Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42

Greychrondex 42


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-272 CY Crowning of Mandros I “The Oerdian” of Sedenna Keoland LGJ 1 5 [9]in Keoland (Last of the Early Kings)c –265 Tuerny creates the Iron Flask of Tuerny the9576 [56] [assumed]Merciless-252 CY A disguised priest of Meyanok works his way into [Kunda] 11374 [50]the inner councils of the prince of Jolan. (1157 TC[figured])(Hepmonaland)-250 CY Jolan secedes from Kingdom of Kunda (1159 TC [Kunda] 11374 [47, 50][figured])(Hepmonaland)-246 CY The directives of the Scarlet Brotherhood have Tilvanot 11374 [4]almost completely subsumed the goals of theSuloise Council of Noble Houses in the TilvanotPeninsula (5270 SD)Peninsula (ScarletBrotherhood)-245 CY Tilvanot Civil War, three remaining independent Tilvanot 11374 [4] [assumed]Suel Houses attempt to overthrow the ScarletBrotherhood. (5271 SD)Peninsula (ScarletBrotherhood)-243 CY Scarlet Brotherhood defeats final remnants of [Kingdom of 11374 [3]rebelling Suloise Noble Houses. ScarletBrotherhood assumes formal control of Tilvanotgovernment, calling the peninsuala "The Kingdomof Shar." (5273 SD)Shar] (ScarletBrotherhood)-2<strong>42</strong> CY Borders of Keoland first expand to presentKeoland LGJ 1 5 [9], 11743 5 [65]boundaries-240 CY Fragmentation of the Kingdom of Kunda (1169 TC [Kunda] 11374 [47] [assumed][figured])(Hepmonaland)-236 CY Luschan I of House Rhola crowned king ofKeoland LGJ 1 5 [11]Keoland (First of the Middle Kings). Followed byhis son Luschan II.Founding of Sterich Sterich LGJ 1 5 [11]-217 CY Founding of Kingdom of Aerdy (<strong>42</strong>8 OR[figured])[Aerdy] ([GreatKingdom])9025 [5, 56], 1015 [9]-216 CY Lord Mikar, scion of House Garasoth, becomes thefirst grand prince of Aerdy (<strong>42</strong>8 OR)[Aerdy] ([GreatKingdom])11743 5 [23]2nd CenturyBCYNOTE: This date is in error, see –217 CY due toOR date miscalculation.Founding of Aerdy (<strong>42</strong>8 OR)NOTE: This date is in error, see –217 CY due toOR date miscalculation.Flan Kingdom of Ahlissa conquered by Aerdi tolater form nucleus of the South Provence (5 thCentury OR)-193 CY Ascension of Malv II of House Rhola to KeoishThrone-171 CY Battle between Aerdians and Flannae tribe atChokestone (474 OR/1980 FT)Founding of Gran March by Keoland, as an awardto the Knights of the Watch to defend the northernborders of the Duke of Dorlin.Note: Conflicts with –161 CY-170 CY The Suel city Matreyus (originally the OlmanElatalhuihle) falls for unknown reasons. Warbetween Olman and Suel continue in Amedio forthe next 700+ years. (636 OL/5346 SD [figured])[Aerdy] ([GreatKingdom])11743 5 [93]Kingdom of 11743 5 [80]Ahlissa (SouthProvence,Ahlissa)Keoland LGJ 1 5 [11][Aerdy] ([GreatKingdom])Gran March,KeolandIvid [NP-Chokestone] 111743 5 [65]Amedio Jungle 11374 [63]

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