Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42


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The WarYears582 CY – 584CYThe wizard Sevant attacked and killed by the BlackSorcerer of Verbebonc in Sevant's Cove (north ofHardby)A distant relative of Duke Karl of Urnst vanisheswith his expedition near the Vale of the LamiaruinsNot since the Twin Cataclysms have so manypeople been affected by related events. Thecontinent wide struggle of the Greyhawk Warsshapes the future of the Flanaess.Note: Although care has been made to arrangeevents in a relational fashion, unspecified datesare arranged, where possible, only according tological chronological order, not to a fixed orderin time. It is assumed, for instance, that Iuzdefeats Adumfort before he captures LordHolmer, but the texts do not give an indicationof when in the year these events occurs.1 st Year of the Greyhawk WarHardby 11621 [48]?????? 9577 AM [4]YEAR 1582-584 CY Events of the Greyhawk Wars (and Boxed set) Flanaess 9577 [4], 11621 [6, 32], 11743 5582(month/timeun-specified)Humanoid and bandit raids increase from Abor-Alz hills. Greyhawk sends garrison ofmountaineers to protect Hardby. (unspecified date)The events of the module WGS1, The Five ShallBe One, including the rise of the Cult of Vatun[46]Hardby 11621 [32]NortheastFlanaess9317 [3], 117<strong>42</strong> 4 [4], 11743 5[15](Iuz triggers Greyhawk Wars by stirring unrest(11743 5 [62])among Barbarians of the Thillonrian Peninsula)The events of the module WGS2, Howl From the Northeast 9339 [5], 1068 AB [6], 11743 5North, including the arrival of "Vatun" and the Flanaess [15] (ref.)gathering of the Barbarians for warHorned Society forces withdrawn from Shield [Horned Society] 9577 [3]Lands(Iuz)Beginning of Greyhawk Wars Flanaess 9577 [19], 11621 [120, 122]Stonefist invade TenhHold of the 1068 AB [7], 1064 Atlas [5],Stonefist Ivid [BE] 1 , 9578 [10], 11743 5(Stonehold) [113] (ref)Calbut destroyed by Fists Tenh 1068 AB [7], 11743 5 [113] (ref)Nevond Nevnend falls to Fists Tenh 1068 AB [8] [assumed], 11743 5[26] (ref)Turin Deathstalker leaves Greyhawk City,Greyhawk 1064 CB [8], 9577 [126]Vesparin Lafanel replaces him as DirectorLast reported monster (a crypt thing) to appear??????? 1064 CB [28]from SourloadHermit of Wavenair appears ???????? 1064 CB [28]Iuz conquers Horned Society during the Blood [Horned Society] 9577 [91, 108], 11413 [89]Moon Festival(Iuz)Note: Conflicts with 583 CY and 583 (Coldeven)datesIuz conquers Bandit KingdomsNote: Conflicts with 583_CY__Flocktime_Scarlet Brotherhood influences Turrosh Mak totake leadership of his orcish tribe, the Nedla. (6098SD) (Rise of Turrosh Mak)Hardby comes under the protection and control ofGreyhawk CityBandit Kingdoms 9577 [23]Pomarj 11374 [5]Greyhawk,Hardby(11621 [120])11621 [32] [assumed]LGJ 1 5 [26]

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