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Wedding Nightby Sophie Kinsellabookworm mumWhat She Wantsby Cathy KellyWhen Lottie’s boyfriend’s ‘bigquestion’ turns out to involve a bigtrip abroad rather than proposingmarriage, which is what she wasexpecting, she is absolutely devastatedleaving her hurt and vulnerable. During thisdifficult time, an old flame, Ben, calls her andreminds her of their pact to get married at30 if they were both single. Given her currentstate, she agrees immediately. Friends andfamily of both Ben and Lottie know that theyare making a mistake and in order to stopthem from ruining both their lives, her oldersister Fliss decides to come up with a planto make sure they know that marriage is adecision not to be taken lightly!Available at <strong>Read</strong>er’s ParadiseNicole, Virginia, Hope andSam all think they all have theirentire year figured out. Hopewill still be slogging it out as aworking mum. Her sister, Sam,is going to be climbing to the very topas boss of a record label, turning headsand having her photo emblazoned onthe business pages as the toughest, mostbrilliant music mogul around. Wild childNicole reckons she’ll still be partying withthe girls and possibly snogging a guyhere or there. And grandmother Virginiawill be affectionately teasing her belovedhusband, Bill, for spending too much timeon the golf course. But what if fate hasother plans for them?Available at <strong>Read</strong>er’s ParadiseDaddy’s Gone A-Huntingby Marry Higgins ClarkHappierby Tal Ben-ShaharHannah Connelly, a twenty-eight-yearold designer and rising star in the fashionworld, is plunged into a web of horror andgrief when she learns that Connelly FineReproductions, the family owned furniturebusiness founded by her grandfather, hasbeen leveled by an explosion in the middleof the night. Everything has been destroyed- the warehouse, the showrooms, and themansion where priceless antiques have beenon permanent display. Worse, to escapethe flames, Hannah’s younger sister, Kate,had jumped from a window and is nowhospitalized in a medically induced coma,suffering from life-threatening injuries. Thefire marshal on the scene is openly suspiciousthat someone, maybe even Kate, intentionallyplanned the explosion.Available at <strong>Read</strong>er’s ParadiseCan You Learn to Be Happy? Well yesaccording to the teacher of HarvardUniversity’s most popular and life-changingcourse! One out of every five Harvardstudents has lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar’s insightful and inspiring lectures onthat ever-elusive state: HAPPINESS.HOW?Grounded in the revolutionary“positive psychology” movement, Ben-Shahar ingeniously combines scientificstudies, scholarly research, self-help advice,and spiritual enlightenment. He weavesthem together into a set of principles thatyou can apply to your daily life. Once youopen your heart and mind to Happier ’sthoughts, you will feel more fulfilled, moreconnected . . . and, yes, HAPPIER!Available at <strong>Read</strong>er’s Paradise53mother, baby & child october 2013

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