Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org


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ident, I am willing to part with my secrets. Bring me your experts. My ways arecomplicated, mr. President, and I shall not waste a day trying to educate you. Ionly tell the Knights how and perhaps a lile bit why their mainery works, ifit helps them to operate the armour. But to tell more is insanity.”Dr. Meryl Colbert raised her hand. “Okay, who do we bring in?” She was,indeed, an expert in history, and was likewise recruited from Greater NewburyportUniversity over her objections — but the military thought it was necessaryto take the experts from the same place to maintain some level <strong>of</strong> secrecy. Shewasn't sure what the point <strong>of</strong> that was either; aer all, history <strong>of</strong> warfare knewmany cases where people found clustered events curious, and many cases werepeople started to pay undue aention to isolated incidents that ended up being related.Despite this sort <strong>of</strong> monotony that the history tended to have, where peoplebasically ended up geing screwed no maer what they did, the young, plump,freled, blond pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> history could tell that to the students in an interestingand engaging manner. She seemed unfased when meeting these weird historicfigures with their outrageous manners.Merlin shrugged. "Even your solar has quier wits than you, mr. President.President Malory looked stung. “I was merely trying to say, before your outburst,that the protocol dictated my actions. I am here to find new allies in ourfight against the Planners. Scientific issues were on the agenda next. But I agreethat bringing more scientists aboard would be a good idea — sharing what weknow is an excellent opportunity. I trust Dr. Colbert's judgement. Wasn't there ascientist in the first survey team?…”“Ah, you mean that engineering pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Dr. Grovepath.” Dr. Colbert said.“I have things to tell about the Knights and their Armour, and perhaps a lilebit about the history <strong>of</strong> this facility”, Merlin said. “If you can find experts on these,perhaps we can discuss.”“All right”, Dr. Colbert said. “Dr. Grovepath is already busy looking at thevideos and photographs we collected from the previous journey, and he'll love tohear more about the armour. I should call Mannerheim and ask him to come over— and bring that araeologist with him. Dr. Merrywood, that was his name,right?”VII Legend <strong>of</strong> the Armoured KnightsFebruary 17, 2632T , and it was jolly good time for the scientistsand soldiers alike. And Merlin had completed his spin cycle. Daleworthfelt the world had seen many bizarre sights in this war — and all wars

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