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XABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONSBenseler/Blass = Isocratis Orati<strong>on</strong>es, recognovit, praefatus est, indicem nominumaddidit G.E. Benseler. Editio altera stereotypa curante F. Blass (Leipzig:Vol. I, 1878; Vol. II, 1879)Blass = F. Blass, Die Attische Beredsamkeit (Leipzig, 2nd ed.: I, 1887;II, 1892; III 1 , 1893; III 2 , 1898)D-K = H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, revised by W. Kranz(Berlin 1934-1937)Drerup = Isocratis Opera Omnia, recensuit, scholiis testim<strong>on</strong>iis apparatu criticoinstmxit E. Drerup (Vol. I <strong>on</strong>ly, Leipzig 1906)FGrH = F. Jacoby (ed.), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Berlin1923-1930 and Leiden 1940 1958)Guthrie = W.K.C. Guthrie, A History of Greek Philosophy (Cambridge1962-1981)K-A = R. Kassel and C. Austin (eds.), Poetae Comici Graeci (Berlin andNew York): Vols. II (Agathenor-Arist<strong>on</strong>ymus), 1991; III.2 (Aristophanes),1984; IV (Aristoph<strong>on</strong>-Crobylus), 1983; V (Damoxenus-Magnes), 1986; VII (Menecrates-Xenoph<strong>on</strong>), 1989; VIII (Adespota),1995Kaibel = G. Kaibel (ed.), Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta I.1 (Berlin1899)Kock = T. Kock (ed.), Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (Leipzig: Vol. I,1880; Vol. II, 1884)LIMC = Lexic<strong>on</strong> Ic<strong>on</strong>ographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Zurich and Munich1981-1999)LSJ = Liddell/Scott/J<strong>on</strong>es, Greek Lexic<strong>on</strong>Mathieu/Brem<strong>on</strong>d = G. Mathieu and E. Brem<strong>on</strong>d (eds.), Isocrate,Discours. Texte etabli et traduit. . . (Paris: Vol. I, 1929; Vol. II, 1938,Vol. III, 1942; Vol. IV, 1962)Nauck = A. Nauck (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (2nd ed.,Leipzig 1889)PMG = Poetae Melici Graeci. In the case of Alcman, Stesichorus andIbycus, reference is to Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. VolumenI. . .post D.L. Page edidit M. Davies (Oxford 1991); otherwise toD.L. Page (ed.) Poetae Melici Graeci (Oxford 1962)Radt = Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta Vol. III (Aeschylus), ed. S. Radt(Gottingen 1984); Vol. IV (Sophocles), ed. S. Radt (Gottingen 1977)RE = Paulys Real-Encyclopddie der AltertumswissenschaftRG = L. Spengel (ed.), Rhetores Graeci, III Vols., Leipzig 1853—1856:references are by volume number and page number (I.1 etc.) orby volume, page and line number (I.1.1 etc.)

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