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34 INTRODUCTIONthat he should ascribe to the original prosecutor charges which hebelieves were implicit at the time of the trial, even if they were notopenly used, 86 than than that he should resp<strong>on</strong>d in detail to a newcase against Socrates put forward in a pamphlet after the event.Another attempt to prove Libanius' use of Polycrates' Accusati<strong>on</strong>rests <strong>on</strong> a link between Libanius Apologia Socratis 87 and Plato Gorgias484b. 87 The argument turns <strong>on</strong> citati<strong>on</strong> in both places of the Pindarfragment F 169a Maehler (lines 1-4):At Gorgias 484b, Callicles is made to cite this fragment is support ofhis theory of 'natural justice'. At Apologia Socratis 87, it is said to havebeen cited by Socrates' accusers, in the c<strong>on</strong>text of their complaintthat Socrates attacked the great poets. Libanius upholds Socrates'criticism of Pindar:Clearly Libanius relies <strong>on</strong> a corrupt versi<strong>on</strong> of the Pindar fragment,which instead of(Paraphrased here as This corrupttext appears also in our manuscripts of the Gorgias. Libanius believes,or makes his defender of Socrates believe, that what is in fact thecorrect text (is a cunning 'improvement' ofPindar's text <strong>on</strong> the part of Anytus.Wilamowitz argues that Plato himself misquoted the Pindar fragment,and that Polycrates jumped at the opportunity to attack him —or 'Socrates' — for the misquotati<strong>on</strong>. A variati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> this view is put86 Such as, perhaps, the charge that Alcibiades was a product of Socrates' evilinfluence (Mem. I.ii.12): see below.87 See especially Wilamowitz 1919 II.95-105 and Chroust 1957 pp. 89 f. withn. 507 (giving further references).

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