20<strong>11</strong> Board or PS&QTarget Date 31.03.<strong>11</strong> Not yet completed and ongoing dialogue between YB and PK to beshared at PS& Q Committee2

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