Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org


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V. S F T15 TH 0F FEBRUARY, 2632 AD, YE START 0F YE CIVIL TWILIGHT IN WINTRY KINGD0MS 0F BRITANNIAACTIVATI0N HATH BEEN M0ST SUCCESSFUL, SIRE, EVEN M0RE S0 THAN I DARED T0 DREAM. BUT H0LDN0W TH0U STILL, WHILST I MAKE THESE MACHINES T0 FIT THE STANDARDS 0F THE 0NG0ING ERAYE MENTAL FACULTIES SHALL BE REAWAKENED, D0 N0T BE ALARMED……downloading public information…………updating…………synchronising………February 15, 2632, 19:59 UTC“I am awake.”“Yes, sire.”“Merlin? You have… awaked me?”“at is true, sire. I am glad to see your very essence and your mental facultiesare safe and sound, my King. How do you feel?”“I feel… most different. It is all rather difficult to describe, my friend.”“e confusion is quite understandable, sire.”“I am in darkness, Merlin, with open eyes. Have I gone blind?”“No, sire. Ah, do you not remember? Let me tell you again: You are merelycarried within your noble Steed, rather than in its saddle. And thy new steed, andthy new armour, shall bestow you new knowledge. Behold, sire — you can nowsee the hour <strong>of</strong> the day, in most precise way.”He had seen nothing. Now, he could see the time and date within his vision— yet, it all seemed strange. Merlin had, as usual, su a curious habit <strong>of</strong> showingnew things at su a fast pace that his mind was oen le spinning.“Yes, I remember now, Merlin. I… remember what thou told me in yesteryear.”“I have awakened you, for it appears evil threatens the lands, my King. Areyou fit to lead the Knights, sire?”“I am, and I shall do as I have sworn to do.”“And your fellow Knights are here, awaiting your commands, my King.”

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