Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42


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(mid-Harvester)(Autumn)(Brewfest)[156]Quij helps in the sacking of Tenser’s Castle Greyhawk 9577 [98] [assumed]Squad of men ransack Otiluke’s house onSummoner CourtGreyhawk OJ 7, Shadis 50 [28] 2Bissel falls to Ket Bissel 11743 5 [33], 1068 AB [20][assumed]Belvor breaks siege of Chendl and drives Iuz back Furyondy 9399 [4]Note: Conflicts with 583 CYMassacre of at Steelbone Meadows in northeastern Bandit Kingdoms 11743 5 [25]Wormhall. Deranged cleric of Iuz destroysfighting men of Abarra.(Freeholders massacred at Steelbone Meadows)(Midlands forces destroyed)(11743 5 [26])(11743 5 [27])(Wormhall forces suffer great losses)(11743 5 [30])(Patchwall) Cockatrice Riders raid Castle Sulafrait ????? 1064 CP [55]Imric von Suss-Varren, gnome count from the Greyhawk OJ 7, Shadis 50 [31] 2Principlality of Ulek. Comes to visit Otiluke’shouse on Summoner Court(Sun’sebb) Destruction of Greenkeep ???? Ivid [NP-Greenkeep] 1A huge street fight breaks out between a clerics of Greyhawk OJ 7, Shadis 50 [28] 2Pholtus guarding a merchant wagon, and clericsand followers of Tritheron on Summoner Court inGreyhawk. Six are killed.Years of This period of time marks the reconstruction afterRecovery the damage of the Greyhawk Wars585 – 590 CYYear of Peace 585 CY 11743 5 [16]585-588 CY Earldom of Sterich retaken from the giant andSterich 9577 [35]humanoid armies585-591 CY Doomgrinder’s "sails" moves one degree Greyhawk 9578 [50]585 CY Nyrondal raid on Prymp Nyrond Ivid [SP-Prymp] 1(month/timeunspecified)Ratik starts ambitious castle building program Ratik 1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]A large school of Dolphins appear in Relmor Bay Relmor Bay 1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]Lake Quag runs with "blood" Perrenland 1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]"Plague" of Midmeadow ?????? 1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]Canon Hazen aquires Crook of Rao from Drax of Rel Astra, Veluna 1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]Rel Astra"Winter of Hunger" in northern Nyrond Nyrond 1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]Construction on the River Road/Main Road near ??????? 1064 CB [15]FordkeepGreyhawk Militia render help to woodsmen of the Greyhawk, Wild 1064 CB [44]Gnarley ForestCoastPeren Striaken joins Ryell Pass garrison ?????? 1064 CB [83Ahlhamazad becomes member of Circle of Eight Greyhawk 9578 [22]Note: Conflicts with 586 CYTheodain Eriason becomes first demi-humanGreyhawk 9578 [22]member of the Circle of EightNote: Conflicts with 586 CYWarnes Starcoat elected to the Circle of Eight Greyhawk 9578 [23]Note: Conflicts with 586 CYFuryondian Knights of the Hart call for theannexation of Verbebonc and DyversFuryondy,Verbebonc,Dyvers9577 [36], 11621 [6], 11743 5[132]

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