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on the way | Healthy Vegetarian Dietmother, baby & child october 201336MBC: What can you tell expectantmums about the heath of their baby ifthey decide to continue their vegetariandiet throughout pregnancy?Laura: The most important thing when you arepregnant, and indeed outside of pregnancy, is tolisten to your body. We are all very different andour nutritional needs also vary, what really feedsand nourishes one person may leave the nextperson feeling weak and lethargic.If a pregnant woman feels good eating vegetarianfood during pregnancy there is absolutely noreason why she cannot have a healthy pregnancyand a very healthy baby. Many people areconcerned about the lack of protein in a vegetariandiet but this simply is not true since protein frommeat sources are not easy for our body to absorb,and there is an abundance of protein in vegetariansources. For example, try adding Spirulina, a darkgreen algae in powder form to your smoothies asit contains 65 percent protein where as red meatcontains only 25 percent.MBC: What foods should vegetarianexpect mum’s try to incorporate intotheir daily diet in order to maintaina healthy balance of protein for bothmother and baby?Laura: Eat a variety of nuts and seeds, chia seedsare wonderful as they are rich in essential fattyacids, protein, minerals and vitamins. Incorporatea variety of whole grains like brown rice, wildrice, oats and buckwheat all of which have goodamounts of protein. Quinoa is a full protein sourcefor vegetarians and should definitely be included.Lentils and beans are also important but easy onthe soy products as it is high in phyto-oestrogen.Incorporating tofu a couple of times a week is finebut don’t take soy milk. Instead try almond milk,this is very nutritious and full of protein.MBC: Are iron deficiencies morecommon during pregnancy formothers who are vegetarians?Laura: Iron deficiency is always a concernfor pregnant women but it comes downto good nutrition rather than just eatingcopious amounts of meat! Kale forexample actually has more iron than redmeat so this is a must to include in yourdiet. Spirulina also has good amounts ofblood building iron. If you are particularlysensitive to low iron then taking a naturalsupplement is beneficial, I like the liquidiron by Floradix yeast and gluten freevariety.MBC: How can expectant mumsincorporate omega 3’s into theirdiet?Omega 3 is vital for brain developmentand function, proper growth and a healthynervous system of the baby. Try snackingon chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkinseeds. If you find it difficult to includethese nuts and seeds in your daily routineyou can always take a supplement butensure it is of a good quality with nomercury content if opting for a fish basedsupplement.Reference:Laura HollandWorld VegetarianDayOctober 1Holistic Wellbeing Consultant & Nutritional TherapistS.A.C Dip (Nutritional Therapy & Clinical Nutrition)Food for Life, Dubainutrition_inshallah@ymail.com

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