Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org


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aised his hand and pointed to ea <strong>of</strong> his companions in turn: “With me are thegeneral who has done most to repel the latest Planner aa, General Pyrehill; Asolar and historian who would like to learn and discuss more <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong>this station, Dr. Colbert. Behind me stand our escort and honour guard — fine,most upstanding bale-hardened veterans from one <strong>of</strong> our fleet's finest starships,who also took some part in the latest assault where one <strong>of</strong> your knights was <strong>of</strong>paramount assistance.”“Well met, esteemed lords and ladies.” Arthur turned to Malory. “So how doI address a President, and how does one become one?”“Some just style me as ‘his excellency’, though most call me ‘mr. President’ ”,President Malory said. “though fellow leaders <strong>of</strong> the countries <strong>of</strong> the Federationmostly just call me by my name through the course <strong>of</strong> the day. In our world, mustmake decisions, not focus on needless formality. As for how I was osen — Fordecades, I served the country <strong>of</strong> Canada as a minister, later rose to the post <strong>of</strong>a Prime Minister, and by popular vote — <strong>of</strong> every man and woman <strong>of</strong> age, whowant to make a oice — I was osen to serve as the President <strong>of</strong> Earth for a term<strong>of</strong> six years. And five years ago, I was elected for a second term.”“A leader osen by all people. I see. And you must have made quite animpression on people with your leadership, having the whole world vote for you.”“I have always said my aievements speak for themselves, even though theyare not deeds <strong>of</strong> legend. Deeds for the history, perhaps. If I were to find a wayto end this long-lasting conflict, or even endure through it, that might secure myplace in the legend — though I do not consider that my primary concern.”“But you seek to end this war <strong>of</strong> yours, no?” Arthur asked.“I do.”“And what prevents you from doing that?”at was an interesting question, President Malory thought. “Mostly the cunning<strong>of</strong> the enemy, the fact that they move in many mysterious ways, and the factthat we cannot possibly know how, or if, they can actually be defeated. We havea lot <strong>of</strong> soldiers, but it is hard to aa when one has no idea where the aashould take place, am I right?”“I see”, Arthur said. “In that light, and what Merlin has told me, your warseems indeed like the kind <strong>of</strong> a grim hour that could plunge your glorious empireinto a lightless abyss.”“One could say that. Our colonies in other planets and moons already liein ruins. e aliens have now turned their gaze to our world, and have madetheir first landfall. is is our last stand — unless we somehow find clues on thewhereabouts <strong>of</strong> the enemy and destroy them.”Arthur pondered for a few passing seconds. “ere are a lot <strong>of</strong> mysteries inthis new world <strong>of</strong> ours. Even Merlin cannot explain why or how have we beensummoned here—”

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