Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42


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-2354 CY Inzhilem II killed in internal feud of the Neheli-Artzin. Junior Branch Artzin destroyed (3162 SD)[figured][Suloise Empire](Sea of Dust)Dragon 230 [11]Ubron Thrideen, of House Neheli, crowned [Suloise Empire] Dragon 230 [11]emperor of Suloise Empire. (3171 SD) [figured] (Sea of Dust)c –2350 Eight Orbs of Dragonkind completed sometime [Suloise Empire] Dragon 230 [11]after this year (c 3166 SD) [figured](Sea of Dust)-2150 CY First year of Flannae Tracking system (1 FT) [Ur-Flan?] 9578 [14]Flanaessc –1900’s Tribes of Touv wander the savanna and lower Hepmonaland 11374 [36]jungles of Hepmonaland, Olman tribes war witheach other in the northern jungles.c –1900 - – Olman develop develop stone and bronzework. Hepmonaland 11374 [36]1500 Begin to build great cities in northernHepmonalandc -1700 Fall of "troglodyte" empire in the Amedio Jungle Amedio Jungle 11374 [62]c –1600 Gnomish creators of the Jermalaine servant race [Suloise Empire] Dragon 241 [49]were destroyed by Suel spellcasters (c 3916 SD)[figured](Sea of Dust)Rise of intelligent gorillas, the d’kana, in the Amedio Jungle 11374 [62]Amedio Junglec -1500 Keraptis establishes himself as protector ofTostenhcaGriff Mountains 11434 [3]Note: given the rest of the dates in this section,this date conflicts with the –730 –720 CY entry.This date could be –1100 CY.-1408 CY Crowning of first Touv King in Kundanol.Beginning of the Touv Calendar (1 TC)(The Kingdom of Kunda lasts for a little over 1200years)(First King Onatal gains kingship by defeating hisbrother Onak)Hepmonaland 11374 [38](11374 [37])(11374 [50])Note: 1200 years is misfigured; this should beover 1100 years (-1408 CY to –240 CY)c –1400 Kingdom of Sulm thrives in central Bright Desert [Kingdom of 9386 [15] [assumed]Sulm] (BrightDesert)-1250 CY Iyapo declared an official city-state by Kingdom of Hepmonaland 11374 [50]Kunda (159 TC [figured])c –1215 Imperial Suloise Congress votes to create Derro Suloise Empire Dragon 241 [40](4301 SD) [figured]c -1200 D’kana disappear from the Amedio Jungle Amedio Jungle 11374 [62]c –1100 Xagy and Joramy forge Queen Ehlissa’sOerdian 2011A [158]NightengaleHomelands (Ull?)The high priests of the Olman city-states ofHepmonaland 11374 [47]Alocotla and Xapatlapo make a pact with the godTlaloc. The yuan-ti race is born.Keraptis driven out of Tostenhca[Ur-Flan?] (Griff 11434 [3]Note: could conflict with –730 –720 CYMountains)c -1000 Migration of Hepmonaland Olman into theHepmonaland, 11374 [47] [assumed]Amedio jungle.Amedio JungleFlannae tribes inhabit the Pomarj region Pomarj 11621 [120]-805 CY Olman of the Amedio declare themselves the true Amedio Jungle 11374 [64]Olman nation. Beginning of the Olman Lunacalendar (OL 1)

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