Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org


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“Well, I could comfortably live in one <strong>of</strong> these rooms… if I were ten meters tall”,Dr. Grovepath said.“Nice big bed, though!” Daleworth said and sat down on it. “And the surface isactually fairly comfortable. Really, I've slept on harder surfaces. I might actuallylive here. Come on, try siing here.”One <strong>of</strong> the rooms in New <strong>Avalon</strong> wasn't really built for any specific purpose.It was a “bedroom”, fairly clearly; in a way, it sort <strong>of</strong> reminded Daleworth andDr. Grovepath <strong>of</strong> a weird bedroom beyond the star-filled monolith in a certainfamous work <strong>of</strong> speculative fiction they had been discussing on their first visit toNew <strong>Avalon</strong>. Merlin had just said the room was for temporary storage and foritems that needed careful handling, so the large padded area that looked kind <strong>of</strong>like a bed was fairly undestandable. Still, it did look like a very opulent bedroomin a very large castle.Dr. Grovepath grinned. Daleworth inviting himself to sit by her like this wasalmost ridiculously blatant, but he didn't really mind. “I'm not going to removethe rest <strong>of</strong> my spacesuit, Mielle. I don't still trust on those pumps, you know.e station just wasn't built for pressurisation…”“…and this isn't quite my idea <strong>of</strong> a date either, Paul, hauling knights to somespace station and disturbing valuable scientific study. Please just come have a sithere, Paul…”Dr. Grovepath walked closer, smiling widely. “Don't mind tha… Oh my.” hebegan, but Daleworth leapt on his lap and gave him a qui kiss, staring into hiseyes and smiling widely.“Well, I can kiss people without dating them yet, can I?” Daleworth said andgrinned.“Well, since you started it…” Dr. Grovepath said with a grin, and didn't wastetoo mu time grabbing Daleworth in his embrace and kissing her ba — witha bit less hurry than what Daleworth had done, because he wasn't trying to takeadvantage <strong>of</strong> the surprise. She just knew he'd need to kiss her, and if a soldierexpected a direct assault, you wouldn't want to disappoint them…“GUYS!” came a distorted, eoing sound from the lile speakers in the helmetsthat lay on the bed beside the two lovebirds. Some scientist hollered onthe command annel. “Everybody! Look at public vid annel ! Major stuff!Alert from the ship.”“Shit!” Daleworth muered, and quily stood up, puing her helmet ba on,while Dr. Grovepath tried to do the same.“Saved in the ni <strong>of</strong> time from the evils <strong>of</strong> oral sex.” Dr. Grovepath grinned.“Harrr”, Daleworth said, smiling but not particularly amused. She flippedthrough the video feeds and puned in annel , quietly wondering if thiswas someone's aempt at a joke. At least it was not the Planners; everyone knewthe Planners weren't supposed to try so blatantly obvious and, if a bit <strong>of</strong> an un-

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