Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42


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(month/timeunspecified)(King)Note: Occurs during or after the middle of theyear, see (Mid-Year)Sterich freed from humanoid (giant) army(The town of Flen, in the Good Hills, is used as astaging area for the counterattacks)End of Battle of Grabford results in the siegewhich captures Crockport from Iuz for FuryondyProclamation of return of Shield Land government(on Scragholm Island and the area surroundingCritwell)Sterich 9578 [12], 11743 5 [50, 66](11743 5 [145])Furyondy 9577 [21], 11743 5 [47]Shield Lands 9577 [21](Needfest)(Coldeven)(Mid-Year)(Lady Katarina named Knight Commander of the(11743 5 [29])reestablished government of the Shield Lands)War to retake Geoff begins Geoff 9577 [35]Murder of guildmaster of Docker’s andGreyhawk 9577 [77]Wharfman’s Union of Greyhawk, replaced by hisoldest son, Screel DorfmanBeggarmaster Gaspar disappears from Greyhawk, Greyhawk 9577 [126]and is replaced by Simeon HellwaterThree great cranes built by dwarven engineering Hardby 11621[34]and Gynarch magic in the north end of the DockDistrict in HardbyKnights of the Dispatch mount a violent offensive Geoff 11743 5 [49, 141]into Geoff from Hochoch into Oytwood. Althoughthey were victorious against a small army of lessergiantkin, the effort was inconclusive and costly.Theocrat Ogon Tillit leads Palish forces (with Tenh, the Pale 11743 5 [82]Tenha converts) and recaptures eastern Tenh fromIuzian forces.Wilfrik’s bastard half-elf son, Langard of theVerbebonc 9577 [37]Gnarley Border, is installed as Viscount ofVerbeboncKeoish forces have reclaimed “the whole of11743 5 [108]civilized Sterich.”Iuz loses control of Sevvord Redbeard of Hold of9578 [12], 9577 [22-23], 11743 5Stonefist, Hold of Stonefist renamed Stonehold Stonehold, Tenh [16](End)(Sevvord gathers Fists from across Tenh, kills allclerics of Iuz within reach, leaves rearguard tooccupy Calbut and returns to Stonehold, drivingbarbarians back from Kelten and securing the pass,and the returns to Vlekstaad)Belvor succeeds in reconquering lost territory(11743 5 [109, 113] [ref])Furyondy 9578 [12], 117<strong>42</strong> 4 [5], 11743 5[16](Reclamation of all of Furyondy from Iuz)(9577 [21], 11743 5 [62])589-590 CY Gromond opens Gromond’s Rope and Leather in Geoff 11413 [68]Pest’s Crossing sometime during this period.589-591 CY Invasion of trolls from the Troll Fens into the Pale Theocracy of the 117<strong>42</strong> 4 [13] (assumed)Pale589 CY Signing of the Solnor Compact, a defensiveRel Astra, 9577 [29](month/time alliance between Rel Astra, Ountsy and Roland Ountsy, Rolandunspecified)Elven Ship reported seen in the Densac Gulf9577 [29](Elven ships sighted further east on the Solnor byships from the Sea Barons in the late 580’s)11743 5 [68]

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